Late Visit

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Millie's POV:

After hours of reading the novel my eyes become heavy and breathing slower, my mind refuses to keep reading as I drift off to sleep while sitting in my bay window.

- 3 Hours Later) -

A loud tinking echoing in my ears forces my eyes to open in confusion and annoyance with a low groan accompanying it. Once aware of my surroundings, I look over at the window next to me only to see a curly haired boy crouched down on the edge of my roof, with the sun about to set behind him. "The fuck?" I mutter to myself while slowly pulling up my window for him to come in. "Hey, have a nice nap?" The dark eyed boy greets as he pulls himself inside, sitting down across from me. "What are you doing here?" I ask, still slightly groggy as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. "I came to see you." He confesses simply, putting his hand on my knee that I only stare at awkwardly. "Why?" I question, looking up at him from his hand. "I didn't know I needed a reason." He admits with a nervous chuckle, making a sense of guilt form inside me. "Sorry." I mumble, knowing he can still hear me. "Millie, I just wanna talk." He states honestly, causing my eyes to look at at his. "About?" "Today." He answers with a glimpse of hope in his dark eyes, a glimpse I only sigh at. "I know you don't want to talk about it, I get it. I just need to know that you don't believe what he said, about me, about us." Finn explains further, gesturing between us as I bite my lip in thought.

"I don't believe what he said," I start, causing a huge sigh of relief to escape his chapped lips. "but that doesn't change the fact that that's why you ended up talking to me in the first place. And no,  I didn't skip today just because of that realization. I also skipped because I haven't had a damn minute to myself since I got here." I vent out, softly chuckling at my last sentence. "If I didn't take that bet, then I wouldn't be where I am today.. with you. Yeah- we might've eventually ended up finding an interest in each other, but it wouldn't have been the way it happened. You inspire me to be a better version of myself, a better version than I was when I met you. And I don't want to change that, ever." He confesses, holding his bent knee in his folded hands with his back against the wall, his body facing across from mine. A few moments of silence fill the air as I try to come up with some kind of answer to a confession I wasn't expecting, though only one thing happens to come to mind. "When Gaten found me in the woods, he told me about your 'unachievable' dream." I say, air quoting the word as a reminiscent smile creeps onto my lips as he only presses his lips together, waiting for me to continue. "He talked about how you wanted to have this person that 'loves you for you', 'looks at you the what Caleb looks at Sadie', like a soulmate type thing." I explain with a faint smile, using the same words Gaten did. Finn's eyes stare at his knee as a fond smile appears on his face, a laugh-like breath escaping through his nose.

"He told me he never really thought it'd come true, that it was a nonexistent thing and was a waste of a dream basically." I add, causing his smile to falter until a confused expression replaces it, his eyes shooting up to mine. "Thought?" He repeats, realizing I used past tense. "Yeah.. that was until I came along, and his mind- it changed." I explain, becoming shy as the words roll off my tongue. I watch out of the corner of my eye as he moves closer to me, carefully taking off my glasses and setting them down as I stare at him intently. His eyes meet with mine as his thumb grazes my cheek gently, the space between us only being inches. My eyes instinctively trace down to his lips, those lips that I can't help but longingly want. Before I can even react, my lips are already pressed against his, opening and closing in sync with another. My hands grip onto the back of his black shirt, my right traveling up to the tucks of hair that escaped his beanie's cover, tangling my fingers in them with enjoyment. My veins flow with adrenaline and pure passion, my mind not allowing itself to think about anything other than him. His hand moves down to my waist, pulling himself closer, something I didn't even know was possible at this point. His lips part from mine before moving down to my neck, the sensation causing me to bite my lip unknowingly. "Finn." I say with heavy breaths, my grip loosening around him. His lips peck my skin one last time before he rests his forehead on my shoulder, breathing heavily from lack of air. A soft giggle escapes my lips as I rest my chin on his shoulder, a smile present on my lips as I hold him close in my small arms.

Minutes pass of us just sitting like that, with me holding him in my arms as his forehead rests on my shoulder, and my chin resting on his as my hands rub his back slowly. "Millie?" Finn asks, his voice quiet and steady. "Hm?" I answer faintly, my eyes peering out at the moonlit, night sky full of dim stars. "I.." He says before sighing, "I'm happy you're here." He finishes, his voice revealing the regret in not saying what he was going to. "That isn't what you were going to say, beanie boy." I state quietly, kissing his shoulder. "What if I'm scared to say it?" He mutters to himself, not meaning for me to hear it. "Don't be." I answer while giving him a short squeeze, hoping it'll comfort him. A few moments of silence pass without another word, though I don't really mind, I get lost looking at the stars easily. "Millie?" "Hm." I say, not really noticing the pattern. "..I love you, more than I'd like to admit." Finn confesses with a soft, nervous chuckle as he nestles his face into my shoulder, probably embarrassed or nervous for my reaction. My face flashes from shock to pure joy within seconds, biting my lip to stop myself from squealing ecstatically. "I love you too," I admit before adding on, "more than you'll ever know." I say in a whisper as I peer out into the night sky with blushing cheeks and a shy smile.


Finn's POV:

My body abruptly wakes itself up, my mind still unsure where or what is happening. That is until I feel a weight on my shoulder and heat around me. I hold back a tired groan as I look around, realizing it's still night so we must've just fallen asleep. Carefully I pull away from our embrace-like cuddle, making sure to keep her asleep as I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her bed. I gently lay her fragile body down on the queen sized bed, covering her small body with her purple floral comforter. I turn back to the bay window, about to move my upper body into the November night until I hear a faint British voice, calling my name. I look back to see her with her eyebrows furrowed in fear but her body still asleep, her face only looking more fearful as time ticks by. Without hesitation I crawl back inside and come to her bed, crouching down next to her with my hand on her upper arm. "Hey.... hey, it's okay. I'm here, I'm right here." Soon she calms and her eyes flutter open, indicating she's awake. "Where you going?" Millie asks quietly, her voice below a whisper. "Home, it's late." I answer while standing to my feet, removing my hand from her arm. "Hey Finn?" She asks, still half asleep. "Yeah?" I say with a smile. "Will you be my boyfrieaand?" She questions with her eyes closed, holding my hand as I look down at her in amusement. "Whatever you want, new girl." I state with a grin, she giggles goofily before letting go of my hand and falling back asleep. 

With a smile I successfully crawl out her window and climb down the ladder on the side of the house, sighing once my feet reach the frosty grass. I begin to stroll down the sidewalk, the memories made tonight roaming through my mind as I stuff my practically frozen hands in the green bomber jacket I'm glad I brought with me. Not surprise myself, my thoughts seem to settle on the girl I love. Millie Bobby Brown, a girl with short brunette hair and dazzling brown eyes similar to a maze, you never fail to get lost in them. The way she laughs at the stupidest of my jokes, blessing me with such a cheerful sound that I can't help but smile at. Her unique voice, though it's probably faded it's still there, letting you know more about her past. When she looks at you, you can't help but get all bubbly inside and become nervous. And when we kiss, I swear it's like a firework exploding inside of me, truly unexplainable. My love for this girl is supposed to be unachievable, nonexistent, something that no one is capable of doing, it's so strong and true that it's only real in fairy tales and happily ever afters. So what? If being a Disney prince makes people understand my kind of love for Millie, something so unreal to anyone else, then so be it.

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