Snowball | Pt. 2

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Finn's POV:

Eventually a specific song comes on that instantly catches Sadie's attention, which she reacts to by grabbing Caleb and Millie's hands to drag them to the dance floor while shouting 'this is my shit' way too loud than necessary- but if she didn't do that, then she wouldn't be the Sadie Sink I know and love. So as I watch them rush into the crowd of jumping high-schoolers, I allow myself to show how nervous I actually am in front of Gaten. With my hands in my pockets I jitter my pants up and down, them never going lower than an inch from my waist while I anxiously bounce in place. I feel a hand touch my shoulder, causing my head to whip over to face Gaten. "You alright?" He asks with a chuckle while firming his grasp. I simply laugh it off with him, stating that I'm just excited. "Is it about the Snow Royalty thing?" Gaten questions, scrunching his eyebrows together. I give him a look of utter disgust as I shake my head, no longer fidgeting. What's the Snow Royalty thing you may be asking? Basically it's like Prom king and queens except it's just winter themed. "What? No! I didn't even enter." I exclaim, looking away from him before continuing. "That thing is stupid anyway." I mutter loud enough for him to hear. I see him nod from the corner of my eye, his comforting hand leaving my shoulder as he walks back to the seating area to find Noah and Kenzie.

Without realization, I begin doing the same nervous action while staring off into space.. thinking of what if's. What if you play it wrong? What if you sing it out of key, or forget a lyric? What if you simply choke before even starting? What if everyone laughs at you.. what if she laughs at you? More importantly, what if she hates it? She probably will, she'll probably leave you for doing this, for making your relationship this big thing to share with the whole school. You're an idiot Finn, you probably don't even deserve her. Hell, she probably doesn't even lov- "Finn, hey." I blink a few times before I'm brought back to reality; my eyes adjusting to the sight that is the gorgeous Millie Brown with her hand on my upper arm to get my attention, her happy expression slowly morphing into a worried one. "Hey.. you okay?" She asks with concern flourishing through her British accent. I quickly mask the negative thoughts spinning around in my head by giving her a reassuring smile while nodding. A blue light basks over her face and for a second I notice the sweat droplets forming over her hairline and makeup, and her quick breath, both there due to the fact she was probably dancing wildly with Sink.

"You wanna dance?" She queries, her voice going higher as her eyebrows raise. Now suddenly noticing the slow song playing, I plaster a smirk on my lips. "I thought you didn't know how to?" I tease, referring to the time I danced with her in my attic. Staring into my eyes, she bites her lip while sliding her hand to fit mine. "That's not the point." She whispers out before slowly leading me over to the swarm of couples swaying to the music. Once reaching the middle of the dance floor I pull her closer to me, placing my hands on her waist as she interlocks her fingers over the back of my neck with the soothing song 'The Night We Met' playing in the air. We sway in a comforting silence, both of us just simply enjoying each others presence and touch. After a bit, Millie releases her hands and instead wraps her arms around my torso in a hug-type way so her head lays just below my shoulder. "This song reminds me of Mike and Eleven, don't you think?" Millie mentions quietly, only for me to hear. A small smile creeps its way to my lips at the thought, "Yeah." I say with a light breath. "What'd you do if we were them, y'know, in their situation?" She questions curiously. I take a few seconds before mustering up an answer. "I.. I guess I'd just look for you." I state, the answer causing her head to lift from my chest so she can see my face. "Look for me?" She says curiously, obviously intrigued. "Well- I don't think you'd be dead, at least I'd hope not. So.. I'd look for you." I explain with a shrug, not thinking much of it. A soft smile forms on her soft lips, as if she's imagining the scenario in her head.

