It's Called 'Fun'

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Millie's POV:

"Hey, we can hangout tomorrow okay?" I suggest to Sadie as she pouts after I told her I had plans with Finn. "Fine. But if that stupid Wolfhard takes another minute of my time with you-" "You'd kill him, yes we know Sades." I finish with a sigh, she nods approvingly. "Okay, but still don't forget to text me all the details. Unless it gets too frisky, cause ew." She explains, I only nod while rolling my eyes before hugging her goodbye as I then stroll over to where Finn's leaning on the hood of his car, waiting patiently for me to join him. "Ready to go?" He questions as I walk past him, climbing into the car as I answer, "Hope so." He pushes himself off the hood before joining me in the car, starting it soon after. "So, what's the plan for today?" I ask curiously as the camero drives out of the parking lot, already playing some song by Mac Demarco on the stereo. "I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere that we've been before, but just us this time." He explains vaguely, causing me to stare at him in confusion as he just peers forward at the road. "That's not very helpful, beanie boy." I remark with a small laugh, to which he simply shrugs. After about ten minutes of driving through town with whom I think is Mac Demarco playing on the stereo, the black Camero finally lurches to a stop at a place I reminisce about often. "The lake?" I ask, looking over at Finn as he's suddenly ripping off his shirt. "Yep! And don't worry, I had Sadie put your swimsuit in your bag." Finn assures with his famous smile, the sight of him being shirtless still having me paralyzed in my seat. "You coming?" He asks as he clicks off the engine, throwing his keys in the cup holder. "I- Finn, it's the middle of November!" I exclaim, snapping out of my trance as he pushes open his door. "Actually it's the end, and it's called fun." He remarks while climbing out the car, looking over his shoulder at me before running off the dock and jumping into what I assume is an ice cold, lake.

A smile grows on my face as I shake my head, realizing I better get changed quickly. Within a minute I'm already wearing my British themed bikini and have my previous outfit shoved in my backpack. I quickly push open the door and jump out, slamming the door closed before running to the end of the dock. "Is it cold?" I ask worriedly as I watch Finn tread water a little bits away, his wet hair sticking to his forehead in a way I can't deny is attractive. "Depends, do you want me to lie?" He questions, giving me that same signature smile that melts my heart every time. "..No." I answer hesitantly, already guessing the obvious answer. "Then yes, it's fucking freezing. Now c'mon!" He urges with his hand gesturing for me to jump in. I let out a sigh as I take a few steps back before diving off the edge, the crisp water feelings like small pins as each part of my skin gets indulged underwater. I swim to the surface quickly, gasping as I rub the water from my eyes and push my hair back. "I told you it was cold." Finn retorts with a chuckle, swimming closer to me with a smile. "Guess we'll just have to stay close for body warmth, huh?" He suggests slyly, his hands slipping onto my bare hips. "God, you're such a flirt." I say, splashing a cold wave of water on his face as his hands retract instantly to block himself. "Hey!" He shouts as I laugh proudly to myself. "That's what you get!" I warn playfully, smiles being plastered to both of our faces as he swims closer again.

"You wanna play a game?" He asks, his tone more casual than flirtatious. "Who are you, Pennywise?" I joke, remembering the familiar question. "Oh please, I'm not that psycho." "So you admit you are at least a little psycho?" "We're getting off topic!" Finn interrupts, his slight frustration causing a smirk to form on my cold purple lips. "Okay, the game's called 'Find the Finn'. Good luck." He says before disappearing underwater, leaving me the only one above the surface. "Shit... uh- Finn?" I call out, not that I actually expect him to suddenly pop up. "I'm not sure if I like this ga-" Before I can finish my sentence, my body is being held in somebody's arms and legs wrapped around their waist. Wait, what the hell? Once the slash of water dissipates, a sigh of relief escapes my lips as I see the same dark haired boy staring at me with his lip between his teeth and water dripping from his hair. "You scared the shit out of me." I mutter, wrapping my arms around his neck as I stop tensing up. "Can I please kiss you?" Finn begs abruptly, his eyes looking longingly into mine. I laugh-like breath escapes my smiling lips as I lean down and place my lips into his, tangling my fingers in his dark wet hair that for once isn't covered by a beanie. That familiar jolt of energy rushes through my body at the contact, making me only want it more as the kiss deepens, our lips parting in sync in search for air before continuing to press against each other. I rely all my weight on him while still pushing myself against him, and before we know what's happening Finn's falling backwards into the water with me on top of him. With a yell I go face first into the water, gasping for air once I reach the surface shortly after Finn.

