Snowball | Pt. 1

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Millie's POV:

Soon the black limo pulled up to our school, coming to a gentler halt than before. The seven of us file out of the limo looking like celebrities arriving on the red carpet, everyone who sees us watching in awe. "Seems we have an audience." Finn mutters in my ear with a smirk, his arm locked with mine. I sheepishly smile at his words. We all make our way inside the school and finally reach the gym where it's being held. The group walks inside with Finn and I being last inside. I peer at all the decorations, students in fancy clothes, and the stage that shines the cool colors across the dim gymnasium. Instantly I spot Gaten secretly scurry off to the snack table, disappearing from our group as he hogs out. Loud music blares from the speakers, sweaty students jump around on the basketball court to the beat, and some escape the crowd by sitting at the couple dozen circular tables the staff set out with neat decorations. In a way, it kinda reminds me of a wedding reception if everyone were teenagers and there weren't teachers making sure no one grinds on each other while they dance- not that they actually care enough to stop them.

I felt a slim arm slip into mine, causing my smiling face to shift to theirs. "I am so taking pictures tonight." Sadie admits, staring at everything with twinkles in her dazzling blue eyes. "Delete them if I look bad." I warn, putting my free hand on her upper arm so she knows I mean it. She nods while giving me the 'of course' look before running into the pack of kids with Caleb in hand. I look to my right to find Finn walking over to me, the sight of him still making me gush. His eyes meet with mine, "I saw a photographer back there, you wanna get some pictures in?" Gesturing behind him, I follow his thumb to a small corner where a backdrop is set up and some guy is taking pictures of couples and groups. I shift my eyes back to him just as his hand finds its way to my lower back, looking at me with raised eyebrows as he awaits an answer. "Finn, it's really unfair that you're so hot." I state abruptly yet honestly, the words leaving my mouth just as fast as I thought them in my head- where they were supposed to stay. Finn's face lights up with embarrassment and joy as he lets out a light laugh I can only describe as unbelievably precious. "So.. is that a yes to the pictures?" He asks again, causing me to blink before slowly nodding. We head over to the short line of students waiting and continue to simply talk about whatever, as usual.

Eventually the photographer waves for us to come into the shot and take our picture. Finn pulls me close to him so my face is nuzzled into the crook of his chest, both of us giving the camera a smile as it flashes. "Next!" The man says, waving us off as we go to grab the picture from the printing-machine-thingy. Finn stands behind me, reaching around me to pick it from the slot, looking at it with a glimmer of a smile. "It's cute, huh?" I suggest as I smile up at him, making him nod agreeably as he slips it into the pocket on the inside of his suit jacket. "Anything is cute if you're in it, new girl. Thought that was obvious?" He flirts, a confident smirk plastered on his face. "Actually, it wasn't." I reply, playing along as I step closer to him; his smirk never fades. "Y'know.. you're obliviousness blows my mind." He remarks before leaning in for a kiss that I stop by placing my hand on his chest. "Save that for later, beanie boy." I tease, looking over my shoulder at a smiling Finn as I then strut away towards the dance floor.

I begin swaying my body to the music with my hands over my head and my eyes closed gently, all the while knowing he's watching from afar. That is until I feel a hand touch my upper back, causing my eyes to open as it falls. For a second I unintentionally widen my eyes, expecting the person in front of me to be a curly haire- well.. a dark curly haired boy. Instead I'm left with the sight of Wyatt Oleff himself, dressed up in a white, black, and red themed suit. "Hey Brown!" He yells over the blasting music, his energetic eyes matching his bright smile nicely. I lower my arms to my sides as I smile back politely. "Hey!" I reply, hoping my yell sounded more casual that it probably did. His eyes travel from my feet to my head, a familiar expression plastered on his face. "Wow Brown, you look.. amazing." Wyatt exclaims, nodding in approval as he sorta hops to the beat. I shoot him yet another smile, "Thanks Wyatt." I say with what I bet is a flustered face. Can you blame me though?

As if on cue, I watch as Finn pushes through the swarm of people pushed up against us, a look of suspicion on his chiseled face as he looks between us. "Uh.. hey, Wyatt." He greets kinda awkwardly, raising his hand to him as he makes his way to my side. Wyatt gives him a nod back, a pleasant expression still on his face. Finn stares at Wyatt before leaning into my ear, his breath enough to make a shiver run down my back. "The others are looking for us." He states flatly, his intention obviously to make me leave Wyatt. As he leans away from my ear I look over to his dark, dreamy eyes that seem to be filled with something I wish wasn't there- the glimmer of jealousy. His jaw clenched to keep him from doing anything drastic... he's jealous of Wyatt, seriously Finn? I mentally sigh as I give him a nod, turning to the boy with a confused face. "We better get back to the group, later Oleff." I exclaim over the music, he gives me and 'ok' hand symbol before going deeper into the crowd of dancing teenagers. Finn slips his hand into mine and begins leading me out of the crowd, to where I believe is the snack bar- to which I was correct. And as we reach the outskirts of the dance floor the 5 missing people to our group come into view, all of them talking and laughing together- unless you're Gaten- then you're eating.

Sadie is the first to look over and notice us coming into the small circle-type group their in, her eyes instantly lighting up once they meet mine. "Hey! Where were you two?" She questions while giving me a quick side hug as Finn releases his hand from mine. "Just taking pictures is all." I answer with a shrug, to which she nods. I shift my attention to the whole group, noticing how Noah's arm is wrapped around Kenzie who is blushing profusely as he whispers something in her ear with a smile. Adorable. I end up getting caught up in a conversation with Sadie, Caleb, and Finn about the show 'Stranger Things' and how we're all still freaked out about the resemblance to us and many others in the show. Just then Gaten comes stumbling into view, from what it looks like he just got shoved away by M-Maddie Ziegler? We all focus our attention on him as he lets out a sigh, shaking his head as he joins us. "What the hell were you doing with Maddie Ziegler?" Finn asks, way more confused than angry. I see Gaten's throat bob, showing that he gulped out of fear or nervousness that doesn't show on his face. "Just trying to say hi, like a normal person, but apparently that isn't allowed." He answers, waving his hands at the end dramatically yet it's sarcastic. None of us have anything else to add so we just go on to a different conversation, one that neither Gaten or I contribute to as I silently watch him look over his shoulder at Maddie- a look of despair almost, on his face. Deciding not to confront him, I redirect my eyes to the others.

(hey guys! sorry i haven't been updating in like... weeks. ever since school and cross country started my life has gotten quite busy, but i still try to get as much writing in as i can. plus- i borrowed IT, the novel, from my friend and he wants it back soon so i'm trying to get it done before he starts flippin out. much love, thanks for being patient!)

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