Special Patrick Imagine: Ruberiot The Songstrel

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So if you didn't know Patrick voices a character in Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil called Ruberiot (aka the smol cinnamon bun who tries his hardest but happens to make someone's life miserable aka ME) and I thought he deserved appreciation so ta da! Also Ruberiot and you are Mewmans which is basically what the people are called on Ruberiot's planet and Pat's name is Patrick Ruberiot Stump and he likes to go by his middle name also I put the song in the top so you can here his AMAZING VOCALS

You walked down the spiral stairs waiting to look at the mess Patrick or "Ruberiot" made from song writing. As you made your way down, you saw the mess and boy were you mad. Papers were in piles everywhere.

"Ruberiot, you better get this clean- oh," you said while you found Ruberiot asleep headfirst on the piano.

"Gotta get song done," he mumbled. "Gotta write her song."

You picked up the sleeping songstrel and carried him up the stairs. He gripped onto your shirt, causing you to smile at him.

You placed him on the bed and went back downstairs.

"Now to clean up this mess," you said while getting a broom.

As you swept the mistakes away, you saw a piece of paper that stuck out to you.

We're the new face of failure prettier and younger but not any better off

Bulletproof loneliness, at best, at best

Me and you sitting in a honeymoon, if I woke up next to you, if I woke up next to you

You smiled and slipped the paper into your pocket and continued to sweep.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Ruberiot asked from the top of the stairs.

"I'm sweeping away the mistakes, why?" You asked while looking at him. He went wide eyed and ran down the stairs.

"Those aren't mistakes. Well they are, but they're happy mistakes."

"Ruberiot, are you writing love songs for your band again?"

"Yes, I am, actually," he mumbled while looking at the floor.

"Who are they about?" You asked.

"Well," he chucked while rubbing the back of his neck. "They're about this girl who I really love. She's extreamly pretty and she's very kind and sweet. I love everything about her even her little flaws and I enjoy having her around and I plan to marry her someday."

"Sounds like a nice chick. What's her name?"

"Her name is (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) and she's the best mewman around."

"Thanks Rubie," you said while kissing him.

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