Movie Night

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Millie's POV:

That evening I went home with pounds of homework that I needed to make up for school that would basically take up the whole night to finish, but only if I didn't take any breaks. "How was your first day?" Mum asks as she finishes her task of washing the dishes. "Pretty good." I answer with a small nod as I slip off my shoes and hang up my jacket. "Make any friends?" She questions, making me roll my eyes. "Yes, mother. I've made friends, five of them actually." I respond while shrugging as my legs beg to run up the stairs and lock myself in my room, knowing how much work there is to do. "Oh really? Well you should have a slumber party with them soon! Or, maybe a girls night out?" She exclaims, suggesting things the boys would never even dream of doing. "Uh yeah.. about that, most of the people in the group are not of my gender." I hesitantly explain while pressing my folded hands under my chin. "Meaning you're friends with a bunch of boys?" Mum questions as her eyes widen. "No! Well, yes.. but not all of them are boys!" I answer quickly, hoping she'll accept them no matter if they're guys. "No?" She asks, her worried eyes lessening. "No, the girl who introduced me to them. Sadie, Sadie Sink.. she's the first person I met from here and she's just the best girl you could ever meet. Trust me." I explain, her facial expression changing until she settles to an unreadable look. "Fine, I'll allow it. But you best not let your father know." She warns, making a bright smile find it's way onto my face. "Thanks Mum." I say while giving her a warming hug before running up the stairs with my bag of schoolwork in hand.

As I google the next question on my third math work sheet I let out a long deprived sigh, knowing my theory of this taking all night to be true. Tink! I immediately furrow my eyes towards my bay window at the familiar sound. I watch as a small gray object flies up and produces the same noise as it lightly hits my window, assuring me of my thoughts. I slam shut my laptop and scurry off my already made bed only to crawl onto my bay window and peek down at the suspect. I allow a genuine smile to appear on my face as I unlock my window and push it up, letting the cold November air rush into my room as I pop my head out. "Why hello there new girl, have you forgotten about the movie tonight?" The familiar dark haired boy questions with a suffocated tone. "I suppose I have, beanie boy." I answer with the same voice as his, making that fawn-able smile appear on his face. "Well take my rocks as a reminder, I'm here to pick you up." He exclaims while holding up a handful of miniature rocks. "Pick me up?" I repeat while furrowing my eyebrows. "Yes, that is what I said." He replies while gesturing towards the old-style, pitch black Camero that is parked next to the curb. "T-That's your car?" I ask in disbelief. No way Finn Wolfhard, a kid who's lived in Cumming his whole life, owns that car. He nods his head, "You don't have to looked so shocked, Brown. Have a little faith in me, will you?" Finn questions while twirling his keys on his index finger with that same cheeky smile that he loves doing.

{Finn's Camero.. Pretty Slick, Right?}

"I'll have a little faith once I get a ride in that thing

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"I'll have a little faith once I get a ride in that thing." I exclaim while dropping down from my window, my ankles only hurting slightly this time as I land on the concrete driveway. "As you wish, new girl." Finn says as he strolls towards his car and opens the passenger seat door, before walking around the hood of his car and lowering himself into the driver's seat. "I got to admit, this is a pretty badass car for a guy like you." I mention while looking around the interior as I sit in a black leather seat. "What's that suppose to mean... you don't think I'm a badass?" He asks as we sit in the un-started car. "Well I guess personality wise, sure. But style wise... that could use some adjustments." I explain while gently pulling on his American Eagle branded, dark red hoodie. "Oh c'mon. I like my hoodies, they keep me warm. I'm sorry I don't want to be freezing while wearing a black leather jacket just so I can look like a badass." Finn explains as he starts the car and begins our drive to the movie theater. New Order blasts on the stereo as Finn sings along with the singer while drumming on the steering wheel, his passion and expressions making laughter burst out of me constantly as we drive.

