Vampire!Pete Imagine: You Loved Me When Nobody Else Would

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You were snoozing away because tomorrow was exam day and you had to take five of them! Five! While you were taking a nice nap, someone was throwing pebbles at the window, causing you to wake up. You angrily got up and opened the window.

"I don't knoW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE BUT PLEASE LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" You yelled at the person.

"Calm down, (Y/N), I just wanted to see you," your boyfriend said from behind you.

You shrieked and jumped behind you, slapping him across the face. You realized who it was and almost cried.

"OhmygodPeteI'msosorryIdidn'tmeantohityoudidIhurtyouI'msosorry!" You said while caressing his cheek. (Ok if you read through that I applaud you.)

"It's ok. I'm alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he laughed, "I'm fine."

"Why did you come to see me anyways?" You asked while getting back in bed.

"I just wanted to say that I love you and thank you for putting up with me for 4 years."

"Have you been thinking again?" You said while motioning him over. He followed and laid next to you.

"You know me so well," he smiled, showing off his fangs.

"What's been on your mind Petey?"

"Why did you fall in love with me? We can't do anything in the sun, like go to the beach or the park. Would you rather have someone like that?" He asked quietly.

"No, cause you're everything I could ask for. We can always go to those places at night. I fell in love with you because you're fucking hot as hell and have a great heart and personality."

"But you deserve someone who doesn't drink blood and someone who is human (Y/N)."

"Oh, Pete, it's been a dream of mine to date a vampire and I don't care if I date someone who is dead. As long as they treat me right, I'm good."

"But, I can't take you out to do things like shopping or out to eat because I burn in the sun."

"Then we'll go to Walmart and if we want to eat, we can have dinner here. Pete everything is absolutely perfect with you. I love going out at night with just me and you."

"But (Y/N)," he whined. "I can't give you what a normal person can!"

"Pete, just hear me out goddamn it! I love you and I love that you can't go out into the sun and I love going out at night and I love sleeping during the day with you and I love to just chill with you and I absolutely love watching you sleep when I can't Pete," you said. "I just love everything you do and I love you and why can't you just realize that. I legit don't give a single flying fuck that you're a vampire. I will always love you, idiot."

He just stared at you with those brown eyes that made your heart melt.

"Even if I am dead?" He asked.

"Even if you're dead or alive, I will still and always love you Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III."

"Thank you," he said while kissing you.

"For what?"

"Making my life better every day."

"Maybe tomorrow night we can go to the beach. I bought a new swimsuit that you will absolutely love," you giggled as a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Sure thing. Night, love," he said while giving you one last kiss and jumped out your window.

"Night, Pete."

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