Pref #1: When You Cry

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You were sitting on your bed, tears spilling from your eyes. You slowly rocked yourself while you played Coast (It's Gonna Get Better) on repeat.

"(Y/N)," Patrick knocked on the door.

"You can open it," you sniffed while you layed down.

Patrick came in with a sad smile. He sat down on the edge on your bed and stroked your hair.

"What wrong, sweetheart?" He asked quietly as like of speaking loud would break you even more.

"I-I don't w-want to talk a-about it," you sobbed into your pillow.

"That's fine, but can you at least come to me," he said even softer than before. You sat up and hugged him. Your tears staining his leather jacket.

"You're alright. You're going to be just fine. I got you," he whispered into your ear causing you to cry even more.

"T-thank you, Trick," you said while looking into his bluish green eyes.

"No problem, love. Now let's cuddle, that always cheers you up."


You saw that bastard with that whore. That's why Brendon made a while song dedicated to her. Your, now ex, boyfriend cheated on you, and decided to announce it to the entire school. Seeing them made you sick. Seeing them made you want to scream at them. Seeing them made you want to cry. And you did. You ran into your only safe haven, the band room. You hid in one of the percussion lockers and cried. What you didn't know, was that someone else was in the band room. Well actually, 4 people. They all stood at the door of the percussion room and heard you sob. Each face on the person fell.

"You go," one said.

"No way! Pete, you're better with girls."

"Fine I'll go. Just go practice the song."

You heard the lockers squeak open as a sign meaning that the man was looking for you. You didn't care. Nothing in the world cared. Your locker opened and a man with raven hair and eyeliner looked at you.

"Sorry if I disturbed you," you said while quickly getting out of the locker and leaving but he grabbed you by the arm.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Why would you care?" You spat at him.

"Why would a pretty girl cry?" He asked.

"My bastard boyfriend. He cheated on me with the school slut and I just want to die."

"Ignore him. He didn't deserve you. In fact, he doesn't deserve anybody! Nobody should make someone as beautiful as you cry," he said while pulling you into a hug.

In the other room, the 3 boys were playing.

"I confessed, I messed up droppin' "I'm sorry" like you're still around," a boy sang.

"That's a nice song," you sniffed while wiping away tears and pulling yourself away.

"Thanks! I wrote it myself!" He said while smiling, making you laugh.

"Thank you," you said but soon stopped as you were confused by his name.

"Pete. Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. But Pete will do."

"Alright, Pete. The name is (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)."

"You can watch us practice if you want. We actually have a concert coming up."

"I think I'll do that. Thanks a lot, Pete."


"Joe," you wailed.

"Shh, everything is going to be ok. You're with me," he said while cradling you.

"S-she's dead! She's dead! I'm here without a scratch on me but my friend is dead!"

"It's going to be alright," Joe said, trying his best to comfort you.

"It's not. It's not alright," you sobbed while listening to Joe's heartbeat while tears fell from your eyes. 

His eyes scanned to the wreckage. A twisted frame that was a car. The fire department was trying to get the body out from the car.

"You're here with me," he said while rubbing your back and kissing your head. "You still got me."


"(Y/N) open the door!" Andy yelled while banging on the door. Your wrist oozed blood and a bottle of pills was in your hand.

"No!" You sobbed.

"Open up the goddamned door or I'll kick it down!"

You just say there with your knees to your chest, sobbing. Everything was not ok with you. Everybody hates you. They just spit out bad things about you and you decided to end it. There was a loud band, but you didn't care.

"(Y/N)," was all that Andy could say. He saw the blood, the pills, and the tears.

"Lets get this cleaned up," he said while grabbing a towel and some bandages. He wet the towel and put it on your wrist as gently as he could. You just didn't care. You stayed in your spot, still in the same position, crying. He soon wrapped it up and picked you up.

"I'm sorry," you cried into his shoulder.

"It's alright. I got you," the ginger said while smiling.

"Thanks And. I'm sorry," you cried even more. "It's all my fault."

"Nothing is your fault. I love you forever and always. I'm going to fix you some tea," he said while planting a kiss on your forehead.

I know this sucks, but I'm new to this. Sorry

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