Starbucks Coffeehouse

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Millie's POV:

I sit at the same table Sadie and I did inside the run down yet classy Starbucks coffeehouse, waiting for my date to bring over the hot chocolates he ordered for us even though I insisted on paying for myself. "Here you are, m'lady." Finn says while handing me one of the mugs and sitting down in the chair across from me. "Thanks, you know I can still pay you back." I mention but only receive a shake of his head back. "So.. what was your life like back in Indiana?" He asks after a few seconds of us silently taking sips from our burning drinks. "Um- well I had two best friends, Maddie and Grace. They were great, I mean we still text and stuff but I think we all know it's not going to last." I explain with a small frown. "What about a boyfriend? Surely you had some guy drooling over you twenty-four-seven, I know there's plenty of guys doing that here." He questions, slightly blushing as he looks at me in admiration. "Yeah.. I did. He was great, don't get me wrong, but I didn't really see the relationship continuing regardless if I stayed in Indiana." I answer with a shrug as I rub my thumb over the warm handle of my mug, eyeing it sadly. "This boyfriend of yours, he got a name?" Finn asks eagerly, leaning his weight on the round table. "Ex-boyfriend, and.. Romeo." I reply, still refusing to look up at the dark haired boy who stares at me continuously. "Romeo? Sounds like a really cheesy guy." Finn states, I just lightly smile and nod knowing that's actually true.

"Sorry, I really shouldn't be talking about your ex when we're on a date- that's the exact opposite of what I want." He mutters to himself, seeming as if he just mentally face-palmed himself. "You're saying you want to date me?" I question flirtatiously, looking up at him with a faint smirk. My question immediately has an effect on him as he shyly smiles while blushing, staring down at his steaming drink. "Perhaps, yes." He answers with a light shrug. "That reminds me, y'know you're a real tease for that stunt you pulled back at your house this morning." I mention, causing a cheeky grin to appear on his face as he looks up at me with pleasure in his eyes. "But you liked it, didn't you?" Finn asks in his alluring voice, his grin only growing. "N-No." I answer sheepishly, slinking down in my chair. "Yeah, you're right- you loved it." He says while leaning forward on the table, that same grin on his face that show his perfect white teeth. I bite my lip as I stare into his eyes, not willing to deny to what I know is true. "Don't worry, babe. There's more where that came from." He whispers seductively before leaning back into his chair, a proud smirk on his face as he watches me sit there paralyzed by his words.

"Sorry, too much?" He asks while laughing, causing me to relax a bit more as his true side comes out. "Babe?" I quote as he takes a sip from his cocoa. "It made you feel special, like you belong to me." He explains, telling me his reasoning behind his words that mess with my brain. "So you know what you're doing.. to me." I say more to myself then him, mumbling the last part. "Yeah, although it's fun to see your reaction- it's always a whirl wind when you do it to me, like torture yet I enjoy it." He admits while shaking his head, smiling lightly. "I do it?" I ask with a smirk, proud that I even have that effect on him. "Hell yeah, all the time.. and apparently you don't even know you do it." He explains, gesturing towards me. "Well, I might have some recollection." I admit jokingly, causing him to roll his eyes playfully. "It's kinda funny how we're just spilling out our thoughts on things no one actually confesses to each other, yet here we are." Finn mentions with a smile. "Yeah, there must be something wrong with us." I joke, causing both of us to nod while laughing.

"I feel horrible to admit this.. but I think this is the first date I went on that wasn't just because I made out with a girl or just to be nice since they had to courage to ask." He confesses, changing the mood of the conversation instantly. "Really? Haven't you had a girlfriend before?" I ask with my brows furrowed. "Yeah, but every relationship I had never lasted over a couple of months." He explains, his frown only growing as a look of pain faintly shows on his face. "Why?" I question, instantly regretting doing so afterwards. "I don't know.. I guess I only stay in a relationship if I know it'll last, the longest one I had was 9 months and I had no idea what the fuck I was doing to be honest." Finn confesses, nervously laughing towards the end as I just stay silent while listening carefully. "Maybe you just haven't found the right person." I mention with a light shrug. "Yeah, or I'm just a complete dick and don't even realize it." He adds, shaking his head.

