Joe Imagine: I Want To Hate You As Much As I Hate Myself

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Joe Trohman was perfect in every way. Perfect eyes, perfect hair, perfect everything! You on the other hand, you were just everything but perfect. Your hair was a mess, no matter what, your eyes were the dullest color ever, nothing was perfect about you. So why would two polar opposites date? Joe thought you were a goddess, with luxious hair and striking (E/C) eyes. You though Joe was a god with his baby blues and perfect wild hair. So basically, you both saw each other as beauties, but you both thought about yourselves as not perfect.

You and Joe were spending the night, cuddling on the couch, until you decided to break the ice.

"Joe," you whispered.

He hummed in reply. You couldn't bear to talk to him about the topic about yourself, but you did.

"Why do you love me?" You asked quietly.

"Well," he started, "your hair is stunning. The way it flows. Your eyes are absolutely stunning the way they shine when you talk about something you love or in the sun."

"But Joe, I'm not like you."

"Not everyone can be a headbangin rockstar like me (Y/N)," he said making you smile.

"Not that, Joey, I mean, why would you date someone so-"

"Imperfect," he said while cutting you off. "Because in my eyes you are perfect."

"But how do you see yourself?" You asked.

"How I see myself? Well let's see, my hair's a wild mess and my eyes are super dull," he said while wrapping his arms around you.

"That's how I see myself," you said quietly.

Joe let out a chuckle against your neck.

"You girls with seeing yourself as imperfect, why can't you just listen to your boyfriend?"

"I wish I can hate you as much as I hate myself, but that's impossible with you, Joey," you said while turning around to face him.

"That's because I'm irresistible," he said while pecking your lips.

"I know you are Joseph Trohman," you said while smiling at him.

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