Living With Love

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Millie's POV:

"I'm right here, Mill. Listen to me, I'm right here." The voice drowns out my cries as their safe arms hold me tight, his comforting voice slightly muffled by my shoulder that he kisses. "Guys, I think she's waking up." He announces, causing two people to come rushing over to us. "Millie, are you okay?" Sadie ask worriedly, my vision still blurred from tears as the arms slightly release me. Ignoring her question, I stare at the boy in front of me, the boy I was sure I lost. "Finn." I breath out, a sense of relief washing over me as I quickly embrace him in my arms. "It's me, it was just a nightmare. Everything is fine." Finn says softly, his words beyond comforting. I release him and fall back into the recliner, looking at them with slight confusion. "What happened?" I question, wiping away the tears from my face. "After the game ended we noticing you mumbling things in your sleep until you started crying hysterically, yelling about Finn and how we were lying. We tried waking you up but you just pushed us away. It got to the point where we just decided to get Finn over here." Caleb explains, patting Finn's back when he mentions him. "You were literally screaming bloody murder." Sadie adds with her eyes widened. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys." I say quietly, slightly embarrassed as Finn puts his hands on my knees.

"So, what happened in your dream?" He asks curiously, staring up at me with those dark eyes that melt my heart every time I see them. "Uh- well, I woke up here and you guys told me Finn fell off his roof and like.. died, I guess? It was just super realistic, and... I'm just glad it was a dream." I admit, forcing a smile to my lips as I put my hands over his reassuringly. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to stop it sooner." He apologizes as he presses his lips together. I rub my thumb over his jawline, causing his eyes to look up at mine. "Hey, it's over now. I'm awake, aren't I?" I ask with a smile, he just smiles softly as a response. "Well, now that that's over- I think I need a drink." Caleb insists with a devilish grin as he walks backwards to the bar with Sadie repeatedly saying 'noo'. Looking back to Finn, I notice he isn't wearing on of his famous beanies; but instead, letting his dark curls let loose. "Not used to my 'no beanie' look, huh?" He asks with a chuckle, noticing my stare. "Nope, but that doesn't mean I don't like it." I mention as I ruffle my hand through his hair. He laughs lightly and looks over to the couple who are now pouring liquor into glasses owned by Caleb's parents. "You wanna get a drink? I bet you could use one after all that stress." Finn insists, gesturing towards them. I simply nod and let him bring me over to the bar, where we wait on the bar stools as Caleb makes each on of us a drink. "Before we all get drunk," Finn interrupts, causing us to laugh softly, "I'd like to make a toast." He glances at me with that same cheerful smile present on his freckled face. "To living with love!" Finn says, all of us raising our glasses in sync to produce that satisfying clink when they hit before downing the liquor at our own paces.

"I don't know Finnlard, this'll be like your 5th!" Caleb mentions as he hypocritically pours him another shot, much to Finn's pleasure. "Caleb, my man, just let it happen." He advises drunkly, patting him on the back as he then takes the shot glass and let's the alcohol run down his throat in one gulp. "Is that supposed to impress me?" I tease from my bar stool, leaning on the bar counter with the same glass in my hand. He looks over at me and rests his hands on the counter, putting all his weight on them. "You're not?" He questions with that same signature smile that has gotten me hooked from the start. That damn smile. "Caleb, pour Millie one." Finn instructs, looking over his shoulder at Caleb who rolls his eyes but still obliges. "I swear if you guys start throwing up-" He warns, sliding the filled shot glass over to Finn. "It's fine, don't worry." Finn assures before handing me the small glass. "Impress me." He urges, giving me a nod that I teasingly smirk at. "Gladly." I flirt before quickly downing the burning liquid in seconds, slamming the glass onto the counter as I scrunch up my face from the taste. I shake off the feeling and watch as he slowly claps his hands in approval. "Consider me impressed." He states while nodding as I bow in my seat.


I lay on the same couch Sadie and Caleb once did, with my back to Finn's chest as he holds my waist with one arm and plays with my hair using the other. "Finn?" I ask quietly, slipping my hand into his that rests on my stomach. He hums as a response, waiting for me to continue. "What's your favorite color?" I question curiously, causing an abrupt, precious giggle to escape his lips. "What kinda question is that?" Finn remarks with a goofy smile, his brows slightly furrowed. "A question I don't know the answer to." I answer with a giggle, causing him to shake his head. "It's green, yours?" He answers, settling back into his last position. "Purple, sometimes yellow." I say, shrugging. "Sometimes?" He repeats, obviously confused. "It varies as I age, I don't know." I explain with a shake of my head. Finn hums as a response, his arms tightening around me as he buries his face into the crook of my neck, making an uncontrollable giggle escape my lips. "I love you, Millie Brown." He admits, his words muffled from my skin as my stomach fills with butterflies, red newly painted on my raised cheeks. "But you already know that, don't you?" He questions, resting his chin on my shoulder as his voice becomes much clearer. "So how 'bout I just show you?" He whispers lowly in my ear, sending chills down my spine as he lightly chuckles, kissing under my jaw and down to my neck. "Finn.." I say warningly, a smile still plastered to my face as he hums. "What are you doing?" I ask in the same questioning tone, but with every time his lips touch my skin I give in just a tad more.

Hearing no answer, I turn my head and before I know it his lips are interlocked with mine, yet somehow, I continue to simply let it happen. That same warm feeling fires up in the center of my chest, letting me know the love is there. My hand reaches up to his curls, tangling my fingers in them happily as our lips glide against each other. Now noticing a certain difference to his lips I pull away abruptly with a slight frown, biting my lip to stop myself from showing it. "What's the matter?" He asks, his own brows furrowed. "Finn, you're drunk." I answer, the difference being the distinct change in taste of his lips. "A little, so?" He asks, his breath making it obvious. "We shouldn't." I state as I let my hand slip out of his curls. "Why?" He questions, piling on yet another protest. "Listen, I love you-" I start, giving him a peck right at the crease of his lips. "but I don't wanna make out with you when you're drunk." I confess before slipping out of his arms and onto my feet as he sadly groans. "But Mill.." Finn whines, reaching for my hand that I let him take. "Sorry, beanie boy. It's not happening." He gives me a pout and sits up on the couch, allowing his hand to fall back into his lap as I walk away to find Sadie and Caleb in the medium sized basement. I stroll over to the bar to find them talking behind the counter with Sadie sitting up on the counter, both with plastic water bottles beside them. "Oh, hey Mills. How's Wolfhard treating ya?" Sadie greets with a raise of her perfect eyebrows, ones I wish I had. "Well, y'know, he's drunk." I say, resting my hand on the bar. "To be expected." Caleb adds quickly, he surely saw it coming.  "And how's drunk Wolfhard treating you?" She rephrases, actually seeming interested. I look over my shoulder at the boy who stares at the TV intently, I roll my eyes as I face them again. "Needy." I complain flatly, causing both of them to crack a smile. "Well, that's what you get for dating the famous heartthrob." Caleb teases, uncapping his bottle before taking a long drink of his water. "Well I'm not the first to fall, Caleb." I say, to which he shrugs as Sadie nods in agreement. I glance over my shoulder again, watching as the tv light makes the perfect outline of Finn as he leans toward with his elbows on his knees, his back towards me. I press my lips together in thought before quietly whispering these next words, "That I'm sure of."

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