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Finn's POV:

Millie awkwardly stands in front of me with her hand still in mine, unknowing of what to do as I only sigh. "Here." I mutter softly, putting her hands around my neck before placing my own on her lower back. "It feels so right, so warm and true, I need to know if you feel it too." I find her lightly blushing as we begin moving to the beat as the lyrics continue, sheepishly smiling as she refuses to make eye contact. "Maybe I'm wrong, won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong? This heart of mine has been hurt before, this time I want to be sure." Blushing uncontrollably, she faintly chuckles while putting her forehead on my chest embarrassingly. Not minding her touch, I quietly sing along with the chorus, relating with the lyrics intensely as I sway with the girl I continuously wish to call mine. "I've been waiting for a girl like you, to come into my life. I've been waiting for a girl like you, with a love that will survive. I've been waiting.. for someone new, to make me feel alive. Yeah, waiting.. for a girl like you, to come into my life." Millie's hand slide down to my shoulders, causing me to look down at her in worry as she keeps her forehead on my chest. "Is my singing annoying?" I ask only half joking, pulling my hands from her back slightly. She lifts her head as her arms wrap around my torso, resting her cheek back onto my chest after. "Not at all." Millie mutters while holding me tight in her small arms, her eyes wandering aimlessly in the direction her head is faced. I let out a laugh like breath through my nose, smirking faintly at her words. "I wish I could hear you sing." I mention, hoping I'll get something out of her. "Too bad, it'll be a long time until it's granted." She remarks slyly, causing me to roll my eyes.

A faint question rolls back to the front of my mind, and before I know it the words have already rolled off my tongue. "Millie, will you go to the Snowball with me?" I question, taken aback that I actually said it. She loosens her grip as her eyes meet mine, "W-What?" I let out a shaky sigh before repeating, "Well I was thinking.. maybe we could go to the Snowball, together." Her brows furrow before relaxing, her lips curving into a smile as her eyes light up. "Took you long enough, beanie boy." She teases before quickly stepping on her toes as her lips press against mine, her arms draping around my neck. I smile into the kiss while wrapping my arms around her torso, the fiery feeling of joy in my chest making everything else disappear. In this moment, I truly can't think of anything better.

Millie's POV:

Only seconds later, I pull away with the sensation of his touch lingering on my lips. "So um.. that is a yes, right?" Finn questions suspiciously, his hands fidgeting with each other. I let out a short chuckle before answering, "Yes Finn, I'll go to the Snowball with you." I state with a smile as his only grows brighter. "Great, yeah, sounds good." He says while nodding before turning around to the record player and putting the vinyl back into it's rightful box. "Hey Finn!" Nick calls up as he pulls down the attic staircase, bringing out attention to him. "Mom and Dad are home, come introduce her." He instructs before gesturing for us to follow him downstairs, in which we oblige. Following close behind Finn, I begin to feel a knot firm in my stomach. "What if they don't like me?" I whisper to Finn as we follow Nick down the second flight of stairs. "They'll love you, Millie. Just be yourself, and everything will be fine." He explains, purposefully grazing his fingers on mine as we come into his parents view. A man with dark black hair and a grey bushy beard stands in the kitchen as he talks with a woman with short dark hair, probably shorter than me. Both of them wear blue hospital uniforms, with his father having a white coat over his.

"Hey Dad? Mom?" Finn says, interrupting their conversation but getting their attention nonetheless. Their heads shoot over to us, both their eyes instantly falling on me with furrowed eyebrows. "And before you ask- this is Millie Brown, her family is the one that moved here about a week ago." He introduces, they only nod as if to say 'oh yeah, them'. "Well it's great to meet you Millie, welcome to Cumming." His mum greets as she comes over to us and gives me a warm hug. "Likewise, Mrs. Wolfhard." I reply with a smile, noticing Finn staring at the scene with a smile from the corner of my eye. "So, am I right to assume you two are dating?" Mr. Wolfhard asks cautiously, mostly towards Finn. It's almost as if Finn chokes on air as he just coughs abruptly, probably unsure how to answer. "No sir... but we are going to the Snowball together!" I mention, answering for him. "Ah, well that'll be fun for you two. Anyway, it's awfully late Millie.. I'm sure you're parents are probably worried." Mrs. Wolfhard explains before walking up the stairs without another word. "It's only 6:30..." I mutter to myself. "Yeah sorry, that's her way of telling you to go.." Finn's dad explains, seeming guilty though really it's not his fault. "Oh, well it was nice to meet you and.. have a nice night." I say as I back away to the front door, my hand already on the handle when Finn comes over to me. "I'll walk you home." He insists while opening the door for me. "If you really want to." I answer with a shrug, strolling out the Wolfhard residence with Finn at my side. In silence we walk down the sidewalk, my house only being a few blocks away. The crisp and sharp Winter air makes the thick clothes on my back suddenly feel thin, and the breath that escapes my lips clouds of heat. My eyes watch as my feet move forward on the concrete, stepping on cracks every so often as my mind wanders.

"Millie?" A familiar voice speaks up, causing my attention to draw to him instantly. Realizing he has my attention, he continues. "What was your first impression of me?" Finn questions curiously as his hands rest in his pockets, the ones I can't help but want to hold in mine. The first answer that instantly pops in my mind makes me snicker, only making him more curious. "What is it?" He asks, an unknowing smile on his gorgeous face. "If I'm being honest- I thought you were a total dick." I admit, the memory of that night flashing in my mind. "What? Why?" He asks, obviously oblivious to how he presented himself that night. "What do you mean, 'why'? You were rude and acted as if I was some annoying little cousin you couldn't be bothered with." I explain, he only rolls his eyes. "To be fair, there was a party and I didn't know you." He protests with his finger pointing to me. "Besides, it was the first time I called you new girl!" He mentions enthusiastically, as if it was a good thing. "Wonder when it'll be the last." I mutter to myself, not intending for the dark haired boy beside me to hear. "Please, you blush every time I call you that." Finn remarks with his signature smile, the one I've been secretly dying to see again. "You have no proof." I retort with a proud smile, only making his grow. "Oh yeah? Then how bout I just show you.. new girl." He teases as his hand slips around my waist slowly, whispering the nickname in my ear lowly. I immediately stop in my tracks, my legs no longer able to work for a reason I'm fully aware of. My eyes widen as my mouth hangs open, my cheekbones reluctantly rising to show my giddiness as my knees literally shake. A wide smile grows on Finn's face as he notices my reaction, letting his hand fall back to his side as he stares at me, pleased with his obvious affect on me. "I don't get to be called the school's Heartthrob for nothing, sweetheart." He states as he starts walking again with his hands stuffed back into his pockets comfortably, leaving me paralyzed where I stand. I let out a scoff like breath while forcing my body and mind to function again, quickly rushing back to his side. His mesmerizing brown eyes lock with mine as he continues to show his signature, cheeky smirk, his black cotton beanie complimenting his hair. "You okay, Mill?" He questions in amusement. I glare at him in annoyance though my grinning lips show otherwise, shaking my head in disbelief at his stupid games I love playing. "Don't worry," Finn starts, draping his arm around my shoulders as we continue to stroll down the road. "there's more where that came from."

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