Werewolf!Joe: My Little Wolf

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So it's almost Halloween and these images are about to get spooky with boys as creatures. Also the art is by l3earfat on Instagram. I love her artwork so much 😍

It was almost that time of the month again. No not for your period. For Joe. See, he's a werewolf, and it's almost time for the full moon.

"Joe are you alright," you asked while he layed on the couch next to you.

"I don't know, (Y/N)."

"It'll be fine Joe. I'll be fine," you reassured him. "I'm here for you."

"It's almost time," he said.

"I'll just go until you're done," you said while getting up. You always did this. Joe would transform and you would be back, but Joe's transformation was weird. (Reference up at the top). He was still able to talk, which was a good thing. And Joe was like a puppy, he would stay with you until the night was over.

"Joe are you done?" You asked.

"Yeah," he mumbled. He was scared that you would hate him. But you've seen him tons of times in his werewolf form.

You walked out and saw Joe sitting on the couch with a pair of ears on top of his head.

"Joe? Are you alright?" You asked while walking up to him.

"I'm so sorry," he sobbed.

"Sorry about what?"

"Sorry that you have to deal with this every month."

"Joe, werewolves don't cry," you said while trying to make him laugh, which failed. "Joe you're a scary wolf, you're supposed to scare people."

Something was wrong, but you couldn't put your finger on it, he would always scare you by flashing his sharp teeth or pretend to claw at you. But tonight, tonight was way different.

"Joe, what's wrong?"

"Why can I live a normal life with you," he said while crying into his paws.

"But Joe," you said but he quickly interrupted you.

"I know you don't want to be here with me. You have to stay up all night, every single month, with me to make sure I'm ok. Some days you have to work really early in the morning. You just don't want to be with me."

"Joe if I didn't want to be with you, then I wouldn't be here. If I didn't want to be with you, then I would just ignore you every month, but I don't. I'm here for you because I want to be here you."

He started to whine.

Man he really takes this werewolf thing seriously.

"Aw Joe, my poor baby," you fake pouted.

"I'm not your baby," he said.

"Yeah you are," you said while petting his ears. He flashed you a scowl and then it turned into a smile.

"I love you," he said while he layed in your lap.

"I love you too."

Not what you was expecting, correct? You thought they were supposed to be scary, well guess again!! 

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