Pref #9: He Saves You

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You were reading a book while walking, not your smartest idea. You were caught up reading because it was a really good book.

You went to cross the road, not paying attention to anything and you heard someone yell.

"Watch out!" The voice yelled while someone pulled you back, dropping your book in the process.

You saw a car go speeding by your field of vision and you realized that you could've died.

"Thank you," you said while looking up to see your savior.

You gulped and began to blush. This was bad, really bad.

"Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled as he let go of your shirt.

You shook your head and went to go pick your book back up. It could be anyone, but him. Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy saved your life.

"I'm Patrick, by the way, Patrick Stump," he said while holding his hand out, a smile on his face.

"I'm (Y/N)," you said while shaking his hand. "Thank you for saving my life, literally."

"It was nothing. Anything for a fan," he said while winking at you, making you blush. You were confused about why he knew you were a fan, but you realized that you were wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt. "I was going to grab a coffee, so maybe you would like to come? Talk about that book that got you killed."

You nodded, "Yeah, that sounds nice."


"(Y/N)!" Pete yelled. "Where are you?!"

"Upstairs!" You yelled while grabbed the step ladder. A lightbulb went out and you wanted to chance is asap.

You put the step ladder down and began to climb. You removed the bulb and went to screw the other one it in.

"I got groceries!" Pete yelled from downstairs.

"Thanks, Pete!" You yelled back while trying to figure out how to put the lightbulb in correctly. {Y'all better be happy that I finally put that in here}

As you were screwing the bulb in, something happened and caused a spark to come from the light. Causing you to fall back.

"Ah!" You screamed as you went down, waiting to hit the floor, but instead, you were being held up by Pete.

"Be careful next time, (Y/N)," he laughed.

"Jeeze Pete, that thing sparked," you nervously chuckled as the lights began to dim in the house.

"You know what," Pete said as soon as all the lights went out, "Leave the lightbulbs to me."


"You want to go?! You want to fucking go?!" Some bitch yelled at you during lunch, you ignored her and continued to eat.

"No, I don't. Now if you would kindly fuck off, that'd be great."

She came over and threw your, luckily, empty tray across the cafeteria. "Fucking fight me!"

You sighed and went to receive your tray, but was stopped by the bitch standing in a fighting position.

You don't know why she wants to fight you. All you did was mention her name in a conversation. {This happened to me on a bus and that girl is fucking nuts I tell ya.}

"Fine," you sighed while putting your fist up.

She swung at you, but you dodged it, like the pro you are. However, it didn't last long.

She grabbed your leg and knocked it out from under you, causing you to fall and hit the table.

"Jesus fuck," you hissed as you rubbed your head.

You didn't even have time to breathe before she started punching you in the face.

"(Y/N)?!" Joe yelled while pulling the psycho bitch off of you.

"Fuck you, asshole!" The girl spat on Joe, causing you to get up and pin her to a wall. {I pinned one of my friends to a desk because he said something stupid and I was pissed that day. He knows now not to say stupid shit :)}

"Never, ever, do that to my boyfriend," you growled before getting pulled off.

"What happened?" Joe asked while taking you to the nurse's office.

"She's crazy! I mentioned someone with the same name as she and she threatened to fight me! If it weren't for you, Joe, I'd probably be beaten to death."

"You really can't fight, so what else could I do?"

"True, Trohman, true, but do admit that I do kick ass anyway."

"Yeah, you do. Now when we get home, you can pin me to the wall like you did her all you want."


You let out a scream as the guy held your throat with his hand and a broken bottle with another. You took the wrong turn trying to find Andy and got yourself stuck with this drunk dude who apparently wants to kill you. 

"Shush!" He slurred, "I hate it when they scream."

Every time you would piss him off he would punch you, which was about eighty times in five minutes.

"P-please let me go," you whimpered as he pinned you to the wall. He was trying to kiss you, but you kept on dodging him. 

"Sweetheart," he whispered into your ear, the smell of whiskey and other different types of alcohol was strong on his breath. "Just one little kiss."

"No, you fucking perv!" You screamed as you kicked him in the stomach, making him flinch pain. 

"Jesus fuck, you little brat!" He hissed, "Now you're really going to get it!"

You struggled and squirmed as he was going to bash your head with the bottle, but the man fell, causing you to fall with him. 

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Andy asked while helping you up. 

You hugged him with tears and blood running down your face. "Take me home," you sobbed. 

"Yeah, come on," he said quietly while wrapping his arm around you and began walking you home. 

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