Bump Into You

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Millie's POV:

That night I go to sleep with my essay finished and printed, allowing me to rest easy for the night. I wake up with a groan to the familiar sound of my alarm, already making me annoyed. I reach out to my bedside and grab my phone, unlocking it to stop the constant beeping before clicking it back off. Releasing a yawn, I sit up in bed and throw off my covers, swinging my legs over the edge before walking out of my room and to the bathroom door. I twist the handle, the sound of it being locked making me groan once again. I sluggishly knock on the door, hearing a 'one second' from the other side immediately after. "Charlie, hurry up!" I whine just as the door swings open, allowing me to see Charlie brushing his teeth and giving me the 'chill out' look. He spits into the sink and washes out his mouth with water, smiling in the mirror before thankfully walking out. I quickly brush my teeth and hair before heading to my closet to get dressed. After about two minutes of putting together what I would call a 'cute outfit', that may or may include some of Finn's clothing, I dash downstairs with my bag in hand and my essay neatly placed inside it. "Hey Mum, Sadie wants to go to the library later today and have a sleepover at her house. Can I go?" I ask, making a cover up for Wyatt's party, while simultaneously stuffing a couple of granola bars in my bag.

"Millie, it's family dinner night." Mum reminds me as she makes scrambled eggs for Ava who is apparently 'sick', which we all know is just an act, but since she's in elementary we 'let it slide' as Mum says though really it's just plain bullshit. "I know, but I promise I'll make it up to you and never miss a family dinner again just please and-" I whine, stopping as she lets out a defeated sigh. "Fine, but don't miss curfew." With a beaming smile I run up and wrap her in my arms as I repeatedly say 'thank you' over and over until she tells me to get going before I'm late. I stroll down to the curb with a confident smile plastered on my face, glad my whole pleading and good girl act fooled my mother. I jump into the backseat of Sadie's jeep, per usual Noah's already sitting in the passenger seat. "Did she fall for it?" Sadie asks eagerly as she looks over her shoulder at me. I lean forward and put my hands on the sides of their seats, "What do you think?" I shoot back sarcastically, causing the two to devilishly smile as they look at me. "That's my girl, we're getting lit up tonight!" Sadie announces as Noah and I laugh at her 'extra-ness' that we've grown to love.


"It's weird alright, but at least there wasn't a girl that looked like me." Sadie mentions, I just shrug and continue to grab my things for fourth period: History. "Hey Mills? I gotta go, Caleb keeps staring at me." She states, patting my back with her eyes still on the dark skinned boy. I smirk at her with wiggling eyebrows, causing her to roll her eyes before walking away. Just as I close my locker the bell rings throughout the school, warning students to get to class. I let out a heavy breath before turning on my heels, a little too quickly judging by the way I ran into someone, dropping all of my things in the process. "Oh- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you like that." A familiar voice apologizes as he helps gather up my books, not hearing the 'it's okay's I'm muttering under my breath. I go to reach the last book just as he does, causing our hands to graze each others coincidentally. I freeze, looking up at the curly haired boy with his lips pressed together as he looks back at me. I clear my throat as my eyes shift down, causing him to swiftly pick up the last book as we climb to our feet. "Sorry about that." Wyatt says as he hands me the forgotten book, a small smile on his lips. "It's fine.. thanks." I reply, refusing to look him in the eye again. "Guess I'll see you later tonight then?" He asks with a hint of hope in his soothing voice. "Uh y-yeah, course." I answer with a nod, glancing up at the smiling boy. "Okay well, later Brown." Wyatt says before continuing to stroll down the hall, my eyes following him as he goes. Another bell rings throughout the halls, indicating that I'm late. "Oh shit, shit, shit." I mumble to myself as I race down the empty hall to the classroom, practically bursting through the door as all the eyes snap to me. "Don't bother with excuses Miss Brown, just take your seat." Mrs. Ryder instructs with her hand gesturing at the only empty desk. Feeling extremely embarrassed I quickly sit down at my seat and take out all the supplies needed for today. Once settled I let out a quiet sigh, glad that little problem is over.

Periods fly by, most of them not including any of my friends. My ears are blessed when the last bell of the day rings throughout the school, probably pleasing many. "So you know how the Upside Down was another dimension, right? Well maybe those actors are like- us, but if we were actors and played characters in Stranger Things." Noah theorizes, trying to explain the weird situation with us and that strange show. "Then why would the show Stranger Things be apart of this dimension if we haven't created it in this one?" I question with a hint of sass, to which he shrugs. "Maybe their just our doppelgängers." He guesses with his head tilted slightly until he seems to shake off the thought. "Anyway, the Snowball's next week- you're going right?" Noah asks, reminding me that I never told anyone about Finn being my date. "Uh- yeah, with Finn actually." I answer shyly, staring down at my moving feet as Noah and I walk down the halls of North Forsyth High. "No way! When'd he ask you?" He questions eagerly, adding a small hop in his step at the news. "Um.. like- what? Two, three days ago?" I guess, not quite remembering. "No shit. Well congrats Millster, you guys make a hot couple." Noah explains with a nod, a faint smirk on his lips. "Hot?" I repeat, laughing in confusion. "Yeah! Two attractive people together equals a hot couple, duh." Noah informs me as if it was obvious, I just shake my head with a smile plastered on my 'attractive' face. Eventually we make it to the entrance of the building where teens sit around talking or texting on their phones, some even walking around the parking lot for no apparent reason. "Mills!" A familiar female voice calls after me, running up to me with her fiery hair bouncing in the air. "I'll see you later Millie." Noah says before waving goodbye and walking away. "Hey, you wanna get ready at my house?" Sadie asks curiously, though the answer should be obvious. "Sure, let's go."


I sit on Sadie's queen sized bed with my legs crossed, watching as she applies her makeup in her full body mirror. "Can I please just add some highlight or something?" Sadie begs as she looks over at me through the mirror, red lipstick in hand. "I don't like highlight." I reply with a shake of me head. She groans, "Okay fine, but at least put this on." She caps the lipstick before tossing it over to me. With a short sigh I apply the red makeup onto my soft lips, pressing my top and bottom together afterwards. "I did it, now can we please get going? It's almost 10 and the party started at 9!" I whine, still wearing the clothes from today. "Millie, you can't go to a party dressed in Finn's stuff." Sadie states, revealing that she knew. "What?" I ask, acting falsely confused. "You're literally wearing an over-sized shirt that's the style that Finn wears, and his favorite red beanie? C'mon." She explains, making me feel a little smaller than before. "Here, tie the shirt around your waist and put this on." Sadie instructs as she throws me a black crop-top, the sleeves thankfully going down to my elbow. I quickly do as I'm told, hoping it'll make her move quicker so we can leave. "Okay, Mills. Let's go party." Sadie says with a smile, allowing me to follow her out of her house and into her jeep, the two of us driving off to the Oleff residence with excitement in our veins.

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