Pete Imagine: 20 Dollar Nose Bleed

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Go rollerskating they said. It would be fun they said.

You were hanging onto a tree for dear life. Your friend wanted you to come rollerskating with them at a park, you couldn't turn them down, so you agreed. And now you were wishing you didn't. You let go of the tree so you couldn't untie the skates until a breeze decided to push you.

You let out a scream as you didn't know how to stop. You saw a man in neon yellow skating across your path.

"Watch out!" You yelled. By the time the man realized what you were saying, you hit him head on, causing the two of you to fall to the pavement. The man, unfortunately, landed face first into the pavement.

"Oh my god are you alright?! I'm so so so very sorry. Please don't sue me. Please don't hate me. It was an accident," you said very quickly causing the man to laugh. You were very confused while he raised his head and sat up. His nose was purple and bleeding. As you looked at him, there was a little kid screaming.

"Daddy!" The kid screamed as he ran up to the man. "She hurt you!" The kid said pointing to me.

"Saint, it was an accident. There is no harm done. Go play with Bronx," he said while waving the kid away.

"Sorry about that," he said. "My kid gets worried."

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about your nose. It's swollen and bleeding. Do you want me to take you to the hospital? I mean I can if you want me to."

"That would be nice. Bronx, Saint, it's time to go!" He yelled at his kids. "Name's Pete by the way."


~Time Skip to the hospital~

You sat outside with Saint and Bronx while Pete was getting his nose checked out. Saint was still mad at you, while Bronx was chatting away.

"What happened to him?"

"I accidentally crashed into him. Your brother seems a bit mad at me."

"I think my dad likes you," he whispered to you.

"What makes you say that?" You laughed. "Besides don't you have a mom?"

"It's clear. Our mom divorced our dad a while back but having you as a mom would be great!"

A blush appeared on your cheeks.

"Here he comes, break the ice," Bronx said eagerly.

Pete walked over to you and smiled. He had bandaged wrapped around his nose.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hey, um, so, I was wondering that, um, maybe we can, you know, go on a date?" You asked. You closed your eyes and waited for an answer.

"Sure! As long as you don't break my nose again."

"Oh my god! I broke your nose I'm very sorry. It's all my fault," you apologized again.

"If breaking my nose gets us on a date, then let it happen," he said while kissing your cheek.

Bronx yelled in victory while Saint stuck his tounge out in disgust.

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