Meeting Mum

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Millie's POV:

Soon, the six of us call it a night and sprint back to our cars in search of warmth and heat from the frigid lake water and November air. "Sades, you and Caleb were totally all over each other, clearly he likes you.. so why aren't you dating?" I mention as Sadie and I sit in her jeep with towels over our bodies and the heater blasting. "It's better if we don't. Cause if we were to break up we wouldn't be friends afterwards, which means the group would be done for." Sadie explains simply, letting a deprived sigh escape her lungs as she looks down at the pedals. "So you just.. suppress your feelings, all because you're afraid of breaking up?" I ask, both confused and slightly annoyed. "No, because I'm afraid of breaking apart this group of friends. I love them, Mills... and if suppressing my feelings means I get to keep them, then so be it." Sadie states firmly, her voice showing no doubt or hesitation. I just nod my head, unsure of how to respond. "Listen Millie, you're apart of this group too. Don't ever forget that, okay?" She instructs as she puts her hand on my shoulder, a look of care in her bright blue eyes. "Got it." I answer with a nod, allowing her to retract her hand and put her hands on the wheel before starting to drive away from the lake and towards my house where she'd be sleeping over.


"Millie?" Sadie asks as she lays next me under the covers of my bed, breaking the dark silence my room was full of. "Yes, Sadie." I mumble back, my eyes still closed as my back faces her. "Do you actually like Finn?" She questions curiously, her voice slightly above a whisper. I squeeze my eyes closed harder as I press my lips together, the question making a shiver run down my spine. "Mills?" Sadie says after I fail to respond, unsure of how I should actually answer. "Um..maybe." I answer with a sigh as my eyes flutter open. "Have you kissed him?" She questions further, curiosity and wonder laced in her words. "Sadie, can we not? It's late and I'm tired." I retort, the real answer making my head race with questions about him and even myself. "Sorry, you can sleep now." She assures me, letting me rest my tired eyes easily. "Okay, but if you have kissed him-" Sadie rambles out before getting cut off by my annoyed groan. "We. Haven't. Kissed." I state firmly, causing the red haired girl to close her mouth from speaking any further. "Night Sades." I say before shutting my eyes, this time for good. "Night." She whispers back followed by the comforter rustling due to her movement. Soon my thoughts fade and lose conscious, drifting into a pleased slumber with Sadie at my side.

The following morning I wake up to the sound of music and singing, my eyes fluttering open to see a ray of light draped into my room with my best friend singing to pop music as she applies makeup to her face. "What are you doing?" I ask with a groan, my voice groggy as I rub my eyes tiredly. "Getting ready for the day, obviously." She answers with a giggle while smacking her bright red lipstick together with her lips. "Why?" I question as I read the time, 12:45 pm. "Because Millie, I don't wanna be in public without makeup." She answers simply, as if it was obvious. "But you look beautiful without it, Sades." I compliment truthfully, gesturing towards her. "Oh hush and get dressed already." She snaps before facing my mirror again, reapplying her eyeliner. I let out a short groan before obliging, changing into dark navy blue skinny jeans and my comfy grey hoodie. "Are we even going anywhere?" I ask as I walk out of my closet, the view of Sadie typing on her phone with her hip out as she stands. "Of course, we're gonna go to the skatepark!" She exclaims, clasping her hands together with a cheerful smile. "I still can't skate though.." I mention lowly, not wanting her to take pity. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, some of the guys aren't." Sadie suggests, shrugging casually as she pulls on her sneakers. "Yeah, you just go on without me- I have homework anyway." I add with a nod, allowing her to give me a quick hug before rushing out of my room, leaving my house with a thank you to my parents.

Sighing, I waltz over to my desk and thud down into my black leather swivel chair, not really wanting to do my homework but knowing I need to. I rub my temples from my small headache caused by the bottle of beer I had the night before, mentally reminding myself to never drink again.. though we all know that's a lie. I should've gone, maybe Finn would've been there. No, no. Millie we've talked about this: no matter how much you think you like Finn Wolfhard, you're only putting your heart in danger if you fall for him. My thoughts get abruptly cut off by the sound of something hitting my window, causing me to glance over to my window curiously. Another small rock comes flying into view before producing the same sound, forcing me to snatch my glasses from my nightstand and throw them on. I walk over to my bay window and peek down at my front yard, revealing the one thing my mind was telling me not to think about. A faint smile grows on my lips as I lift open my window, popping my head outside. "Hey, new girl. You busy?" The dark haired boy asks, a black beanie covering most of his hair as he wears shiny black sunglasses and an olive green bomber jacket over his white t-shirt. "Actually yes, I am." I answer with a glance over my shoulder, looking at my backpack full of unfinished papers. "Might I ask what you're busy with?" He questions curiously, a couple of extra rocks in his hand. "Homework, something you never seem to do." I explain smugly, smirking proudly. "Fair point, yet I still have almost all A's." He remarks with a brush of his shoulder, causing me to roll my eyes playfully. "Your point, Finn?" I ask, tired of peering down at him from my window. "I can help you.. with your homework, that is." Finn offers as he takes off his sunglasses, hooking them onto his shirt. "Okay fine, but no distractions." I state sternly as I point my index finger at him while he just grins happily. "Go to my front door." I instruct before crawling backwards into my room, shutting my window and racing downstairs to the front door.

I swing open the door to reveal the same teen from before, showing off his signature smile. "Who's this, Millie?" Mum asks as she walks up behind me, scanning Finn from head to toe with her eyes. "I'm Finn, Finn Wolfhard." He introduces, offering his hand for her to shake as he flashes her the same charming smile. "Oh, how nice to finally meet you! Millie here talks about you all the time when Sadie's over." She reveals to him as she shakes his hand, with him looking over at me in amusement as I just roll my eyes. "Well come in, come in!" She exclaims while moving out of the doorway for him, this whole situation making me regret ever telling him to come in this way. "So Finn, I hear your quite the party guy from around town." Mum mentions as she leads him to the kitchen, offering him a glass of water. "Well, I do get my fair share of partying. I think it's good to have the full high school experience, without alcohol though." Finn explains, lying straight to her face with ease. "That's good, we need more kids like that in this world." She adds with pointing at him, pleased with his answer. "Indeed we do, Mrs. Brown." He agrees, nodding along with her. "Well uh- I hate to interject, but we have a project we have to get done for English so..." I lie while pulling on his wrist, dragging him towards the stairs. "Well alright, perhaps you could stay for dinner later tonight then?" Mum suggests as we stroll up the stairs. "Of course!" Finn shouts back before getting thrown into my room. "My dad's gonna kill you, you know." I mention with a sigh as I sit down in my desk chair. "What, why? I think I'm pretty charming towards parents." Finn confesses as he leans on the back of my chair, watching as I log into my laptop. "Yeah, but charm can only get you so far with my dad. If you don't answer every question right.. you might as well forget I even exist." I explain seriously as I type away on the keyboard. "Guess I should make a good first impression then, shouldn't I?" He whispers softly in my ear, causing my body to freeze up. Oh, beanie boy, what are you doing to me?

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