Andy Imagine: America's Ass

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"Oh my god, there it is," you gasped out as you looked over the crowd.

Andy was sweet and took you to the premiere of Avengers Endgame and you only showed up for one reason: Chris Evans.

Yes, you adored Andy and wanted to be with Andy forever, but Chris Evans, whoo boy!

"Are you looking at Evan's ass again?" Andy sighed while you smiled at the cameras.

"Look at it, Andy, it's better than Jensen Ackles'! Not as good as yours but it's close."

You and Andy walked inside the theater where the cast was and you were freaking out.

"Look at Tom Holland, ahhh, such a baby!" You yelled out.

Andy wrapped his arm around your waist, "Why don't you talk to them?"

"Me? Oh no, I can't."

"I'll go with you," Andy sang, making your heart flip.

"Aw, yeah! I love you, Andy," you said while kissing him and then walking him over to the cast.

You walked up to Chris Evans first, and he seemed to recognize one of you.

"Hey, you're the drummer from Fall Out Boy," Chris said while holding his hand out, Andy took it and gave it a stern shake. "And you are?"

"Not okay," you said with a smile, which made you rethink, "Sorry, I meant to say I'm (Y/N), Andy's girlfriend."

Chris smirked at you and you let out a silent sigh. "I guess I'll see you in the theater?"

"Yeah," you nodded as he went to walk away, you kept in staring as Andy nudged you in your ribs.

"Stop staring, you're going to attract paparazzi," he whispered.

"Like this won't," you smirked while smacking him, making him gasp a little. 

"Miss (L/N), if you don't stop," Andy teased, "Then we'll have to go home."

"Oh no," you said sarcastically. "But never have I ever seen you get so jealous of someone Andy. It's just Chris Evans, besides, I'm way out of his league."

Andy let out a sigh of relief as you both walked into the screening room. "Good, because Chris Evans isn't even your type."

"Yeah, according to Tumblr my type is a drummer who's vegan, straightedge, and is covered in tattoos."

"Hell yeah."

I have no idea where this went aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Also, I saw Endgame and I cried and there were a lot of jokes about Chris Evans' ass and I was freaking out. 

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