Hard To Fix Things

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Finn's POV:

I quickly lose her attention after that as we begin to gaze upon the pictures again. "I really like this one," She admits as she picks up a black and white photo of Sadie and her sitting in a window with Millie's knees up to her chest as she holds up a piece sign; the setting looking very similar to the bay window. "Sadie took it the first night I was here and ironically, the first time we met.. and the first time I went to a party here." Millie lists off with a reminiscent smile. So while she only stares at the photo I can't help but stare at her. Even if I wanted, I don't think I'd be able to look away. The easiest way to describe it, I think, is like my eyes always draw to her.. like a magnet. No matter where I'm at or what we're doing.. if she's there, I'm a lost cause. "What? Something on my face or am I just that beautiful." The brown eyed girl remarks jokingly. "Freaking. Goddess." I state. She rolls her eyes at me yet still she smiles her pretty white smile.

She glances at the Polaroids one last time before moving off the bed and rushing to her desk, reaching up to a square shaped camera that sits on a shelf until coming back with a smirk on her lips. "Oh no.. no, we're not doing that." I insist while backing away on the bed slowly. "C'mon, please?" I shake my head. "For me?" I glare at her for using such an easy technique, a cheap shot- if you will. She pouts her lips, the sight causing me to roll my eyes in defeat knowing I won't win this battle. Millie crawls onto the bed and moves closer to me as she then holds up the Polaroid, "Smile!" She exclaims cheerfully before then sticking out her tongue while I only rest my jaw in my palm. She brings down the camera as she waits excitedly for the final product to come printing out the bottom. Needless to say, I peer over her shoulder to see despite my lac of enthusiasm to take it. Millie waves it it the air between her thumb and index until the picture emerges from the black, revealing a black and white picture of our poses together. A gasp escapes her lips as she looks to her left to see my face that's already resting on her shoulder. "You didn't smile!" She complains, her words not matching the uncontrollable smile printed on her gorgeous face. I close my eyes as I perform the most innocent, child-like smile I can possibly do. With an actual smile now on my face, I open my eyes to see Millie rolling hers with that same smile.

"You're such a loser, beanie boy." She mutters with a smile, gently taking my jaw in her hand and pulling me in the few inches needed for our lips to collide. Her smile fades quickly as our lips move together, her hands moving from my jaw to around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist as I struggle to keep us from falling back with my own core strength. "Millie," I warn between our lips colliding, knowing I can't hold us both up much longer without falling off the bed. Though she only hums as a response, the small action allowing me to feel subtle vibrations from her lips as she pulls me closer to her. Soon enough my strength gives out and I begin falling back onto the carpeted floor, taking the brunette with me. "Millie?!" I hear a familiar voice shout after our loud impact. The shout soon followed by quick thumping up the stairs and to the door before we can even fully untangle ourselves from each other's arms. I stare with heaving breathes and wide eyes as the door busts open to reveal none other than the redhead herself, Sadie Sink.

"Holy shit you scared me." I admit with a sigh of relief as I let my head fall gently onto the carpet. "Finn?! What the hell are you doing here?" Sadie asks, more suspicious than angry. "I thought you were Charlie or some shit- you had me scared, red." I remark with a chuckle, running my free hand through my hair. Not bothering to remove my hand from Millie's lower back as she sits up, criss crossing her legs beside me. "Oh, if it was Charlie, you'd already be dead." Millie confirms with a smile, one that I can't resist as I sit up slightly to press my lips against hers until falling back to my original place on the carpet. "Okay.. what the fuck? I thought you two were like taking a break since Finn went wack-job crazy." Sadie queries, closing the door behind her while glancing at the photos Millie laid out. Smiling, she speaks before either of us can answer. "I see you've looked at the photos I took." The brunette nods casually as a response. "We were, until I realized it's kinda hard to fix things when no one does anything to fix it. So I came here, and now we're good." I explain with a shrug, moving my thumb in circles on Millie's back out of boredom.

She raises her brows at me, "And then you just happen to fall somehow?" She asks, not convinced. "Well.. not exactly..." Millie trails off, a coat of red forming along her soft cheeks as she bites her lip. "Oh my gosh, no way... no-fucking-way." Sadie squeals out while jumping up and down from excitement. "You were making out!" She shouts, causing Millie to instantly shush her as I hide my burning face by pulling my shirt over my head. "Shut up! Not so loud, my parents are literally downstairs." She scolds, to which Sadie mutters a quiet 'sorry'. "I honestly hate having friends." I mumble flatly, though meaning it to be sarcastic. "Oh please, if it weren't for us you'd get her pregnant." Sadie remarks. "What?!" Millie reacts quickly, "You heard me, Mills. You'd be 7 months pregnant from boy you've only known for 2." She snaps. I quickly move my shirt back to it's place as I then furrow my brows slightly at her with my face cringing, though she only stares at me with an amused smirk. "Fuck off, Sink." I say with a roll of my eyes. "Don't tell me you haven't gotten close to.. I saw you guys come up here at the after party y'know." She confirms, I groan in annoyance at all the uncomfortable teasing. "I was drunk, and nothing happened." Millie retorts sternly. "Mhm, okay. We'll go with that, but.. it's really nothing you should be ashamed of, Caleb and I have-" "Holy shit, can we please stop talking about this?!" I scowl, relieved when Sadie raises her hands up in surrender.

"About Caleb.." Millie mentions, gazing down at me whilst I only furrow my eyebrows. "Sadie, Noah, and I.. we think- we think we should run away." She stutters out hesitantly. Immediately I prop myself up on my elbows, my brows only coming closer due to confusion. "What? Why?" I ask curiously. "Well it's just that with the security camera recording what Caleb did and recording Gaten cleaning it up, we could all go to jail once they put it all together." She explains, bringing up the thoughts that never occurred to me. Shit, she's right. "Is that really our only option?" I question hopefully, never actually thinking I'd leave this boring town and having been completely okay with that... until now, that is. She nods with a small frown formed on her soft lips, "Unless you'd rather go to jail.." "No, no. It's just something I never thought I'd do." I admit carefully. "What- run away or go to jail?" Sadie questions. "Both." I answer simply as I then press my lips together in thought. Looks like Caleb's getting out of this town after all, he's always said he hates it here anyway.


Millie's POV:

"Alright, so when do we leave?" I glance between the two standing on either side of me, all of us amazed by his immediate agreeing attitude. "Uh.. I don't know, I guess we thought we'd go for this weekend. So we could pack and everything." I suggest, which the blue eyed boy simply nods to before turning back to his work bench. "So you're just fine with this?" Finn questions curiously as his hands are placed on his hips. The boy shrugs as he spins on his stool to face us again. "I mean if it's our only option besides going to jail.. and we still get to have each other, it's fine by me." Gaten confesses and, once again, turns back to his work. "Well what about your family.. and Maddie?" I mention, unknowingly adding Maddie into the mix as if the others here knew. His curly head shoots up from his work at the sound of her name. Oh shit.. "Maddie, what's so special about Maddie?" Finn interrupts, not noticing Gaten's abrupt movement. "Nothing. She just.. nevermind, it's nothing important." He answers for me, not even bothering to look back and see Finn. His dark eyes settle in him suspiciously but still no words come out to protest against him. "But my family, they'll be fine. They barely notice me anyway, I'm always in here doing shit for them to even realize I'm home." Gaten states flatly; by 'here' meaning his garage, where he likes to make small wooden figures or just hangout in to do homework and such. Or in this case: inspect the items found in Caleb's bag.

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