Andy Imagine: My Little Drummer

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"Look at my little Andy," you cooed while you hugged him.

"I'm not little," he mumbled. "Besides I'm just going to audition for a band, it's no big deal."

"No big deal?! Of course, I'll be a big deal! You might become famous!" You yelled at him. "Just think of it And, meeting all of those celebrities because you are one of them. Millions of people will adore you because you're going to be in a band. Just think about it."

"But I don't want a million people to adore me. I just want one, and that's my loving, supporting girlfriend."

"Andy, stop, you're making me blush. Now go to the car. We gotta go!" You said while picking up the car keys.

~Time skip to Pattycakes' house~

"There you go Andy. This is the place. Now I want you to go inside and destroy the place! Not literally though. Do you want me to keep your glasses?" You asked while placing the car in park.

"I'm good, thanks (Y/N), I'll see you in a few, it shouldn't take to long," he said while getting out of the car.

As he got out, you got really fidgety. Your boyfriend is going to be a drummer. You turned on the radio and Pretty In Punk came on. Halfway through the song, your sweaty boyfriend for into the car.

"So?" You looked at him. Excitement filled your eyes.

"You're looking at the new drummer for Fall Out Boy!" He exclaimed with excitement.

"Wait, that Fall Out Boy?" You said while pointing to the radio.

"Yes! That Fall Out Boy!"

"Andy!" You yelled while hugging him. "I'm so proud! You are the drummer for my favorite band!"

"Speak of the devils," Andy mumbled.

There was a peck on the glass and turned around. There were three boys outside of your car. You quickly rolled down the window.

"Sorry boys, but I'm taken by the drummer," you said while pointing towards Andy.

"We know. Andy you forgot your music," the one in the trucker hat said.

"Wait, aren't you Patrick Stump?" You asked.

"Yes, why?" He asked. You were so dumb to realize that Fall Out Boy was outside your car.

"You're Pete Wentz," you said while pointing to the guy wearing eyeliner, "And you're Joe Trohman," you said while pointing to the man with sky blue eyes. "You're Fall Out Boy!"

"Nice to meet you, too," Pete said while rolling his eyes.

"I'm (Y/N), Andy's girlfriend and a huge fan."

"Babe," Andy said, "They know because I told them."

"We'll see you tomorrow Andy, and it was nice to meet you (Y/N)," Patrick said while waving.

"Nice to meet you too," you said while putting the car in drive. Your boyfriend was the drummer for Fall Out Boy and boy we're you happy.

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