Pete Imagine: The Bassist Is My Favorite

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Two Pete Imagines right next to each other?! Yeah. This is a dream I had so I'm writing it now

Class was stupid. School was stupid. Everything was stupid. Even Pete Wentz was stupid. The little rockstar was still in high school. He was responsible for everything. Even though you really love Fall Out Boy and Pete was your favorite, you couldn't help but to call him stupid. You just hate to love him and love to hate him.

He came into the class, a red hoodie on and his hair over his left eye. He saw you and smiled.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He said while waving at you.

You rolled your eyes and smiled. You loved him, really, but your scared to admit it.

"Hey, Pete. Where's Patrick? He's usually here," you said while looking around the room.

"He's sick. Joe's skipping and Andy's in the gym."

"So it's just me and you?" You asked.

"Me and you."

The bell rang and Pete went to his seat. The teacher stood up and write something down on the board. Love. You let out a silent groan while your friend gave you a chesire cat grin.

"Today we are going to discuss your love interest to someone you're not friends with. Get with someone and talk."

You walked up to a bit with shaggy hair and glasses. You smiled at him.

"Do you mind if I talk?" You asked.

"Not at all. I'm Brendon."

"(Y/N). You want to talk first?"

"Ladies first," he chuckled.

"Alright, the boy I like is in a band. He's a bit hard headed, but he's nice and kind. He plays bass guitar and is basically a sweet guy."

"Aw. He sounds like a great guy."

"He is. Trust me."

While Brendon talked about who he loved, Pete listened to you while his partner talked passionately about someone. Pete would just nod every five seconds.

"It's time to tell your partner who your person is," your teacher yelled.

"I mean I love everyone in Fall Out Boy, but Pete Wentz is cute and I love him," you said. You heard a loud 'yes' as the emo boy came to hug you.

"Pete!" You yelled.

"I love you too!" He said before kissing you. You kissed him back while the class whooped and hollered.

"The bassist is always my favorite," you sighed out.

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