Wanna Lift

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Millie's POV:

"Alright, so.. now what?" Finn asks as he comes tumbling down the stairs wearing shorts and a black hoodie, each step he takes making a creaking sound on the stairs. "You're the host." Noah mentions while gesturing to him, to which he just sighs. "Right.. you guys wanna watch a movie?" He suggests with his brows raised, Noah and I exchange a glance before either nodding or shrugging. "Great. Noah, you know the Netflix password- I'll go get some drinks." He states before running off into the kitchen, still visible by the rectangular hole in the wall that's put there purposefully. "Okay.. what're we gonna watch?" Noah asks, drawing out the 'okay' as he skims through the home page of Finn's Netflix account. "Ooo, what about Stranger Things? I hear it's pretty good." He suggests with his eyes still on the TV. "Isn't that the one set in the 80s?" I guess, an image of a commercial I saw for it flashing in my head. "The 80s? Okay- we're definitely watching it." Finn announces as he comes back into the living room with sodas in hand, excited to watch anything that has something remotely to do with the 80s. "Here you are, m'lady." He says as he hands me the cold can of pop, giving me a soft smile. "Why thank you, kind sir." I reply, my accent coming to good use. "Quiet people! It's starting." Noah snaps, getting our attention to the screen where the words 'November 6th, 1983 Hawkins, Indiana' is printed over the starry night sky. "That's weird, Hawkins is where I used to-" "Shh!" Noah interrupts with his hand out towards my face, his eyes glued to the scientist-like guy running fearfully down some flashing hallways. "-live." I whisper to myself, sighing before looking back at the show. After the scientist gets pulled up by an unknown creature, the camera pans onto a group of four boys sitting around a table, seeming to play some type of board game.

"Okay, is it just me or do those kids look exactly like you guys? That one even has the same hat as Gaten." I ask Finn and Noah, seeing as Gaten's still asleep. "It's just a coincidence, plus we don't look that much alike." Finn insists, not really convincing me just because they probably did look like them before going through puberty. "Okay- but the hat thing is still weird." I mutter, they just shrug. About twenty minutes later of people freaking out because Noa- Will has vanished (taken by the same monster thing but they don't know that) the camera pans up to a girl in a hospital gown.. and that's when it gets weird. "Okay, what the fuck? She literally looks exactly like me!" I exclaim with my hand gesturing to the girl that might as well be a younger version of me. "Okay yes, this is really weird- that one white haired scientist does look like Mr. Modine, and same with Mr. Keery, and Mrs. Ryder, and Mrs. Dyer. But- that doesn't mean they somehow cloned us." Noah protests, only proving my point further. "Hey, at least they don't have a girl that looks like Sadie." Finn mentions with a shrug. "Whatever, let's just watch our cloned selves we didn't know existed." Noah insists, all of us not knowing what else to do other than exactly that.


Hours pass of watching episode after episode of the addicting show, growing more fond of everything about it with every scene that plays. By the time we reach the 6th episode I can hear light snores from the couch beside me. Looking over, I watch in cuteness overload at the sight of the three guys asleep together, almost overlapping over one another on the couch. With a sigh I carefully take the remote from Noah's hand and turn off the TV, taking a picture of the trio with my phone soon after. I quickly pull on my jeans and quietly gather my belongings and pull on my converse, trying my best not to wake them as I get ready to leave. Knowing Finn would be disappointed if I left without saying goodbye I turn on my heels and tip-toe over to the edge of the couch. I carefully lean down and gently press my lips against his cheek, pulling away just as quickly as I leaned in. His breath hitches as a smile grows on his face, his brown eyes fluttering open soon after. "Hey, where you going?" Finn questions groggily but still quiet, watching me as I make my way to the front door. "Home; I told my parents I'd be home by 9." I reply while also opening the door behind me. "Okay, see you tomorrow then." He mutters before falling back asleep, I nod my head and walk away from the warmth present inside his house, closing the door behind me. My thoughts overtake my attention as I allow my legs to do the walking for me, already having the route home memorized.

