Patrick Imagine: Why Can't You Love Yourself

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You stood in front of a mirror and held your chub. You hated everything about yourself, how you were tall, how you were fat, how you had freckles, how you had dark circles under your eyes, everything!  Thinking about these made you cry. You sat on the bed and cried. What you didn't know that Patrick returned home, and he listened to you cry. Patrick sighed and opened the door.

(Y/N)? Are you alright?" He asked while sitting next to you.

"When will you realize that I'm a fucked up human?" You asked quietly.

"I don't understand," he said while stroking your hair.

"Can't you see?" You yelled at him.

"See what?" He asked. His voice was calm.

"That I'm fat. Look at this," you yelled while pointing to your stomache, "I shouldn't even be with you, Patrick! Look at all of these blemishes! Freckles, acne, stretch marks, scars. I'm no good for you."

He laughed and you glared at him, then you started crying again.

"You're no good for me, you're great for me. Why can't you learn to love yourself?"

"Because, Meagan, Meredith, and Marie all have perfect bodies. I don't. I feel so bad around them."

"Don't worry about them. Now, remove your shirt," he said. (Idea stolen from @FallOutBarnes because I loved it so much) You nodded and removed your shirt and he removed his. "Stand in front of the mirror."

You stood in front of the mirror and looked at yourself. Patrick stood next to you in the mirror. You saw that he also had stretch marks and scars.

"I don't understand," you repeated his words. "What are you showing me?"

"That next to each other, we're no diffrent. Did you forget that I used to be the same?"

You remember when you comfort Patrick during the Folie era because he had a little chub.

"I remember that, but your in much better shape."

"Look at me," he commanded. You turned your head and looked at him.

"You need to love yourself. Stop compairing yourself to other people. You're beautiful and stunning, and those freckles are really adorable. What I'm trying to say is that, you shouldn't care what other people say about you. Meagan, Meredith, and Marie, love you. Not everybody is the same, not everybody can have the stereotypical body type. I love you and that's the only thing you should care about."

You hugged him. "Thank you, Patrick."

"You're welcome, mon cherie."

So I stayed up until 12:30 yesterday morning to listen to Champions and it was legit. The other 26 minutes was me crying over how great it was. It was worth staying up, and it was worth hiding underneath the cover for 15 minutes. I'm so proud of the boys and can't wait until M A  N   I    A

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