Joe Imagine: Baby Pink

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{This is a continuation of Joe's part in Surprise!}

Your sleep was interrupted by Joe touching your baby bump.

"Joe," you sighed, "I know you're excited but you need to sleep."

"I know, I know," he said while kissing your forehead, "But I'm just excited. I get to be a father, you get to be a mother. We're going to be a family."

"The baby needs sleep, Joe," you groaned while pulling the blanket over your head. "That baby is me. I need sleep."

You were due any day now. It was a short seven months since you told Joe that you were pregnant on stage. You were excited, but Joe on the other hand, Joe was excited beyond anything in the world. He would constantly stay by your side and always do simple things that you could do yourself.

Joe sat up and went downstairs leaving you alone for a few minutes. You sat up in bed, only to feel a small trickle of fluid and a pain.

You've read all about this. You knew what was happening.

"Joe!" You yelled worriedly.

"What is it?" He yelled while running back into the room.

You winced in pain as a contraction came and he didn't need to be told twice.

"Holy shit! Come on, let's go!" He yelled while grabbing your overnight bag.

{Fast forward many painful hours with Joe comforting you the best he could}

"Here she is," the nurse said while handing you a pink blanket. Inside was your daughter, who you still had to name.

"She's beautiful," you cried as she let out a tiny yawn.

"Charlie," Joe whispered. "Charlie Marie Trohman. Beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl." {I'm not using Ruby's name because I feel like it's disrespectful in a way}

"I'll go fill out the birth certificate," the nurse said quietly, leaving you and Joe alone with your newborn daughter.

Joe sat beside you on the bed and stuck his finger out so Charlie could hold it. Charlie wrapped her tiny hand around his finger, making you cry even harder.

"She's ours, she's all ours, Joe. She's our daughter," you said while admiring her. She had Joe's eyes and your facial features. She was the splitting image of you and him.

"Hey," Joe said softly while holding her in your arms, "I'm your father. I helped make you into the beautiful person you are."

You watched as the Joe looked at her in a loving way. He couldn't believe it himself.

"I promise that I will love you, no matter what. Your mother and I will always be there for you, always love you, always help you when you need it. We'll be there to dry your tears, bandage your cuts, make you smile."

You leaned over and saw that Charlie had her big blue eyes opened, staring up at her father.

"We need to take her now, just for the night, but you'll be free to leave in the morning," the nurse said while coming in, Joe handing Charlie over.

You held Joe's hand as the nurse left. "Look at us," you sighed.

"Look at us," he repeated.

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