Rumored Gossip

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Finn's POV:

The next morning flies by due to how incredibly predictable it was, just the normal routine of getting ready and catching a ride from Caleb since my mom happened to be home the one night I come home after curfew. Now I search through my locker, looking for that one English book we're supposed to have for today's lesson. "Maybe if your locker wasn't such a mess, you'd know where it is." Sadie remarks as she watches me become more and more frustrated with every second that ticks by. "Shut it, red." I scold, not wanting to hear what I already know. "You'll be fine. If you can't find it, I'm sure Millie wouldn't mind sharing hers." She explains while nudging my shoulder, causing me to roll my eyes as a small smile creeps onto my lips. "Aha! Found it." I exclaim, pulling the blue book out from all the clutter stacked in my locker. "Congrats, you wanna gold star?" She asks sarcastically, making me roll my eyes once again as I chuckle and slam my locker closed. "Okay, I gotta head to class. Later, Wolfhard." Sadie states, lightly punching my shoulder before walking into the sea of people roaming the halls. I begin walking to one of the only classes I share with Millie, English. Along the way I get the usual flirty looks from girls I probably kissed in the past at some point, most of them being while I was intoxicated. Before, I'd probably give them that same look back without another thought, but now? Now my thoughts are consumed by a beautiful British girl who calls me 'beanie boy'.

I quickly make my way to my seat located in the back of the class, letting my backpack slide off my shoulder and hit the tile ground with a thud as I slouch down in my seat. "Morning, Finn." A short haired blonde greets with a smile, looking over her shoulder at me. "Morning." I greet back with a small salute, not caring enough to put in more enthusiasm. Thankfully, she just smiles to herself and faces forward again. Within the next minute students file into their seats, one student in particular catching my interest as she sits down in the seat to my right, the same one she's been sitting at since the day she came. "Hey, new girl. Sleep well?" I ask, slouching less as I stare at her with my favorite smile. "Yep, you?" Millie questions while beaming red, recalling the night before. "Fantastically." I answer slyly as I lean back in my chair, tapping my pencil against my open notebook as she playfully rolls her eyes with a smile. "Alright class! If you have read the board then you will know that we are doing a special essay for the next few days, the topic being: What is love to you and your beliefs in it? Such as love at first sight, soulmates, or as some say 'a match made in heaven'." Mr. Keery starts, letting out a sigh before continuing as he leans on the front of his desk with his arms folded. "When you imagine love, what does it look like? Feel like? Or, tell me if you believe that love even exists. There are so many questions about love and topics around it. So your goal for this essay is to answer every question you can think of, and tell me through your own words what those answers mean to you." He explains, by then half the class is either scribbling down ideas and answers or looking around blankly, having no clue where to start. "Alright, that's about all the time we have for today. Essays due tomorrow by the end of the day, good luck and get writing!" Mr. Keery exclaims with a clasp of his hands as the bell rings, queuing for everyone to then start quickly packing up their things and rush out the door.

By the time I stand from my desk, Millie's already walking out the door. I frantically dodge other students as I dash out the classroom and into the hallway, jogging up behind her and wrapping her in my arms. "Finn!" She squeals as I slow down her pace, using my strength as an advantage. "What? You didn't wait for me." I say with a chuckle before letting her go, walking beside her as I feeling people's eyes piercing into my skin due to the attention I just drew to us. "Great, now they're staring." Millie groans while throwing her hand up in annoyance. "Can you blame them?" I ask with a smile, causing her to roll her eyes. "I have to get to class Finn, I'll see you later." She mentions as she turns to her next class, the door being wide open. "Don't miss me too much." I warn with a wink as I continue walking down the hall, hearing her faintly scoff at my playful antics.

Soon the time for lunch rolled in, the bell signaling for such a blessed time. I quickly walk out my biology class with none other than Wyatt Oleff at my side, cracking stupid jokes with me. "Alright, I'll see you later man. Tell Millie she's looking smoking for me, 'kay?" He chuckles with a wink, doing our usual handshake before we part ways. I shake my head with a smile on my face, still amazed by how risky Wyatt could be. Arriving to the cafeteria, I don't bother getting in line and simply buy an apple from the salad bar. You probably think I'm starving myself, but in reality I just don't eat a lot. I don't know why, but I just... don't. As I stand at the register patiently, the sound of my name causes me to instinctively eavesdrop, after all, it's about me. "Did you hear about Finn liking the new girl?" A dark haired girl asks her brunette friend, their names I think being Mary and Daisy. "Finn who?" Daisy questions, not catching on. "Finn fucking Wolfhard, you dumbass. Who else?" Mary curses while smacking Daisy's arm as she just shrugs, not phased by her scolding. "Anyway. Apparently he hugged the new girl in the middle of the hallway, and now she's like apart of the group or something. I think her name's Billie Brown? Something like that." Mary explains, obviously not interested in Millie or even her name. "You think they're together?" Daisy questions, a hint of worry in her voice. "Maybe, you can never tell if Finn's just fucking a girl or actually dating her. Either way, I wish I was one of them." She answers with a sigh, the comment almost making me burst out laughing. "Alright Mr. Wolfhard, go ahead." The lunch lady says, gesturing for me to go. Thanking her, I stroll to our usual table where everyone already is. "Hey Finnlard." Gaten greets as I sit down in the free seat between him and Noah, the other three across from me. "Gaten." I greet back, giving him a slight nod. "Just an apple? You trying to starve yourself?" Millie questions with a chuckle, staring at me with scrunched eyebrows. "Yep." I answer simply while taking a bite out of the red fruit. Though it's not the true answer, I know she'll brush it off easily. "So Gaten, have you gotten a date to the Snowball yet?" Sadie questions, changing the topic. The blue eyed boy shrugs, dropping his fork on his tray lazily. "Have you?" He shoots back, actually curious to know. "That's not what I asked." She protests after glancing at Caleb sheepishly. Gaten sighs before answering, "No, I haven't." He admits as he adjusts his famous hat. "Then let us help you." Millie pipes in enthusiastically, he only shakes his head. "I just won't go, that simple." He explains with a shrug. "C'mon man, you gotta." I add, nudging shoulders with him. "Nobody likes being a third wheel, especially to three couples at once." Gaten retorts flatly, not listening to our protests. "Please Gaten? It won't be the same without you." Noah pleads, making him sigh in frustration. "If I find a date, then sure. Otherwise, don't get your hopes up." He settles, all of us pleased with his compromise as we then continue chatting about classes and teachers we all dread.


Millie's POV:

The next couple of classes passed by quickly, that is until my final period Chemistry came. Within the first 10 minutes I had fallen asleep due to- you guessed it- complete and utter boredom from Mr. Modine rambling on about something nobody gives a shit about. That is unless your Noah. "Millie it's Noah, wake up." A soft voice instructs, shaking my shoulder until I groan and reluctantly open my tired eyes. "What.." I ask groggily as I sit up from my folded arms on the table, squinting at the light. "Has Finn been sleeping over or something?" Noah asks curiously, chuckling to himself. "What? No. Why do you ask?" I question, slowly coming to my senses. "Because you were telling me to 'go home already, Finn'." He states while mimicking me in a high pitched British voice, a bad one might I add. "I don't sound like that." I retort as I point at him warningly, my accent laced into my words. "Keep telling yourself that." He says, patting me on the back before facing the front of the class again. I slump down in my chair again and rest my chin on the table with my arms sprawled out in front of me. "I don't sound that that." I mumble to myself, being the childish person I am as I secretly glare at him.

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