Pete Imagine: Runaway (3)

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Reminder: the imagine is kinda based around the book Eleanor and Park because for some reason Pete reminds me of Park and I based the reader off of Eleanor so when you see a different name besides Pete and (Y/N), don't panic! Also, (F/F) stands for favorite flavor.

Pete kept on stealing glances as the two of you walked into town. He finally saw that your hair was (H/L) and (H/C) and your eyes were a bright (E/C).

"There's a diner, we can stop in here," you told Pete as you saw a retro diner in the distance. "I brought money so we can eat and I'm pretty sure there's a phone inside."

"Sure, but I'm not letting you pay for anything, because it's rude."

"But you weren't planning to stop here, I was and I brought like sixty dollars."

Pete gave you a concerned look, "You were planning to start off here with sixty dollars, (Y/N)? That's not even enough to buy the cheapest apartment!"

"But it was enough, and besides, I want to go back to Chicago, so this is food money now," you shrugged while reaching for your bag.

"But I always carry money on me and I want to be a gentleman so let me pay for your dinner."

You gave up arguing with Pete and shoved a sucker in your mouth as the two of you continued your way up to the retro diner. 

Pete ran up to the door and held it open for you.

"Thanks," you whispered with a slight blush.

You walked in and found a classic jukebox playing Buddy Holly and waitresses wearing sky blue dresses and white aprons with bright red lipstick and fake moles on their cheekbones.

"Take a seat anywhere and I'll be right with you," a waitress with red hair and a hairstyle from the fifties told you and Pete, who snuck behind you.

"You heard the lady," Pete told you while you found a booth by a payphone.

There were already menus down at the table and you left yours sit there, leaving a worried look.

"(Y/N), you need to eat something," Pete scolded.

"I'm not hungry, Pete," you told him while picking at the edge of the menu.

The same waitress that greeted you came to your table with a small notepad.

"Hi, my name is Chelsea and I'll be your waitress today. Tell me when you're ready to order."

"May we have a few minutes please?" Pete asked.

"Sure, just give a yell when you two are ready to order."

Chelsea walked away and Pete continued to scan his menu.

"They have chicken strips and a large basket of fries that we can share."

"I'm good, Pete, really."

"Ok so a large basket of chicken strips, a large basket of fries, and a large (F/F) milkshake that we can share," Pete said while completely ignoring what you said.

"How did you know that I loved (F/F) milkshakes?" You asked.

"You seem like an (F/F) milkshake type of person. Also, can you order while I go call Patrick?"

"Yeah, sure," you said with a soft smile.

{Pete's POV}

I went to the payphone and slipped the coins inside and dialed Patrick's number.

"Dude, where have you been?!" Patrick yelled causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"I went on a depression train ride and now I'm stuck at a retro diner with a girl named (Y/N)."

"Ok, was it really a depression train ride or did you want to get laid?" Patrick asked while snickering.

"Patrick, she snuck on the train after me, I couldn't kick her off. She has some really bad issues going on. She wanted to leave Chicago and never return because it's that bad. Will you just come and pick us up, please? She really doesn't want to be here."

"Does Pete Wentz like this mysterious girl?" Patrick teased, causing me to sigh. 

"She's ok," I lied.

"Pete, come on, man, I know you better than that. You like her, don't you?"

I looked over in her direction where she was ordering the food. She looked really pretty in the light of the sun. She shook her head at the waitress and the waitress looked flustered and went back towards the kitchen. 

"She's pretty and doesn't deserve to be treated like that. I want to protect her. She's like Eleanor from-"

"You actually paid attention in English class! Eleanor and Park sucked, man!"

"No, it didn't. The Grapes of Wrath sucked, it was as dry as the time period it was set in."

Patrick laughed over the phone, "Ok, where are you two at?"

"You know that retro diner in the next town. The one where the waitresses take their jobs of being chicks in the fifties seriously?"

"Oh, that place! Yeah, ok, I'll be there in an hour."

"Sweet, thanks, Patrick."

"Anything for you, loverboy."

(Your POV)

The waitress came with the food and set it down in front of you. "I'm so sorry that I assumed you two were a couple."

"It's fine," you blushed. 

"Well, here's your food, hope you two enjoy," she said quickly before heading to another table.

Little known to Pete, you were listening to his conversation and your heart was still fluttering. He called you pretty. Someone actually called you pretty.

"Sorry about that," Pete apologized as he sat down across from you, "Patrick likes to talk."

"It's fine, the food's here so I guess we can eat."

"Yeah," he smiled at you, making you blush. 

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