Pref #8: Surprise!

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"Hey," you said into your phone, Patrick's face showed up behind all of those pixels

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"Hey," you said into your phone, Patrick's face showed up behind all of those pixels. He had an adorable little grin on his face as you looked at him cutely. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Babydoll, but just a few more weeks then I'll be home," he said while smiling.

"Patrick! Are you coming out with us?" Pete yelled while appearing behind Patrick. "Oh, hey (Y/N)."

"No, Pete, I'm going to stay here," Patrick said while turning away from the screen.

"Have fun, you two lovebirds," Pete joked before leaving again.

"So," you sighed before laying down on the couch, "How's the tour?"

"It's going well, but something's missing and I can't quite figure out what it is," Patrick huffed while scratching his head, making you laugh. "I mean, there's Joe, Marie, Andy, Meredith, Pete, Meagan, and me, but I can't help to feel like there's a missing piece. Like a piece of my own soul is just gone."

"Who knew a joke could sound so philosophical, Stump," you hissed. "Only you can do that."

"Only I can do that, yep!"

"I hate you, Trick," you groaned. "And what makes it worse that I have the week off so I have no choice but to listen to you and your beautiful face."

"That sounds amazing, Mrs. Stump. But I just dread just hearing about how your day went and watching your gorgeous face light up whenever you tell me that you saw an animal or a small child on the sidewalk. It just fills me with dread!" He yelled, which earned a snort from you. "But I do have a surprise for you."

"Ooh, Patrick! What is it?"

"Open your door."

You got up and opened your door.

"Surprise!" He said, causing you to drop your phone and hugged him.


"Hey, (Y/N), Brendon and Sarah invited us to a pool party, want to go?" Pete came running in, causing him to slip and fall

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"Hey, (Y/N), Brendon and Sarah invited us to a pool party, want to go?" Pete came running in, causing him to slip and fall.

"If only I don't get wet because I like this shirt and it takes time and effort to change," you sighed while helping him up.

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