Just as the last song on the playlist comes to an end we lurch into a free parking spot, the dark camero fitting perfectly between the lines as Finn turns off the car. "Thanks for driving me, beanie boy." I tease as we walk side by side through the movie theater's parking lot. "Don't mention it, new girl. Um.. what kinda music you like? Like who's your favorite artist, I could add some of their songs to my playlist." Finn questions as he stuffs his cold hands into his pockets, his light gray vans thudding as we walk on the hard concrete. "I..I don't think you'd really like the kind of music they make." I mention while shaking my head slowly. "C'mon, try me. I like any music known to man, classic rock just happens to be my favorite." He explains with a light smile. "I can tell." I say with a smirk, letting a nervous chuckle escape his light red lips. "But.. unless you think you'd like Ed Sheeran's music, I don't suggest adding his songs to your playlist." I advise before he gives me an understanding nod as we then reach the ticket booth.

"Hey man, can I get two tickets for Pirates Of The Caribbean?" Finn asks the familiar boy that seems to be about our age, probably someone I've seen in school. "Sure thing. Date with the new girl, huh?" The boy says but before either of us can protest he continues. "Damn, should've of thought of it first. I swear, you're always getting the hot ones before any guy has a chance." He mentions while handing Finn the tickets, looking me up and down. "Uh.. yeah, thanks Chosen." Finn replies before walking away with me at his side. "What was that all about?" I question as we walk inside the cinema, a confused expression consuming his face. "I.. I don't know, sorry about that. Chosen can be a little... Chosen-y at times." He explains, finding no other way to describe his friend. "There you guys are! Took you long enough to pick her up, Wolfhard." Caleb complains as the remaining of the group meets us in the lobby. "I bet they were too busy sucking face somewhere to remember about the movie." Gaten jokes though his tone makes it sound like a statement, making Noah and Caleb chuckle as they nod agreeably. "Oh, grow up." Finn scolds while rolling his eyes at the laughing, curly haired boy. "Besides, I'm not letting him cross me off his kiss list that easily." I snap before taking Sadie's hand and pulling her to the correct theater, leaving the boys silent as they watch us walk away.

"Feisty Millie.. I like it." Sadie mentions as we walk through the swinging doors where the previews show on the gigantic screen. "Please, can call me Mills." I exclaim while walking up the stairs to the top row of seats, in my opinion they're the best spots you could have in any type of theater. "Then you can call me, Sads. The boys sometimes call me that but eh." She explains with a shrug as we then sit down in the rough red push-down seats. "They're up there." Noah says to the other three boys behind him as they all stroll up the stairs to join us. Suddenly Finn dodges the others towards the top of the stairs as he jogs up so he's the first to sit down.. next to me, making most of us shoot him a look of confusion as he readjusts his beanie. "What?" He whispers while looking from Sadie and I to the three others, most of us shrug while Caleb and Noah snicker as they shake their heads. He probably just wanted the best seat or something, it couldn't possibly because of me. That'd just be plain childish... right? "Seems like Finnie Boi has a crush." Sadie whispers into my ear, deserving a well earned eye roll as I reluctantly smile at the thought of it being true.... not that I care.

Soon the movie finally starts and sure enough, the anxiety of how much homework I have left to do makes the movie with the iconic Johnny Depp painfully un-enjoyable. A little over halfway through the dragging on movie, the anxiety becomes powerful enough to force me to believe I must leave now or else I'll be a failure in life, all because I didn't finish all the work I needed to do. As I bite on my nails nervously I finally find the courage to lean over to Finn, "Hey um.. can I talk to you for a second?" I whisper in his ear which allows him to snap his attention from the movie to me, a calm and collected expression on his face as he stands from his seat and shimmies his way past the three other boys who's main concern is the movie and only the movie. I follow him down the stairs and through the same red doors we came through, ending up back in the lobby. "What's up?" Finn asks, his hands placed on his hips. "Um so.. I have a lot of homework, like a lot, and I need to get it done." I explain while fidgeting with my hands. "Okay, well the movie's almost over." He responds while walking back towards the door. I quickly grab his wrist and think of another reason he won't be able to reject, hopefully. "It's that and I'm not really feeling well... I just think it's best if I go home." I say as he looks down at my hand, letting me swiftly retract it from his wrist. "Do you want me to drive you? It can be pretty dangerous at night, especially seeing how far away your house is." Finn offers as he turns to face me again. "I mean, if you want to stay you can. I'm sure I'll be fine, just thought I should tell someone before I left." I explain while backing away slowly. "No, no. I insist, no friend of mine is walking home alone at night." He quickly objects while pulling out his phone to text the others about us leaving. Won't this just be an interesting ride...

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