"Well, that's one way to end it." He states sarcastically, making me roll my eyes with a smile still present on my lips. "Come on, let's get out." He insists while taking long strokes back to the dock, climbing up swiftly and turning around to help me up. Once my body is fully out of the water, it just gets 10x colder due to the freezing breeze and my body being both uncovered and wet. "If we stay here any longer we're gonna get a cold." I mention as I hop around to get my blood pumping, though Finn doesn't seem that phased by the freezing state he's most likely in. "Uh yeah, let's go back to the car." He adds, taking my hand before leading me to the same Camero we came in. Once we're both sitting in the low rider, he turns his key to start the engine, which thankfully instantly starts up the heater. "I am in love with you." I confess while rubbing my hands in front of the fans, my words being directed towards it. "I'm in love with you too, Mill." Finn admits shyly, as if I'm the only girl who's ever heard those words from him. "Oh.. I uh- Thanks." I stutter out, thinking about explaining that I wasn't talking to him but not wanting him to feel stupid. He smiles sheepishly before grabbing something from his pile of clothing that's laying at his feet. "Here, put these on." Finn instructs as he hands me his red cotton beanie and his black/grey plaid button up. "But- what'll you wear?" I ask while hesitantly accepting them, my accent flourishing through my words. "Well, if you're okay with it, we could hangout at my place for a bit and I'll just change there." He offers with a shrug, waiting until I've finished the last button to shift the car into drive. "I'm fine with anything." I admit, nodding my head just before the car starts pulling out of the small clearing. "Then my house it is!" He announces with his finger in the air, causing me to snicker in amusement.


"Yeah, but why the hell would Noah's car be in front of my house in the first place?" Finn questions as he then opens the front door, revealing the answer right before us. "Hey, Finnlardmeegee!" Gaten cheers with a glass beer-bottle in hand, sitting on the couch with Noah at his side who's just staring at his phone emotionless. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask, the sound of my voice causing Noah to actually look up, giving me a smile. "We thought we'd hangout with you guys since Caleb and Sadie are busy." He explains, keeping his eye contact with me. "Doing what?" Finn questions, still being in only his trunks with his balled up jeans in his hand. "You never believed me if I told you." He warns, to which Finn scoffs. "Try me, Schnapp." "They're on a date." Noah explains as if he just shared some new gossip. "No way, they're actually gonna try it?" Finn asks, all of us knowing they've always refused to date in case their relationship ended, resulting in the group to break up as well. Noah just nods proudly with his arms folded together. "It's about time. I've had to deal with their flirting since they knew how to." Finn complains with a grunt afterwards, causing a bright smile to grown on my face. "I'll be right back, you good?" He asks me as he slowly starts making his way to the stairs, running up after I nod. "So, where'd you two go?" Noah questions curiously, following me with his eyes as I sit down in one of the recliners. "The lake." I answer, glancing over at Gaten who somehow seems to be asleep. "Did you guys... do anything?" He asks further, smirking suggestively. "What? No!" I answer quickly, knowing what he meant by that due to me wearing Finn's clothes and not my own. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Schnapper." I snap, already feeling warmth grow on my cheeks as I refuse to look him in the eye. "Just wanna make sure." He admits with his hands up in surrender, a slight smirk still plastered on his lips.

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