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Millie's POV:

"What they say?" I ask, referring to the text Finn sent to the others saying that we're leaving. "Sadie said to feel better but I think the guys are too busy watching the movie to notice." He explains with a shrug as we stroll in the sharp cold air, the only light provided from the moon. "Thanks again Finn, you've helped me a lot these past two days I've been here... I really appreciate it." I mention, making a genuine smile appear on his face before inevitably fading. "Don't mention it. Besides, everyone always needs someone they can count on and for some people, there's isn't anyone." He explains with a small frown but quickly brushes his thoughts away. "And who would your special person be?" I question curiously as I watch him with wonder in my eyes. "My brother, Nick. He's always been there for me through thick and thin, not that he had a choice really." He answers, lightly laughing along with me as we get in the black, slick car owned by the one and only Finn Wolfhard. After about five minutes of complete and utter silence besides the steady him of the engine, my thoughts trail which leads to words spilling out unintentionally. "So who are you interested in?" I blurt out before widening my eyes as I cover my mouth. "Who said I was interested in someone?" Finn questions with a raised eyebrow as he glances over at me and noticing my shocked expression, making a small smirk appear in his lips. "Uh.. you did, actually. At lunch today." I explain hesitantly, allowing him to furrow his eyebrows. "You heard me?" He asks with an almost astonished expression. I just nod as a response. "Um.. well that's kind of a secret." He says while taking off his black cotton beanie, only to reveal his incredibly messy dark, almost black, hair. Oh come on! He looks attractive even when his hair is a mess! In fact, it makes him look 10x better! Wait... no Millie, you can't develop feelings for the school heartthrob, you just can't. You'll end up just like that Maddie girl and you know it.

"Well, I like to believe some secrets deserve to be shared with those that you trust. You do trust me, don't you?" I explain while resting my chin on my hand as my elbow sits on the console that resides in between our seats, my eyes focused on him and only him. He looks from the road to me, allowing a genuine smile to spread across his face as he spots my intrigued expression. "You really want to know?" He questions curiously with furrowed brows. "No, I'm asking you to tell me for no reason." I sarcastically say, causing him to roll his eyes. "You see, I'd tell you.. but then it wouldn't be much of a secret now would it?" He explains with a small smirk. "Fine, you don't have to tell me now. But one day, I'll figure it out whether you tell me or not." I mention while removing my arm from the console. "I'm sure you will." He responds as we finally pull up to the curb in front of my house. "Good luck with your homework, new girl." Finn teases as I grab the limited things I brought. Just as I open my mouth to speak a sudden loud smack comes from the front door of my house followed by the low thudding of footsteps on the concrete ground.

"Millie! Where the hell have you been? Who are you fucking with?" My older brother scolds as he walks around the car and swings open Finn's car door, only to pull out him by the sleeve, sending him falling onto the ground with a thud . "Charlie what is wrong with you?" I question both him and myself, seeing as the loving brother I have is clearly not him. "What's wrong with me? You're the one sneaking out at 10 o'clock with some no good douche and not coming back until past midnight!" He shouts, kicking the side of Finn when he says 'douche'. The only time I've seen Charlie like this was when he was..."Gosh dammit, Charlie you're drunk." I say while getting out of the car and walking over to him, his hot breath smelling of beer and whiskey as it makes small clouds in the air due to the cold November night. "Go inside, I'll be right behind you." I reassure him while patting his back gently until he's eventually stumbling his way back inside. "I'm so sorry, Finn. My brother, Charlie, I swear he isn't normally like that unless he's completely drunk." I explain while helping him up from the hard and cold concrete. "Yeah, let's just say I've seen some people be like that before... nothing new." He admits while inspecting the scrapes on his wrist and forehead. "I'd offer to clean you up but, uh.." I trail off while looking back at my house. "It's probably better that I don't. I'm fine, really. Just a few scrapes and bruises, nothing I can't handle." He insists while sliding back into his camero with his car window down. "Thanks again, beanie boy." I say while holding the black cotton beanie I took from where he left it. He immediately snatches it out of my hands with a light chuckle, instantly covering his messy dark hair once again. "Anytime, new girl. Now go be a nerd and finish your damn homework." He teases while gesturing towards my house, causing a short laugh to escape my lips as I then watch him drive away with New Order now blasting from his stereo.