"Finn, you're a good guy. Why else would you be the school heartthrob if you weren't?" I explain before taking a sip from my almost gone cocoa. "Because girls think I'm hot." He answers easily. "You know what I mean." I remark, he just nods. "Thanks Millie." He says with a light smile. "For?" I ask, unsure of exactly what I did. "For saying yes to this date and.. I guess treating me like you would anyone else." Finn explains chuckling at first. "Oh, I don't treat you like anyone else Finn, trust me." I tease while smiling. "You're saying I get special treatment?" He asks, a smirk shown on his lips. "Let's just say.. you're different than others, but in a good way." I answer with a smile. "I'll take it. Now, as much as I love talking nonsense and drinking hot cocoa, I better drop you off before it gets too late." Finn mentions as he stands from his seat, making me join him as we walk out of the coffeehouse. "Wish it was summer, then the days would draw out forever." I exaggerate while waving my hands up at the sky, imagining it was clear blue instead of a moggy gray. "Yeah, though fall can be pretty cool." He says with a smile. "Literally." I add, causing him to playfully roll his eyes before we get into his freezing cold car.

"Do you think the guys wondered where we went?" I ask as he revs up the camero. "Eh, probably just thought we went somewhere to make out or some shit like that." He answers casually, forcing me to bite my lip from smiling as I look out the window. He glances over at me, my expression causing him to smile as it's obvious what I'm thinking. "So uh.. do you think Charlie will throw me out again?" He asks, his tone sounding both serious and joking. "No, I don't think so. Again, sorry about that." I reply with an assuring smile. "It's fine." He says, shrugging. The rest of the ride is silent until we finally pull up to my two-story house. "Here's your stop, Miss Brown." Finn announces while gesturing towards my house. "Um.. thanks, for today and all. It was nice." I mention, not really knowing what to say. "Yeah, it was. Maybe we should do it again sometime?" He suggests, his eyebrows raised with hope. "Perhaps. I'll see you around, beanie boy." I respond before stepping out of his black camero. "Hey, new girl!" Finn shouts after me, his window rolled down. I turn over my shoulder, waiting for his next words. "Call me." He instructs while making his hand into the phone sign before driving off without another word, leaving me to shake my head and lightly laugh at his antics.

I stroll through the front door and do my usual procedure of swinging off my jacket and slipping off my shoes, the sound of the TV in the background. "Hey Millie, where were you?" Mum greets from the kitchen where she's washing dishes. "I was.. at the skate park with my friends." I answer, only half telling the truth. "Sounds fun. Who was that boy that dropped you off?" She questions curiously. I find it rather fascinating how everyone's mother always finds some way to expose your life with question after question about your social life and other people.. and it's not annoying at all! "Uh.. Finn, Finn Wolfhard." I answer hesitantly, hoping she won't ask anything else. "Finn Wolfhard? I hear he's quite the party animal.. just be careful, okay Millie?" She says while giving me her motherly look that at times I can't stand, luckily this isn't one of those times. "Yeah, always am." I respond casually, obviously not telling the truth. I climb up the stairs and into my room, flopping my body onto my bed with a sigh before getting interrupted by yet another family member. "Hey..Millie?" Charlie asks as he leans on the door frame. "Yes, Charlie?" I answer, slightly annoyed. "Um, was that.. was that Finn? The guy who dropped you off." He questions while fiddling with his thumbs. "Yes, Charlie." I repeat before sitting up on my bed to see him better. "Why do you care, exactly?" I ask sharply, slightly glaring at him though he doesn't seem to mind. "Did you tell him I was sorry?" Charlie questions with worry and regret plastered on his usually cheerful face. My annoyance and eyes soften as the words roll off his tongue, my brother is truly sorry for a thing he wasn't even aware he did. "Yeah, h-he forgives you." I answer with a light nod. "Good, good. Thanks Mills.. by the way, were you two on a date?" He teases, his expression completely changing back to his agitating cheerful self. "What? No! Get out of here!" I exclaim as I throw pillow after pillow at my brother who just laughs hysterically as he tries to block them.

Hey people, sorry I'm not very good at updating but I've just been very busy with friends and family. Now I'm not some dedicated, hardcore writer so for me, my social life comes before hobbies aka writing. I'll try to update more 💘🤘🏻

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