Joe Imagine: My R

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So there are some trigger warnings in here and it's based it off of the song above which is a really cute song. Also, I feel like I've been using FOB members and depression way too much, but I've been using it because it actually happened. I just want to show that the people who we look up to also fight the same issues we are facing ourselves.

This was finally the day. The day where you were going to end it all.

You made it up to the rooftop after school. It was your happy place, and it shall be your last. As you soon made it, there was a small boy with ginger hair and tattoos sitting on the ledge. You saw him move a little towards the edge and you knew he was going to jump.

Then you said something that you'd never believe you would say.

"Hey, don't do it, please!"

The boy turned around and shot you a glare.

"Why are you here? Why should you care?"

"Because you matter to someone, just please talk to me, I'll help you."

He hung his head down and let out a sigh, "Life's been hard on me. My thoughts are eating me and I want to end it all. It's not fair anymore. All of my friends left because they hated each other. I'm all alone now and there's nothing to live for anymore."

You walked up to the boy and sat next to him, "I'm sure you still have friends that care about you. You just have to remember that sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger."

"But I don't have any more friends," he said softly.

"Yes, you do, you got me."

The boy scooted closer to the edge and before he could jump, you grabbed his sleeve. "Wait! Please."

"What now?"

"You saved someone today, you know that? It's just funny how for some stupid reason you got here before me."

"W-what?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah, I was going to jump today, but I saw you and thought that jumping is stupid. So, please don't do it," you lied with a grin on your face.

The boy pulled you into a hug and you breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm feeling better. Thank you for listening."

You patted his back and then got up, the boy following you. "I'm Andy, Andy Hurley."



There you were, on your way back up to the rooftop. Maybe today would be the day, or so you thought. But it was an opportunity lost. There was another boy, but this one had raven black hair and was wearing a red hoodie.

Then you said that same thing that you would've never thought you would say.

"Hey, don't do it, please!"

The boy shot daggers at you and moved to the edge of the ledge but you ran towards him and pulled him off.

"What the hell?! Leave me alone!" He yelled.

"No! I'm not letting you jump, not today. Now tell me, what's bothering you."

"Nothing is."

"Surely it's something so bad that you have to take your own life!" You snapped.

The boy sighed and you saw tears fill his lower eyelids. "I don't belong here. I get called a freak and a faggot. It's killing me here, and I'm not a big help myself. I don't fit in with anyone else and I hate it! They all hate me!"

You let out a silent chuckle and helped the boy up, but you held him by the hood. "I'm sure someone here enjoys your company. You're not a freak, I can tell, you're human like everyone else."

"How can you tell?!" He hissed.

"Because you're not the idiot to jump. You're not the idiot who only thinks about themselves before actually do something suicidal. You care too much about what your friends would feel after you do jump. It's just surprising that you made it here before me."

"You were going to jump?"

You nodded and let go of his hood, "Yeah, I was, but you were here and I thought I better not."

"I feel better, now. Thanks for listening-?"


"I'm Peter, but call me Pete."


Maybe this time you could jump, today would be the day. But it was another opportunity missed. This time there was a blonde boy, who was a tad bit chubby and was wearing a black cardigan. He was walking the ledge, hoping to lose balance.

"Hey, don't do it, please!" You yelled.

It was a habit by now, yelling those words. The boy smiled at you and you swore that he was going to jump then and there, but he didn't. He jumped back onto the roof and came to you.

"Why should I not do it?" He asked, you could see the tear stains on his face. "Why should I not end it here and now? I mean, look at me. I'm fat, I'm ugly, I can't do anything right."

"But I'm sure you can do a lot of things right, you can't see it yet. And I think you're very beautiful and you're not fat. You just need to take some time to love yourself."

"You know what, jumping is stupid," the boy said while clutching his cardigan closer to him. "Thank you, I feel better, what's your name?"

"(Y/N)," you said with a smile.

"I'm Patrick Stump," he told you before leaving. You didn't have the guts to tell him that you were originally going to jump.


Today was actually going to be the day. You sat your bookbag down on the roof and went over to the ledge. There was nobody there but you saw where Andy, Pete, and Patrick were days before.

If only someone helped you as you helped them. But nobody really cared about you.

You held your arms out and stretched a leg out, about to go over, but you were stopped by a familiar saying.

"Hey, don't do it, please!"

You looked behind you and saw a boy with curly hair and blue eyes and behind him were a ginger, a raven-haired boy, and a blonde.

"You were going to jump, were you?" The curly haired one asked.

"No, I was going to fly," you said sarcastically.

You knew the boy this time, it was Joe Trohman. He was your very best friend, but he didn't know about any of this because you loved him. You were in love with Joe Trohman but you were scared to admit it. Besides, he only liked you as a friend.

"Please, get down," Patrick pleaded.

You smiled at the boy and took a step closer to the ledge, only to fall. But you didn't fall. Joe grabbed your hand and pulled you back onto the roof. He pulled you into a hug and you were shocked.

You spent too much time thinking about yourself.

You spent too much time thinking about dying that you forgot that one person who actually cared.

"I-I'm sorry," you whispered.

"It's alright, I forgive you. I love you, (Y/N). I really, really do."

"I love you too, Joe."

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