It's Different Now

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Millie's POV:

My eyes flutter open, squinting at the exposion of light coming from the rising sun through the window. Millie.. it's Wednesday.. you have school. Fuck. I quickly become awake, my eyes widening with stress and fear as I bound out of bed. I move so quickly that I don't even notice the body that was laying right beside me. I dash to my closet and swiftly get dressed, wearing a grey PINK branded hoodie and ripped skinny jeans when I come running back out and abruptly freeze in place. "Finn?" I say aloud, not expecting a response while more stress piles onto my shoulders. Great, now we're both late. Knowing it doesn't take nearly as long for him to get ready, I allow him to keep sleeping and sprint out of the room and down stairs; skipping every other step on the staircase. And that's when, for the second time, I stop where I stand. Millie, if you've waken up before me, don't worry. I called us both in sick. Also, Gaten left this morning for school. -Finn. I read in my head, staring at the blue sticky note that's placed neatly on the fridge as all that weight crumbles off my shoulders while I let out a sigh of relief.


Finn's POV:

I wake up with a deep breath, quickly becoming aware that Millie is no longer in bed and the bright sun is now shining into the room. I push myself up so I'm sitting up, my bare chest now exposed to the cold November temperature effecting the house's. With a sigh I run a hand through my tangled, curly locks whilst my eyes roam the calmly silent bedroom. I notice the closet door swung open all the way, as if someone had done so with so much force it could've made a dent in the wall. Guess she came to her senses pretty quick. "Millie?!" I call out casually, my voice lower and groggy but still managing to shout out the beautiful name. "Downstairs!" I hear a British voice call back. I do a short nod before jumping off the bed and grabbing the plain white shirt Gaten had brought me, not bothering to put it on as I walk out of the room and down the hall.

Once arriving at the staircase, my eyes fall on the short haired brunette as she sits on one of the bar stools pulled up by the island wearing an outfit she'd put on for school and having her hands comfortably gripping onto a steaming mug of what I assume to be coffee. The TV is showing the news for the morning in the living room; her eyes fixed on the reporter as she sips the hot liquid. Her eyes glance over to me as a step creaks under my weight, causing her face to flush a deep shade of red at my appearance as her eyes then quickly go back to the tv in the living room. "I. uh, I made coffee. I don't know what kind you like but-" She cuts herself off at the end, watching me intently as I walk into the kitchen with a beyond teasing smirk plastered to my face. "Looking for something, new girl?" I ask casually, raising my eyebrows at her. She gulps on her own embarrassment, her cheeks red like never before yet her eyes still seem to never leave me.. or more so my chest. "N-No." With another smirk, I let out a light chuckle. "You act like you've never seen me shirtless." I state with a smile, to which her gaze finally breaks as her eyes fiercely shoot up to meet mine.

"What?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows. "I said, 'you act like you've never seen me shirtless before'. Which you have, at the lake.. and my house." I remind her, nodding my head. She shyly looks down to the mug that still is trapped by her hands, the dark color coming back to her cheeks. "Well yeah.. but it's different now." Millie whispers quietly. And just as those words leave her lips she hesitantly takes another sip. "How so?" I question, honestly curious. "..It's really cheesy though." She complains, glancing at me as her own face cringes. My lips curve up into a smile, already knowing she'll go on regardless. "Now.. now, I love you. And it's more than just your looks now." Millie explains, focusing back to her mug in attempt to refuse eye-contact. "So you're saying you didn't love me before?" I guess, messing with her as I pour myself a mug. "I didn't know you before." She protests, pointing her finger at me at which I smirk at. "Fair enough."

After drinking coffee and talking about the night before, Millie insisted we should go out for breakfast, to which I simply told her we were supposed to be 'sick'. "Well you should've told them we both somehow had an appointment then!" The brunette exclaims, more so complaining. "How 'bout we just make breakfast?" I suggest, pointing my thumb to the stove behind me. She gives me a suspicious and doubtful look, "You're saying you can cook..?" "Yes, I am. In fact, I once won a contest against my brother to see who could make better eggs when I was 13." I state proudly, causing her to playfully roll her eyes. "You truly are the biggest loser there is, beanie boy." She confirms with a smile, causing me to do the same. "Isn't that ironic?" I ask aloud, waiting for her to respond. "What?" Millie questions, furrowing her eyebrows though her smile still remains. "The last time you called me a loser," I begin, starting to lean closer to her as she bites her lip to cover her obvious smile. "was when we had our first kiss." I say gently with a cheeky smile, closing my eyes as our lips then meet. Her soft hand reaches up to my neck, her thumb grazing my jawline as the other rests on my bare collarbone. I press my lips against hers one last time before pulling away with a smile, the feeling still lingering on my lips. "So.. how bout those eggs?" I whisper gently, our faces still only inches apart.


"Hey!" Millie warns, chasing after me as I hold the precious item up with one hand, reading it while doing so. "Dear Diary-" "No! Finn stop!" She reaches up for the book but fails due to my height, pulling on my white shirt instead. "Today was the day I first saw Finn shirtless." I chuckle out. "NO!" "He was so fucking hot. Like Robert Patterson hot." I read aloud, smiling brightly as I imitate her voice. "Finn fuck, stop!" Millie shouts, trying to pull my arm down but again, failing. I look down at her, "You're honestly so flattering Mill." I remark, looking back up to the diary. "Oh, and his hair. You should've seen the way his hair-" Before I could finish reading the sentence my body got lunged to the ground, or simply put, tackled by the small brit who could. The book went flying out of my hand as my back thudded down onto the hard wood flooring, the leather book sliding across the ground behind me. "Damn.. you got some power. Ever thought about trying for football? They could use a gal like you, Mill." I joke with a smile, tilting my head to the side as I stare up at her annoyed yet smiling expression. "Everyone could use a gal like me." She states factually, climbing off of me to go get her precious diary. "Is that so?" I ask while sitting up with my weight under my palms. Millie just nods as she picks the book off the floor and holds it close to her chest. "Then I guess I'm pretty lucky, huh?" I tease, giving her a wink that makes her reluctantly smile. "It'd appear you are, yes." She agrees, her accent flourishing as she places the book between the railings of the staircase.

"You know I can get that easily, right?" I question as I stand to my feet, raising an eyebrow at her. "I know. But you won't." The brunette says confidently, walking away from the staircase and to the couch without another glance to see if I'd go for it. She's right. I'd only take it to mess with her, I don't need to read to know how she feels about me. I already know. "Come on, I wanna watch a movie," She complains childishly, reaching her hand for me to come. I take my first step to her with a smile before the sound of my phone ringing stops me, the ringtone being Noah's. Without a word I change my path to my phone that lays on the island counter, glancing over to a confused Millie before bringing the phone to my ear. "Hello?" "Finn! Finally, is Millie with you?" Noah asks from the other line, worry and relief mixed into his youthful voice. Furrowing my brows, my hand unknowingly reaches for the car keys that sit lazily on the counter. "Yes.. is everything okay, Noah?" I question suspiciously, waiting to hear the worst. Maybe everything's fine, maybe I'm just imagining his tone. "I need you to come to Harboard Street, right now. Like ASAP, I may sound calm but I'm scared Finn.. I'm so fucking scared." He admits, a quiet sob escaping his lips. My eyes shoot to Millie's as he talks, and already by her face I know she can tell something's wrong.. that maybe even I'm scared. "Hold on Noah, we're coming."

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