Vampire!Pete Imagine: Love Sucks

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This was it. This was the end. All because you had to run somewhere after sundown and you managed to be attacked. By vampires.

"Kiss her," they chanted while shoving a vampire towards my neck. They pushed a bit too hard and his fangs went into my neck.

"Ow!" You yelled out. After that, everything seemed to be in a haze. You fell to the ground, the vampire that was holding you dropped you and ran away. A car came up to near where you were. Three men came out, two holding guns, one holding a long but really thin sword.

"Pete, are you alright?" The one in the hat said.

"I-I bit her! I bit her! Oh my god it's all my fault!" The vampire said.

You managed to pass out after that.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey," someone said.

"But I'm vegan," a soft voice yelled from the next room.

"Wakey, wakey, vegetables and sadness," the person said again.

You opened your eyes and was met by light brown ones with a tint of red.

"You're awake, good. Drink this," he said while giving you a glass which seemed to be tomato juice. You took a sip and spit it out.

"Ew! What is that shit?" You said while wiping your mouth.

"It's a blend that Patrick made to help calm us."

"Patrick? Us? What's going on?" You asked. You soon bit your lip, feeling a sharp pain, causing it to bleed. "The hell?" You asked while wiping blood from your lip.

"Do you want me to explain or not?" The man asked with anger.

"Sure," you said while rolling your eyes.

"You got attacked last night by a group of vamps, they managed to shove me far enough that I bit you," he said while showing his fangs.

"So that means, I'm also a vampire?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry. I really don't do that type of thing. I actually hunt them."

"You hunt them?"

"Are you deaf? Yes!"

"And kill them?"

"Yeah," he grunted.

"Do it," you said.

"What?" He asked while looking at you.

"Do it, it's your job."

"No. I only kill bad ones. And ugly ones."

You managed to smile.

"Is the girl awake?" Someone yelled.

"She's up!" He yelled back. "I didn't get your name."

"(Y/N)," you said.

"Pete, the dude who just yelled was Patrick."

"The dude with the hat?"

"Yes the dude in the hat. Then there's Andy, the vegan and Joe."

"Oh there you are, breakfast is ready, if you want some," Patrick said.

"Ok I'll be there in a minute," you said while standing up. "Do you guys have a change of clothes?" I asked.

"I do," Pete said quickly. "I'll go get them," he said while leaving the room and Patrick coming in.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's weird how he acts around me. One minute he'll be pissed off then the next he'll be sweet to me."

"He wouldn't stop worring about you last night, you know. He was saying it was his fault."

"But it's really not. They forced him to do it. There is no harm done."

"But you're no longer human."

"I know. But does it really matter?"

But little did you know, Pete was listen to your entire conversation.

"Pete didn't ask for that either, did he?" You asked. "He didn't ask to be a vampire."

"No. That's why he hunts them. They took almost everything away from him."

"I feel so sorry for Pete."

"Here's some clothes," Pete said while throwing an outfit into the floor and storming off.

"He doesn't like when we talk about it," Patrick said shyly.

"I bet he doesn't. I'm going to get changed now."

"Ok, when your ready come down to eat," he said while closing the door. I stated at the pile of clothes in the floor. Red skinny jeans, a band tee, and a leather jacket. I quickly slipped them on and went into the kitchen area and sat at the table. Pete took glances at you, but when you looked at him he would quickly look away.

"Here, drink this," Patrick said while sitting a cup down in front of you with the same red substance.

"It's not that shit I drank an half an hour ago, is it?" I pouted.

"Just shut up and chug it," Pete growled at you.

"Fine, grouchass," you mumbled and chugged the substance down. You gagged a bit and sat the glass down.

"What's in that?" You gasped.

"Holy water, green onions, and tomato juice," Patrick said.

"Guys, we have a problem," a man with brown hair and blue eyes said. "There's an attack on main street."

"Ok, you just stay here. Do not open the door unless you know it's us," Patrick said.

"Alright," you said while stealing a piece of bacon.

They all grabbed weapons and went out the door. Pete was the last one to leave.

"Here," he said while tossing you a necklace with batwings and a heart.

"Stay safe, Pete," you said while smiling at him.

"I will."

To be continued........

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