Pete Imagine: Happy Birthday

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This is late, I know.

You snuck out of your bed and went downstairs. Today was your boyfriend's birthday, and you wanted to surprise him by baking him a cake.

"Let's do this," you mumbled to yourself.

You grabbed flour, eggs, milk, etc. Everything was going fine, well except that there was cake batter everywhere in everything and on you. You walked into the bathroom to clean yourself off.

"This is fucking gross," you said to yourself as you whiped the cake batter from your face.

"Babe, what's that burning?" Pete asked while rubbing his eyes.

"Shit!" You yelled while running into the kitchen to take the once was cake out of the oven. Tears started to spill from your eyes as you stared at the cake.

"I'm sorry," you sobbed while you hung onto Pete's shirt.

"What's going on?" He asked while rubbing your back.

"Well since today's your birthday, I decided to make you a cake, but I failed," you said while sobbing even more.

"It's ok," he said while raising your chin, "I got you, and you're the best birthday present I ever got."

"I want to go back to sleep," you mumbled.

"Alright. Go back to sleep. I'll clean this mess."

"Happy birthday, Pete," you said while planting a kiss on his cheek.

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