Andy Imagine: Where Is Your Boy Tonight?

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If your not comfortable with abuse, please just skip this imagine.

Your boyfriend shoved you into the gym floor, breaking your nose in the process.

"What were you doing?!" He yelled at you.

"Nothing! He just asked for help with his homework, I swear!" You begged while tears and blood dripped down your face.

All of this because you laughed at a boy's joke. All of this because your boyfriend was a psychopath. All of this because you didn't say no. He picked you up by the hair and threw you into the floor repeatedly.

"What are you doing?!" A voice yelled. "Leave her alone!"

"Or what?" He sneered at the boy.

You saw the boy get into a fighting stance, ready to fight your psycho boyfriend.

"Please don't," you thought. "Don't fight him."

The boy came up to your boyfriend and punched him across the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Think about this when you decide to beat up a lady," he said while spitting on him.

The boy walked over to you, crouched down to where he could see you, then he turned his head down where you could see his face.

"Are you alright?" He asked. You noticed a gap in between his teeth and beautiful blue eyes.

You slowly nodded while you tried to push yourself up, but failed miserably. You fell back on to the floor, groaning.

"Let me," he said while getting up. Soon you saw that you were in the air.

"I haven't caught your name," he said.

"(Y/N)," you said quietly.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N), I'm Andy. Do you have a ride?" He asked.

You just simply shook your head.

"I got to go to band practice, since to don't have a ride, you're gonna have to come, I mean if not that's fine."

"I'll come," you said while smiling weakly. "Besides, I think I need to get this fixed," you said while holding your hand to your nose, wiping the blood from it, causing more blood to trickle on your lip.

"After practice, I'll take you to the hospital," he said while sitting you down by his car.

You opened the door and slowly got in. He soon started the car and drove to practice.

"What instrument do you play?" You asked quietly.

"Drums. I actually play for Fall Out Boy, have you heard of them?"

"No. My friend has, she's been to one of their shows down in a club."

"We're here," he said while pulling the car over. "I'm going to call the guys and tell them that you're with me."

You nodded while Andy got out of the car and walked to the passenger side where you were at. He slipped his phone in his pocket and opened the car door. You tried to stand, but again, failed miserably.

"Calm down, Bambi," he laughed. "I got you."

You wrapped your arm around his neck as he lead you inside the house and down to the basement. You saw the boy that you were helping earlier. Patrick Stump.

Patrick saw you and ran to get a first aid kit. There was two more men there. You didn't seem to recognize them.

"That's Pete," he said while pointing to the guy wearing eyeliner. "And that's Joe," he said while pointing to the guy who was strumming his guitar.

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