Pref #6: Late Night Text

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American Beauty: Patrick

American Beauty: Paaatttrriick

American Beauty: PaTRicK

Pattycakes: Yes?

American Beauty: I can't sleep.

Pattycakes: I'm sorry. Do you want me to come over?

American Beauty: Yes pLEASE!

Pattycakes: Alright. I'll be over in 5


Emo Babe: Do you think Narwhals dream?

My Lovely Girl: Peter I swEAR TO GOD!

Emo Babe: No, it's a legit question. Do you think they dream? Do they know they're part unicorn? What if that don't? THEY DON'T KNOW THAT THEY'RE PART UNICORN! 😭

My Lovely Girl: 😑

My Lovely Girl: Pete. It's 3 am. Go the fuck asleep.

Emo Babe: I can't

My Lovely Girl: Tim Burton Marathon?

Emo Babe: ...I'll be over

My Lovely Girl: I'll get the snacks


American Psycho: Hey, Joe?

Fuzzball: ?

American Psycho: I know it's late, but can you go get me something from CVS?

Fuzzball: Oh my god, are you pregananat?!

American Psycho: No, I'm not pregananat. I need you to get me some medicine.

Fuzzball: I was hoping we would be having a tiny child 😣

American Psycho: We'll try that after I'm no longer throwing up last night's lasaga.

Fuzzball: Yeah BOI! I'll be over.

American Psycho: Don'T FORGET MY MEDICINE!


Mr Crossfit: How would you feel about having a kid?

Mr. Crossfit's Darling: I would ask you if you're drunk, but you don't drink.

Mr. Crossfit: Well?

Mr. Crossfit's Darling: Well children are adorable

Mr. Crossfit: Yes!

Mr. Crossfit's Darling: Um, Andy. We have a problem.

Mr. Crossfit: ?

Mr. Crossfit's Darling: I'm on my period.

Mr. Crossfit: Time to go out and buy you some chocolate.

Mr. Crossfit's Darling: AndY NO! IT'S 2 AM!

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