Pete Imagine: If I Woke Up Next To You

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You woke up with the sun shining in your face. You grabbed your pillow and put it over your face. You groaned as you couldn't fall back asleep, meaning that you had to wake up.

"Babe, don't go," your husband said in your neck.

"Pete," you sighed. "I can't stay in bed all day. I mean, who's gonna feed you?" You asked.

"I guess you, but that's because I can't cook for shit," he said while laughing.

"Damn straight," you said while wiggling out of his grip. You slipped on one of his shirts and went downstairs to fry some bacon. You heard a sneeze from the dog, Hemmingway.

"Bless you, Hemmy," you said to the dog with a smile. (Am I the only one who does this? No. Okay.)

You stepped foot into the glorious kitchen and grabbed a pack of bacon from the fridge and put it in the skillet. Hemmingway came to see what you were doing, then he walked, no waddled, away. You heard Pete play his bass upstairs with some singing.

"Me and you, sitting in a honeymoon. If I woke up next to you, if I woke up next to you."

You thought about what you and Pete has been through while flipping the pieces of bacon. Many fights, breakups, dates, tours, days in the studio, days you were alone because he was doing an interview somewhere, your family didn't approve, but that didn't stop you from loving him, so that's why you two are married.

Soon you felt someone leaving a trail of kisses down your neck.

"Pete!" You playfully growled.

"Ok," he said while backing away. "I'll stop. Did you like the song?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. It was very nice. Reminds me of our teen days."

"(Y/N), we're only 23," he said while stealing a piece of bacon from the plate.

"I know. But just remembering what it felt like to wake up next to the man I love. It felt weird."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I had to look at your emo ass. Just kidding. But I don't know, maybe it was because I never imagined life this far," you said while turning the stove off. "To be honest, I though I would never live past 20," you sighed.

"I can't tell if that was a Hamilton reference or you're telling the truth," he said while kissing your head. "But you got everything now."

"Yeah, loving husband, great friends, adorable doggo. Everything I could ask for."

"I wrote that song for you," Pete suddenly blurted. 

"Well no duh, dipshit!" You laughed. "Who else would you imagining waking up too?"

"Point. Now let's eat that breakfast!" Pete said while running off with the plate of bacon. (Me tho tbh)

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