Pete Imagine: Princess

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You worked full time at Starbucks as a barista. The only good thing about your job is you can spot all of the spoiled kids and write down smart comebacks on their cups.

"One white chocolate mocha!" You yelled as a small man with platinum blonde hair came up. You had to admit, he wasn't a teenager but he still looked like a brat, so you decided to be smart and scribble something on the side of his cup. 

You wrote down the word princess.

Yes, you put the word princess on a man's cup, who is about the same age as you. Very mature, (Y/N).

"Have a nice day," you waved as he took the cup. You watched him as he left the building. He stopped outside the windows and stared at the cup and then laughed. He did a spin and came back in. 

"Hey, princess," he said while coming up to you. 

"Sir, could you please not do that. That's rude," you said with a straight face. 

"Sure, well I have a little thing to say. Nobody has written a smart remark on my cup before, which means your feisty. I like feisty."

"Ok, then, Princess, if you like feisty so much," you growled as you leaned in closer to the man. "I get off in ten minutes. I suggest that you better order as much coffee as you can because this will be a long night."

"Yes, ma'am!" He yelled while ordering twenty-five more drinks, each drink had a nickname on it like Barbie or Brat on it. 

And the man actually enjoyed it. 

"Ma'am it's been ten minutes. I'm ready for my all-nighter," the man said while recycling his last cup. 

You gave him a stern nod and hung up your apron, "The name's (Y/N) by the way."

"Pete Wentz, at your service, or preferably, Princess."

You laughed as you went to the other side of the counter and walking out of the store.

"Hey! Wait up!" Pete yelled while chasing you put of the store.

"Oh, Pete," you laughed as you unlocked your car door, "You thought that I was going to go home with you? I just made you order a bunch of caffeine so you'll be energetic."

He looked at you in shock as you got in your car. You rolled down the window and handed him a piece of paper. "I do like you Pete. Here's my digits."

He took the paper and you started the car, "Bye-bye, Princess."

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