She opens her mouth to speak before a voice much louder than hers cuts off her and anyone else who was talking with a simple yell into the microphone. Everyone whips their heads to the stage where surely enough, Jennifer stands in a light pink silk gown, smiling widely as she grabs everyone's attention while the music cuts off abruptly. "Attention students of North Forsyth High- it is now time to announce the Snow Royalty king and queens!" She exclaims in such an extremely excited voice that I almost want to barf. Regardless, everyone on the gym floor cheers happily, some guys even barking like dogs. Idiotic jocks. "So, before we get started, I'd like to just say that these winners were actually voted by the students, and you didn't have to enter to win." Jennifer explains with various hand gestures, while the people around me start getting antsy to hear who won. "Drum roll please.." She says quietly before everyone starts patting repeatedly on their thighs or other people. "Our Snow Royalty queen, with an outstanding 627 votes, goes to-" She says, her voice growing higher and louder with each word, students around me are sitting on the edge of their seat or grasping onto the closest person next to them with anticipation.

"Millie Bobby Brown!" Jennifer shouts, and just as the first part of her name comes out I feel her hands tighten around my arm. For a split second, it's as if everyone is as shocked as us until the crowd quickly erupts with cheers and applause. She looks to me with a confused and surprised expression, slowly letting go of me while hesitantly walking up onto stage. She makes her way over to the microphone on the stand, Jennifer giving her a quick hug as she then hands her the Snowman. We call it a 'snowman' but really its just a faded blue sculpture of a man on a podium, I don't know why we don't just do crowns and tiaras, we're weird. Jennifer gestures for Millie to say something into the microphone, to which she just nervously laughs before walking up to it. "Um.. so, I didn't actually know this was a thing.. at all." Millie admits with a smile, causing some to laugh. She shakes her head with her eyes on the award, as if in complete disbelief before looking back up to speak. "Uh.. well, I should probably let the king be announced so- thanks to everyone who voted!" Cheers and whistles spew from the crowd, but dissipating just as quickly as the came. Millie ends off, giving a kiss to the crown with her hand in the air before being told to wait for the king.

"Alright, now for our king- drum roll please." Jennifer states, to which the students oblige. "Our Snow Royalty king, goes to, with 765 votes: Jaeden Lieberher!" Yet again, the crowd erupts with cheers and applause as the well dressed 17 year old gives people high-fives as he jogs his way onto stage, a huge smile brightly showing. Being one of his friends since I was little, I happily applaud with a proud smile on my face. With his award in hand he goes up to the mic and waits for the cheering to die down. "Alright, uh, first of all- thank you guys so much, you rock." He starts, earning some whistles. "Um.. I truly couldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for the love and support of my friends and girlfriend, Sophia. So.. thanks for everything guys!" Jaeden exclaims, shaking his award in the air before letting Jennifer take over. I watch as Millie and Jaeden give each other a pleasant smile and shake hands, talking as they walk off stage together before being separated by their individual groups of friends, both of which, I know. "Now that we have our queen and king, I'd like to announce that one of our very own students have a special performance tonight." I feel myself starting to fidget again, realizing it's me. I hear the people around me start asking each other questions from confusion, only making making me more nervous. "Please welcome onto to stage, Finn Wolfhard!" She shouts, putting her hand out for me to come up. Though confused, the crowd still cheers as I push my way through my peers and onto the staircase, and to the stage where a few drama kids come out with a stool and my guitar that I dropped off earlier today.

I pull the tall stool in front of the mic and carefully take off my suit jacket and hang it on the end of the mic's stand. I sling the guitar strap over my body and nervously sit down on the stool, feeling my heart beating in my throat. Finn why did you agree to this.. seriously man. Just as I'm about to speak I notice Millie with the rest of the group surrounding her in the middle of the crowd, watching me with more curiosity than confusion. Now's the time Finn, speak. "Hey, so tonight I'm performing a song dedicated to someone who really has just made me want to be a version of me than I was, but they still treat me the same when I wasn't; and also to my friends who've been there with me since day one, thanks for that. So.. yeah, here it goes." I say with a sigh, positioning my hands on the guitar before starting to pick each cord without any trouble.. yet. Knowing I have to sing soon, I only focus on the short haired brunette watching me with wondrous eyes, trying my hardest to just imagine her and I in my car driving on the road without a care in the world. And for a second, it's almost as if I can see her dancing and singing next to me in the passenger seat with the angelic voice she somehow obtained. It's time.

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