Patrick Imagine: Winter Beard

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{So, if y'all have Instagram, then most likely, you've seen this photo on your feed. And to be honest, I've been thinking about this photo ever since I saw it so I decided to make an imagine of it so I can stOP THINKING ABOUT IT}

{Edit: on an Instagram account called SkeletalStump has the link to watch Lil Peep's MV of I've Been Waiting and when I think I'm over Stump's beard that lITTLE SHIT COMES AND ATTACKS ME}

"Patrick, no," you yelled while shoving him off of you. "I'm not going to kiss you."

"Why not?" He pouted.

"It feels weird!"

It was time for Patrick's annual 'Winter Beard', meaning it's time for him to grow out his facial hair. This year, he started to grow it out early and he hid all of his razors so he couldn't shave it off.

"Please?" He asked like a child.

"No, not until you shave," you hissed.

"I worked hard on this (Y/N), I'm not going to shave it now!"

"Then you're getting no kisses," you said while putting your nose up in the air. "It's the (Y/N) Stump policy."

"You don't say anything when I kiss the inside of your thighs," he mumbled, causing you to gasp.

"Patrick!" You yelled while smacking him.

"It's not like I'm lying," he winced while rubbing where you hit him. "Now can I please have a kiss?"

"No! Especially after you said that!"

"Fine," he huffed. "No kissing you with the beard."

"Thank you," you sighed.

You continued to watch television until Patrick buried his face into your lap, his facial hair tickling your legs.

"Patrick!" You squealed as you kicked him in the stomach, making him fall off the couch. "I am so sorry!"

"It's fine," he groaned while clutching his stomach. "Holy smokes, that was a powerful kick."

You knelt down beside him, lightly laughing at him. "I'm married to a dork."

He bursted out laughing as he laid in the floor, you followed him. Laughing so hard that you lost your balance, falling on top of him.

"Maybe the beard ain't so bad," you sighed as you gave him a peck on the lips.

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