Once Finn's black camero is finally out of my view I stroll through my front door only to see Charlie snoring on the couch, empty beer bottles sprawled on the coffee table next to him. I let out a sigh as I slip off my pair of converse lazily and hang up my jacket. I trudge over to the kitchen and grab a black trash bag before collecting all of the empty glass bottles from the table, stuffing them in the bag, and throwing them away in our garbage bin. Good thing Mum and Dad were on date night, or else this could've been much worse.. for both Charlie and me. I run my hand through my soft brunette hair that only reaches down to the middle of my neck as I walk back into the living room where the sound of light snoring echoes on the walls. I unfold a nearby blanket and drape it across Charlie's body before flicking off all the lights and climbing up the staircase to my beloved bedroom. That night I fall asleep with a pen in hand and a notebook on my lap after two hours of working on homework where most of the questions I most likely got wrong just because half of my brain was asleep. Oh the things I'll do just to spend time with them.. him.

I let out an annoyed and tired groan as I reach for my screaming phone on my bedside table. I reluctantly open my eyes and stare at my phone that's practically shouting at me with the same agitating tune with SCHOOL ALARM on the lock screen. I quickly tap out my password without even thinking, seeing as it's muscle memory by now. As I sit up in bed my bedroom door sudden swings open to reveal a hungover Charlie Brown. "Morning.. um, thanks for helping me out last night. I don't remember much but I'm sorry if I did anything stupid or something." He says while rubbing his temples, his voice sounding more like himself than last night. "No problem. I won't tell Mum and Dad if you won't." I admit, he just nods his head before closing the door again while slightly groaning at his headache. I gather all of my homework and school supplies from my bed and floor and stuff them into my bag neatly before changing into my favorite light blue skinny jeans along with my old maroon Hawkin's Middle School sweater from 8th grade that somehow still fits me perfectly even though I'm a junior. I quickly put on a little bit of foundation and eye makeup before dashing down the stairs with my black leather backpack in hand. "Morning Dad, Mum." I quickly greet while grabbing a few granola bars from the pantry and slipping on my already tied dark gray converse.  "Morning, what's the rush?" Dad asks as he takes a sip from his black coffee that I still don't know how he consumes without spitting it out. "Um.. just want to be there early, first impressions are always important to teachers. Charlie! Can you drive me to school?" I shout up the stairs, followed by my older brother strolling out of his room and down the stairs while giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay, Charlie be careful." Mum adds as he takes the keys from the glass bowl and follows me to the driveway where our navy blue minivan resides. "Um, Millie?" Charlie abruptly says after 5 minutes of driving in pure silence. "Yeah?" I reply casually while looking out the window. "Did I.. Did I hurt that guy? Last night?" He worriedly asks while tightening his grip on the steering wheel, causing me to switch my focus from the trees outside to him. "Not badly, just a scrape is all... he's fine." I respond honestly, allowing him to seem at least a little more relaxed than before. "Well if you see him, tell him I'm sorry." He says as we pull up to the school, I just nod and hop out of the car before watching the minivan drive away. I let out a sigh as I begin my walk to the same table they told me to go to yesterday that resides just outside the school. Who knew so much could happen in the matter of three days: I met five people who are now basically my best friends, already went to a party, and even have a crus..... shit. 

I mentally face-palm myself for letting my emotions and feelings get the best of me as I take my last few steps to reach the table before being greeted by all of my friends, all except a specific someone. "Hey Mills!" Sadie exclaims while patting down on the empty seat next to her, the other guys just wave. "Hey, wh-where's Finn?" I hesitantly ask while furrowing my eyebrows as I look around the table at the familiar faces. "I think he's skipping today, I don't know." Caleb explains with a shrug as if it's something that happens often. "Skipping?" I repeat, a small hint of disgust in my tone. "Yeah, you've never skipped?" Gaten questions with a small smirk. "Uh.. no, not really." I answer, my voice almost a whisper. "Neither have I." Noah mentions, making the others widen their eyes at their friend. "Wait, really? I could've sworn you have, Noah." Sadie admits while staring at the boy in awe as he shakes his head. "At least I'm not the only one. Why is he skipping anyway?" I ask, they all just shrug. "Probably just didn't feel like coming... though he doesn't skip very often so it could be anything really, maybe he's just late." Gaten explains just before the bell rings, forcing all of us to shuffle into the school... with no Finn Wolfhard to be seen.

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