But seriously, why the hell did that show have practical clones of us and some of the teachers at school? I mean.. that doesn't just happen randomly. Maybe they were right, maybe I was just thinking they looked like us because I wanted to relate to the characters. But even so, the fact that they all had the same color everything and looked exactly like them, it still freaks me ou- Two quick honks echo into my ear as a dark red pickup starts driving right next to me as I walk, causing my thoughts to disappear as I watch the window roll down to a familiar boy right behind it. "Hey! Millie, right?" The short, curly haired teen asks, his looks still undeniably breathtaking. "Uh- yeah." I answer shyly, walking a bit slower. "Where you headed?" He questions curiously, still making me nervous he's going to crash due to not paying attention to the road. "Home." I reply simply, staring down at my chuck taylors. "You wanna ride?" He offers, causing my eyes to snap up at his. I look over at my shoulder to see if anyone's watching, just so they don't think I'm cheating on Finn or something. Noticing that the coast is clear, I let my eyes meet with his and shrug, "Sure." A pearly smile finds a way onto his face as I run around the front of his truck and climb inside. "What street is it?" Wyatt asks as he presses on the gas gently, waiting for an answer. "Um.. Mirkwood." I respond, pointing forward. "Alright, next stop: Mirkwood Ave." He states as he pushes a little harder on the gas pedal. After a few moments, the silence in the air starts to drive me insane as one question pops into my head. "If you don't mind me asking, why were you shirtless the first time we met at Finn's house?" I question with my brows furrowed, watching as his lips curve into a smile. "Is that really the first thing that comes to mind when you think of me?" He teases, a hint of surprise in his kind voice. "How would it not be? First impressions are everything." I reply, he glances over at me with a soft smile that ends up being contagious. "And how was my first impression?" Wyatt questions slyly, looking back to the road. A light coat of red colors my cheeks as I try to answer, "Uh- You were... shirtless." I state truthfully, pressing my lips together to stop myself from saying anything else embarrassing. "Is that so? Well my first impression of you was pretty adorable, the way you stared at me with wide eyes was just-" He says before pressing a hand to his chest as if to say 'aw'. "Shut it." I snap, looking out the window in attempts to cover my embarrassed smile and flustered face. "You  sure?" He asks innocently, as if he wasn't messing with me only seconds ago. "That one." I interrupt, pointing to the place I call home. The pickup lurches to a stop on the familiar driveway, remembering every crack in the cement like the back of my hand. "So Millie, I'm having this party at my place tomorrow night and I was really hoping you'd like to come?" He mentions, watching me with a glimmer of hope in his brown eyes. "Uh yeah, for sure." I answer with a shrug, giving him a short nod. "Okay, great! Well, have a nice night Miss. Brown." Wyatt says, pressing his lips together as he stares at me. "Miss. Brown?" I repeat with a crooked smile and scrunched eyebrows. "What? I'm not allowed to be old school?" He defends, his answer making me giggle. "It makes you sound like my teacher or something. Just stick to casual names, okay?" I instruct, to which he nods. "Can I call you Brown?" He asks with a brow raised. "Sure, Wyatt, you can call me Brown." I assure as I pat his shoulder before jumping out the dark red truck and slamming the door shut. "Oh-And thanks for the ride!" I mention, now standing on my porch as his car slowly descends down my driveway. "Anytime, Brown!" He shouts back before driving away, leaving me with only choice: going inside. I open the door and swiftly go through the routine of slipping off my chucks and hanging my coat onto the golden hook, closing the door behind me. "I'm home." I announce, not that anyone would notice. "Oh, hey! Who's truck was that?" Mum questions after giving me a quick bear hug. "Just a friend's." I answer vaguely, hoping she won't push further. "Not Finn?" Charlie asks as he comes down the stairs with furrowed eyebrows. Damn you, Charlie! "Uh.. no." I respond honestly, to which his confusion only grows but he continues to walk away. "Oh, well we should set up a date for Finn to come over for dinner, since you two were too busy at the library that one night." She suggests, it takes me a few seconds to remember that, that was our lie. "Yeah, sure... speaking of English, I have an essay I gotta do so, bye." I inform her before bolting up the stairs with my backpack in hand. Reaching the comfort of my bedroom, I sit down at my desk with a sigh and open my laptop, pulling up a new Docs to start on my paper. Right, the topic is love and basically everything about it.. this should be easy, right? I mean, I'm literally in love right now so.. yeah, no biggie. And with that final thought I let my fingers race across the keyboard, writing about not only my 'soulmate' but everything I can think of that has to do with love, and the actual meaning of it to me.

(btw no hate on Wyatt, I just love writing about how hot I think he is 😂)

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