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Millie's POV:

I sang Fergie.. yes, Fergie as in the song with 'fergalicious'. But to be honest, I don't remember much after that song unless you count the faint memory of Sadie, Gaten, Noah and I all singing together. Otherwise, it's blank- I was drunk, drunk because of Gaten's punch. I know that, I know because hours later after people started finally trickling out at 4 in the morning my head started throbbing ridiculously, I threw up multiple times, and had heard Finn mumble in his sleep 'he warned you' when I went bolting out of my bed to the bathroom. Oh yeah.. by the way, I somehow woke up with a shirtless curly haired boy sleeping next to me. Don't ask how he got there or what happened for him to become shirtless, because truly, I can't recall.

(Earlier That Night)

I had just finished singing another song with Gaten who was without a doubt drunk as a skunk, slurring each lyric he sang. But, then again, I was my own level of 'drunk' myself. He wobbled into the crowd with a goofy grin on his face as I gave the machine to another guest. I notice Finn out of the corner of my eye, so hidden behind the crowd that if it weren't for my interest and knowledge of him, I'd never even realize he was staring at me from the end of the staircase with his back leaned on the wall. With one quick lock of our eyes, I find myself going over to him as he shoves his unoccupied hands in his pockets. "Can I tell you something, Mill?" Finn questions, already knowing the answer but asking nonetheless. I simply nod my head, a faint smile already growing on my lips. He looks over to the crowd, quickly presses his lips together, and turns his attention back to me. 

"With you singing like an angel and looking absolutely stunning.. I still can't believe I haven't gotten my hands on you since we got here." He admits, a slight smirk replacing his calm and collected expression. "Really now?" I ask seductively, coming a little closer to him as I then bite my lip; tasting a hint of liquor on them. Finn's eyes travel up and down me, his breath hitching as he uncomfortably shuffles his feet to keep himself composed, his smirk fading. The gleam in his eyes makes it much too obvious, the gleam of want, of infatuation. "Y-Yes." He answers, still desperate to control himself as I come closer. I lean over and whisper gently, "How 'bout I show you my room, beanie boy?" In his ear. I smirk as I see him shudder, loving the effect I easily have on him. Finn's head nods slowly as he gulps before carefully walking up the steps with me right at his side. "Hurry up, Finn." I instruct while quickly going in front of him and to my bedroom.

And that's when it starts, when he closes my room's door behind him and the sound of the lock clicking into place echoes to my ears. We both slowly walk towards each other, his hands instantly finding my waist as I tangle my fingers in his curls while our lips meet. At first gentle and wanting, but within seconds it's passionate and breathless. I tighten my arms around him as he does the same, making our chests meet and my heart to beat rapidly against his. Without thinking he quickly backs up to sit on my bed, my legs folding beside him so that I'm sitting on his lap. All while our lips crash together, tongues dance, and hands never leave each other's body. I move my hands out of his hair and slide them down his shoulders to the buttons of his white button-up shirt. I continue to take deep breaths through my nose and keep my lips connected to his, the taste making my whole body tingle.

I quickly start unbuttoning from the top of his shirt, never leaving his lips while doing so. His lips suddenly become slower and less passionate yet still having the same love and want with the kiss, almost as if he's hesitating. Our kisses gently come to a halt as my fingers freeze at the contact of his hands wrapped around my wrists loosely. I reluctantly open my eyes to see what's wrong. Finn bites the inside of his lower lip before sighing while his eyes fall down to my wrists that are held by his hands carefully; my fingers just centimeters away from the button I was just about done undoing. "Millie.. I can't do this, not when you're drunk." Finn admits, his voice showing how reluctant he is to say it. "Finn.." I say with a hint of plead in my voice as my hands touch the sides of his neck, though much of it is simply the alcohol talking. He turns his head while refusing to look me in the eye, knowing that the small hint will be just what he needs to ignore his morals. "Millie.. don't torture me, will ya?" He begs, now facing me as he continues to hold my wrists a little tighter. I press my lips together and nod, giving him a long peck before climbing off his lap and falling back into my bed.

It's only now that I realize the situation I'm in: a crowded party blasting music so loud I can hear it perfectly up in my room, the fact that I almost just slept with Mr. Heartthrob who is shockingly my boyfriend, all of our friends probably wondering where we went, I'm drunk out of my mind.... and still the only light shining in my bedroom is the moon's. I stare at the ceiling with the muffled sound of music coming from downstairs, seeing Finn button his shirt back up with my peripheral vision. "Finn?" I say aloud, folding my hands under my head. I can't faintly see his eyebrows rise in the dim light as he finishes the last button. "Yeah?" He answers curiously after receiving no answer. "Can we just- just sleep? I mean I know there's still a party and everything but I'm truly exhausted." I admit with a low breath. He casually nods, his curls bouncing slightly. "Yeah.." Finn says, rolling over to the other side of the bed and laying down with his clothes and my comforter untouched. "Yeah, we can sleep." He states quietly. And with that last word, the room fell silent with only the muffled sound of music present as he carefully rolled over on his side and cradled me from behind, leaving the only thing between us being our clothes and my purple comforter.


Finn's POV:

My eyes abruptly open to my body jerking itself awake with one movement. My breath hitches as I slowly look around the dark, silent room that belongs to the girl wrapped in my arms. ..No music playing. Dismissing the thought, I carefully slip my arms out from her body, holding my breath as I pray she doesn't wake up. She squirms slightly while muttering something incoherently before falling back asleep. I keep still with my eyes glued to her for a few more seconds, continuing to hold my breath. Once sure she won't wake, I slowly swing my legs off the side of the bed and rest my elbows atop my knees. My fingers run back through my tangled curls; only tangled because of the past events that occurred with that Foreign Spice that I just can't help but love tasting. With a deep sigh, I push myself onto my feet that're protected with black cotton socks. Knowing she won't wake up, I stroll out of her room while rubbing the sleep from my eyes and closing the door behind me. I groggily trudge down the carpeted hall to the staircase, hearing quiet voices from down below. As I reach the staircase I peer into the kitchen to see Caleb, Gaten, and Sadie standing or sitting around the island talking among themselves.

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