Patrick Imagine: A Proposal?

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So, I'm really original and I searched up 'Imagine Your OTP' stuff on Pinterest because I'm brain dead and can't think of any ideas, so if it's something I found online, I'll put it up at the top or something. I don't know.


He's waited for this moment for his whole life, but man was he scared. Patrick was going to pop the question, but he was scared that he was going to get turned down.

"Hey, Patrick, is something wrong?" You asked while sitting next to him on the couch. "You seem distant."

"It's nothing, (Y/N). Why don't we watch a movie?"

"Ooh, can we watch (Favorite movie)?"

"Anything you want."

You grabbed the remote and found the movie on Netflix, which made you happy.

"Say, (Y/N), I was curious and I was thinking about what's your opinion on marriage and stuff like that?"

You were oblivious, so this was just a normal question to you.

"I don't know, I actually never thought about it. I've been busy with other stuff."

"Good point," he said quietly while twiddling his thumbs. 

"What's your opinion about it," you asked while turning to face him, completely ignoring the movie.

"I don't know either, I've been busy with the new album that's all I've been thinking about."


{Patrick's POV}

I sighed as (Y/N) went upstairs to go to bed. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the ring and fumbled with it. I know she won't say no,  but what if she does?

"Patrick, are you coming?" She yelled out from the stairs. 

"Yeah! Just give me a minute." I yelled back while still admiring the ring.

I sighed and slipped the ring in my pocket and went upstairs to our bedroom. (Y/N) was already under the covers and fast asleep. 

"Hey, you awake?" I asked to make sure she was asleep. She didn't reply and I let out a sigh of relief. 

I pulled the ring out and sat it down on the nightstand and went to get my pajamas on.

When I got done, I picked up the ring and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. 

"Please, accept this proposal of mine. I was too much of a coward to ask you in person, but I'm sure you won't say no. Hopefully. Goodnight,  Mon Cheri."


{(Y/N)'s POV}

You woke up, thanks to the sun. Patrick was gone, possibly already and up doing stuff around the house.

You sighed and rubbed your eyes, but you noticed something on your hand. It was a ring, but not any type of ring, it was an engagement ring.

"Patrick, get up here!" You yelled with a bit of anger in your voice. If you wanted a proposal, you wanted to see it for yourself.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" He asked innocently while opening the door.

"What's this?" You glared while holding up your left hand.

"An engagement ring," Patrick said quietly.


"It's an engagement ring. I want to marry you, (Y/N), I want to make you mine."

"Well, I won't accept it," Patrick's face fell, but you had a grin on your face, "Unless you give me a real proposal."

You gave Patrick the ring back and he got down on one knee. "(Y/N), no words can express how much I love you. Ever since we've met all those years ago, I've always loved you and I want to continue loving you. You've made me so happy and were there for me when I was alone. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, you dumb idiot!" You yelled while placing the ring back on your hand.  You hugged him and he hugged you back.

"I'm so glad you accepted."

"Who said I wouldn't accept your proposal? Was it Pete, I'll kick his ass!"

"No, I thought of the worst," he said while fixing his glasses.

You walked up to him and pecked his cheek, "No way in hell I would turn you down. We've been together for so long, it would be a total shame if all the time we spent together was a waste. "Now, Patrick, I need to brag and tell the girls."

Patrick let out a laugh as you grabbed your phone and called up Meridith. "Oh my gosh, Meridith,  you'll never believe what just happened!"

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