Patrick Imagine: Meet The Family {Request}

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Requested by Donnie_The_Catcher_
(F/N)= Father's Name (ex: Bill, Richard, etc)

Your parents knew about Patrick for years. They knew how much you loved the singer, but they never met him, so they invited the two of you to stay for the week.

"Trick, it's one visit, come on," you begged. "They really want to see you."

"(Y/N), your parents will hate me. They always wanted you to marry some hunk."

"And you are! Besides, we're not married yet. Just grab your hat, fedora or your cap, your bags, and come on. They'll adore you!" You said while grabbing his hand and yanking him off the couch.

Patrick sighed and went out the door.


"We're here!" You exclaimed while putting the car in park.

Patrick groaned as he unfastened his seatbelt.

"Hey, look at me. They're gonna love you, alright?" You told him before giving him a small kiss. "Now, let's go."

"Ok," he gently smiled and got out of the car.

You walked up to the door and opened it. "Hey, yo, Ma, I'm home!"

"There she is!" Your mom yelled excitedly, giving you a hug. "Did you bring Patrick?"

"Don't give him a hard time, alright. He's worried," you whispered while laughing.

"Is that Patrick Stump?" Your mom asked as Patrick nervously came in.

"H-hi, Mrs. (L/N)." He nervously waved.

"Come here, I want a hug," your mom pouted.

"Mom," you whined.

Your mom laughed as Patrick shifted his weight from one leg to another.

"I was just joking with you, Patrick. Dinner is almost ready and your father will be home soon, please make yourself at home. I'll go check on the food."

You sat on the couch and Patrick nervously made his way over to where you were.

"Hey, my mom loves you, no need to be nervous," you whispered.

"But what about your dad? Everyone's mom is nice, but their dad."

"Not your dad, your dad's a sweetheart, and mine is too."

Patrick fiddled with his hands and you have him a sad look.

"Trick, you have to calm down. He's not going to hate you. You are sweet, kind, extremely charming, caring, and you're cute. Like, really hecking cute."

"Thanks, (Y/N)," Patrick smiled while leaning in to kiss you, but the door came open and he jumped back.

"There she is!" Your dad said while opening up his arms for a hug.

"Dad!" You said in the same tone as you got off the couch and hugged him.

"And who may this be?" Your dad asked while letting you go and walked up to Patrick.

"I'm Patrick Stump, sir, I'm (Y/N)'s boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Patrick," your dad smiled, "I've heard so many great things about you."

Your dad turned around to face you, "I'm going to go see what your mother is doing."

Your dad left and you and Patrick were alone in the living room. Again.

"The hard part's done and over with, Patrick. You lived, look at you go!" You cheered.

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled. "Now just six more days."

"It'll fly by! Besides, I think we'll have a little time to ourselves, Mom loves to shop, Dad has to work. So you know what that means?"

"I get to sing to you?"

"You get to sing to me! Ooh, my dad loves Buddy Holly, sing a Buddy Holly song and he'll love you forever!"

"(Y/N), Patrick, dinner!" Your mom called.


It was the last day and Patrick grew fond of your parents. All of you were in the living room, listening to Patrick sing. Your dad was playing the guitar.

"Hey, (F/N), do you know the chords to Everyday?"

"The Buddy Holly song?" Your dad asked while playing a chord.

"Yeah, I did a cover a while back. I always wanted to do an acoustic version but never had the time."

Your dad looked at Patrick like he knew something.

Patrick came over and took your hand, making you get out of your seat.

"Everyday it's a-gettin' closer. Goin' faster than a rollercoaster. Love like yours will surely come my way. A-hey, a-hey-hey," Patrick sang out, while dancing with you. Your dad played out the chords in time with Patrick's voice.

"Everyday it's a-gettin' faster. Everyone said, "Go ahead and ask her." Love like yours will surely come my way. A-hey, a-hey-hey."

"Patrick!" You laughed as he spun you and then dipped you.

Just to believe that this man was absolutely terrified of your parents.

"Everyday seems a little longer. Every way love's a little stronger. Come what may. Do you ever long for true love from me?"

You saw your dad smirk at Patrick while your mom smiled at the two of you, dancing like idiots in the living room.

"Everyday it's a-gettin' closer. Goin' faster than a rollercoaster. Love like yours will surely come my way.
A-hey, a-hey-hey.

Everyday seems a little longer. Every way love's a little stronger. Come what may. Do you ever long for true love from me?

Everyday it's a-gettin' closer. Goin' faster than a rollercoaster. Love like yours will surely come my way.
A-hey, a-hey-hey. Love like yours will surely come my way," he finished, while dropping down to one knee.

"Oh my gosh," you breathed out as he pulled out a velvet box. "Yes!"

"I didn't even ask the question," Patrick laughed.

"Go ahead and ask her," your dad told Patrick, quoting the song Patrick just sang.

"Marry me?" Patrick asked.

"Boy, I just answered you! Yes! Absolutely!"

"Does this mean that we're finally gonna get grandkids?" Your dad asked while Patrick slipped the ring on your finger, making Patrick chuckle.

"Dad!" You sighed. "Hard to believe you were scared of him."

"He was the one who suggested it. Besides, he gave me his blessing," Patrick told you while kissing your forehead.

Hello, yes, my apologies if this isn't what you wanted. I've been watching Hallmark movies and listening to Patrick's cover of Everyday and thought "why the hell not." But I hope you enjoyed it, Donnie_The_Catcher_

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