Patrick Imagine: Lullabye

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You came back from the hospital with Patrick and your newborn son, Alex.

"Why don't you put Alex in his crib and get some rest?" Patrick told you while he unlocked the house door.

"But I'm hungry," you whined softly as you walked in with Alex in your arms.

"Ok, I'll bring some food up," Patrick said while going into the kitchen.

You looked down at Alex, who was still swaddled into his little light blue blanket. He looked like Patrick, like they were twins. He had Patrick's smile and he had Patrick's dirty blonde hair and had Patrick's nose. But he had your eyes. That was the only thing that he had it yours, but you loved Alex so much.

He was sleeping and you smiled and began walking upstairs. You made it to his crib and gently placed him down.

Your room was across from the nursery so you didn't have to walk far. You were exhausted from pushing that child out and from yelling at Patrick yesterday to 'get his ass inside and hold your hand' and 'shut it, Stump, I'm in labor'.

You got into bed and rested your head down on the pillow. You had a son. A son!

"I brought some soup," Patrick said while coming in. "I wanted to fix something quick."

"Thank you, Patrick," you thanked while sitting up.

"Anything for you," he smiled while sitting next to you.

"How did I get so lucky?" You sighed dreamily as Patrick handed you the tray he had your bowl of soup on.

"Well, you accidentally bumped into me after a show. I was carrying around my guitar and I fell, your first instinct was to save the guitar and I fell in love."

"It was a rhetorical question, Stump," you hissed.

"Be quiet and eat food."


You woke up to Alex crying. The clock read that it was one in the morning and Patrick was not in bed.

You went over to the nursery to calm Alex, but Patrick was there, messy hair and Batman pajama pants, holding Alex and gently singing.

"Honey is for bees silly bear, besides there's jellybeans everywhere. It's not what it seems in the land of dreams, don't worry your head just go to sleep.

When you wake up the world will come around. When you wake up the world will come around."

You saw Patrick lightly bounce Alex in his arms and Alex let out a yawn.

"It's just the sweet weather and the peacock feathers. In the morning it will all be better. It's not what it seems in the land of dreams. Don't worry your head just go to sleep.

When you wake up the world will come around. When you wake up the world will come around.

Honey is for bees, silly bear. Besides, there's jellybeans everywhere. It's not what it seems in the land of dreams. Don't worry your head just go to sleep."

Patrick let the last note ring out as he placed Alex back down into his crib.

"Bravo, Mr. Stump. One step closer to being a father," you whispered while holding back a laugh.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Patrick asked you while closing the door to the nursery, but leaving a fairly large gap open.

"Alex was crying and you were gone. No offense, but I came for the baby but I got you instead. You were great with him, you know?"

"He's my kid, (Y/N)," Patrick joked. "I know how to handle him."

"Well, if you know how to handle Alex, just wait until his emo phase, then you can deal with him."

"Nah," Patrick said while kissing you, "I'll give him to Pete."

"Bet!" You yelled while entering your bedroom, Patrick laughed and followed behind.

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