It's Not Him

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Millie's POV:

The rest of us stayed silent as we took all the information in, breathing in every word of it. "This is crazy." Sadie mumbles quietly. Her voice the only thing breaking the silence. Noah blows out a stressed breath of air, weaving his fingers together before placing them atop his head as if he's just finished a race. "It's a lot to take in, I know... but right now we have to be there for Caleb. And if not for him, for his parents." Gaten instructs seriously. And yet for someone who was usually seen and kinda labeled as the class clown who only cheered people up, the blue eyed boy's strong leadership presence was impossible to ignore. So with that we all silently follow him back to the waiting room to well.. wait. Sadie instantly takes the free seat next to April, starting to console her that everything will be fine while Gaten and Noah go to get drinks from the vending machine at the hospital's cafeteria. Finn and I go over to the end of the row of chairs near the back corner where a small type of love seat is placed, only about 9 seats away from where Corey sits with his wife and Sadie.

"I hate hospitals." Finn mentions suddenly as he sits down in the blue cushioned seat; his eyes scanning the open area. "People only come most of the time when something bad happens, it's always too quiet, it smells like death mixed with hand sanitizer, and the whole atmosphere is just sad and depressing." The dark curly haired boy rambles out quickly while listing each con on his fingers. He slumps back into the chair after finishing his short speech whilst his hand moves into an ape-like position as it holds up his head, resting near his temple. My lips press together as I stare down at my crossed legs. "Do you.. do you think Gaten might be right?" I ask nervously, glancing up at him as he does the same. Even under these circumstances I still can't help but want to get lost in those damn brown eyes, it's like I'm addicted or something. "Yes, maybe.. I don't know. I just don't want to believe it, I guess." He answers, looking away from me and instead ahead of him. "But you do?" I query, raising my eyebrows curiously. He bites his lower lip nervously. His mesmerizing eyes meet with mine as he nods gently, almost reluctant to do so. I let out a shaky sigh that sends a chill down my back. "I was afraid you'd say that." I mutter quietly as my hand runs through my hair in a stressed manner. "After all this time knowing him, I honestly don't want to believe it. He seemed fine, happy even, last night. I just.. I can't think of what would've changed." Finn confesses, his face showing obviously that he's deep in thought.

"M-Maybe something happened, something that might've not had anything to do with last night or any of us at all." I theorize, finding hope in the dimmest of light. Finn bites the inside of his cheek as he shakes his head dismissively. "Not likely." He mutters, probably not meaning for me to hear it. "Well, with everything that's going on.. I'm sorry." I admit with guilty eyes. His head instantly snaps to me, his features turning full of worry and concern. "For what? You haven't done anything wrong." Finn states, dropping his hand from the side of his face so he can take mine in both of his. "I know, but I just can't help but feel guilty. I don't know why-" "Millie, you've been nothing but helpful. Now every single one of us could find a way blame ourselves for what happened, but then none of us would be able to figure out what's going on. So, at least until we can actually come up with something, it's none of our faults. And that especially includes you." He comforts with his sweet, soft voice that makes me melt within seconds. "Yeah, okay?" "Yeah.." I answer shyly before he drapes his arm around me, pulling me closer while giving my cheek a quick peck. And soon enough I fell into a slumber in the arms of Mr. Heartthrob.


I wake up to the sound of voices quietly but urgently calling my name. My eyes flutter open, squinting as they adjust to the hospital's lights until settling on the person before me who's strands of hair hang over his hazel eyes. Noah. "Millie, Finn, wake up.." He whispers softly, putting a hand on each of our legs as he shakes them gently. I feel Finn shift beside me, his arm still around me carelessly as his dark eyelashes flutter open to reveal what I like to call 'his mazes', otherwise known as his eyes. "What.. I'm up, I'm up." He groans with his groggy, deep voice making butterflies find their way to my stomach. Now's not the time, Millie. "It's Caleb, he's awake." Noah notifies us, causing the both of us to become suddenly very aware. "He is?" The dark curly haired boy questions, sitting up quickly as his arm retracts back to his side. Noah nods with a pleasant smile plastered to his lips. 

The two of us stand up swiftly and jog with Noah down the hall to Caleb's room, 316. The three of us come to a halt once reaching the wide open door, hesitant to walk inside just yet. Finn moves past Noah and I so he can see inside while leaning on the doorway, putting his hand on the frame. "Hey.. how you- uh, how you doing?" He asks awkwardly while letting his hand fall from the frame as he walks inside. Noah and I stand by the doorway, not able to see inside the room but still hear them clearly enough. "I've seen better days." Caleb jokes, attempting to chuckle but only making out a small laugh before going into a fit of coughs. Poor guy. In my mind I can see Finn's uneasy smile, wanting to shower the dark skinned boy in comfort but not having the certainty to do it. "Yeah, you sure have.." Finn trails off, a silence fills the room. "But um, everyone's here. They're worried about you, man, especially Sadie." He adds. Another silence. "Listen Finn, if you heard about what happened-" "I know, Caleb. I know." He finishes for him. "But you don't, not really. Finn I stole from the gas station. It was just a couple packs of cigs, that's all; but.. the guy, the guy working, I think- I think I stabbed him Finn." Noah looks over his shoulder at me with wide, frightened eyes. I only put my finger to my lips as a sign for him to stay quiet, he nods. 

"And.. I think I must've washed off the blood, because I'm not stupid. I'm not, so I must have. Right Wolfhard? You don't think I'd be that stupid, do you?" Caleb's voice questions. The unfamiliar tone making nervous sweats to come to my fingertips. It doesn't sound like him.. it just doesn't. "Caleb, I think you should rest. It's been a rough day for you." I hear the same kind voice speak, yet in that voice I can sense a tiny hint of fear covered by his sweetness. "Right yeah.. but you don't think I'm stupid, right? I got all A's, man." The other, unfamiliar voice speaks as the faint sound of sheets ruffling is heard. "We can talk later, now get some rest." Caleb sighs, giving up on the question as we hear the sound of Finn's vans on the tile as he comes out of the room. His face is covered in hurt, his chin quivering slightly as he steps outside. "Finn.." I whisper out just before embracing the suddenly fragile boy in my arms as a cry quietly escapes his lips. He buries his head into the crook of my neck while his arms wrap around my small body tightly, making me feel like I might break but honestly, he can break every bone in my body if it means I'm helping him. 

"Caleb.. he-he.." Finn croaks out between cries, struggling to speak. I shush his words knowing right now he shouldn't try to talk, at least not yet. I feel his soft, messy curls against my neck and at the tip of my ear as his cries continue to come out. All the while Noah stands at the doorway, peering in at the sleeping criminal with a blank and terrified expression. "There has to be a motive, something that could've drove him insane somehow.. all we gotta do is figure out what that is." Noah mutters quietly, speaking only to himself while his words are nearly drowned out by the hurting freckled by in my arms.

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