Patrick Imagine: The Pros And Cons Of Breathing

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You really never liked Patrick Stump. He never liked you. You were both mortal enemies, always at each others' throats.

Until prom. You didn't have a date, neither did Patrick, but you both wouldn't even speak to each other.

You were on opposite sides of the room, avoiding each other.

"Alright, it's time to announce the prom queen," some random student said while opening up the envelope.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

You choked on your punch as everyone's eyes fell on you. You didn't even sign up to become queen, but here you are.

You cautiously made your way to the front of the gym to get your crown. Patrick wasn't even looking at you, like you cared anyway.

"And the prom king is...Patrick Stump!"

"Aw, hell no!" You yelled while removing the crown. "I'm not going to be Queen if he's King!"

"Sorry, (Y/N), you can't do that, it's the rules," the student said before you angrily put the crown back on your head.

You and Patrick stood next to each other while everyone applauded. You glared at him while he only smiled.

"What's so funny, Sideburns?!"

"Aren't you a tad bit suspicious on why we're king and queen?" He asked before looking at you.

You never thought that Patrick was attractive, well it was because of you were too busying hating him. But he was attractive.

"No, I mean, kinda."

"Do you have the votes?" Patrick asked the student. The student nodded and handed Patrick the envelope.

"Look at it," he said while handing you the paper.

You swiped it and saw that the paper was set up with the names of couples. And at the very top was your name and Patrick's. Together.

"You must really hate me, don't you?" You asked while ripping the paper. "Pulling some dumb stunt like this."

"This song is for the King and Queen," the DJ yelled while everyone made way and left the center of the gym open.

"If you only knew," Patrick grinned while grabbing your hand.

Some cheesy love song came on and you stood their awkwardly while Patrick was telling you what to do.

"Just pull me into a hug and sway back and forth, that's all. And I would advise you to do it because the people want to see a show."

You sighed and did what Patrick said, it felt nice so you hated it. You hated Patrick and his stupid adorable smile and his stupid perfect eyes. You hated the way that he would laugh, you hated the way that he would be nice to everyone, even to you. You hated Patrick Stump so much that you loved him. You love Patrick.

"So what did you mean?" You asked.

"I want to hate you half as much as I hate myself," he said quietly.

Great! Now he was talking song lyrics!

"Speak English, Stump," you hissed.

"On a scale of one to ten, how much do you think I hate you?"

"Eleven million nine hundred and eighty three."

Patrick let out a chuckle, "No, I don't hate you, never did. I was messing with you."

"I'm supposed to believe you why?"

"(Y/N), hear me out. You've done nothing wrong to me, there's no harm done. I was just trying to get your attention but I never thought it would go this far."

The song ended and you ran out, Patrick at your heels.

The night air was cool, since it was spring but it was still a bit too cold.

You sat at the bench that was outside the school and for some reason you were crying. You couldn't handle anything anymore. It felt wrong, being in love with Patrick. You always were in love with him, but failed to notice. Until now.

"Don't cry," Patrick said while putting his suit jacket over your shoulders. "It's alright."

"How is it alright?! I treated you like shit and it's all because of my stupid feelings towards you!" You cried.

"If it makes you feel better I thought all of your snarky comments were funny," he laughed, trying to cheer you up.

"Don't lie to me, I know how you truly feel. All of this is a huge prank because you truly do hate me," you said while standing up.

"No, no, no, I don't hate you. I like you, (Y/N). I need someone like you," he said while grabbing your hand, but you pulled it away.

"Goodbye, Stump."

The jacket fell off of your shoulders as you ran to your car because you didn't think of anywhere else to go.

"Damn it!" You yelled as soon as you got into the car.

You face planted onto your steering wheel as the last of your tears fell.

Of course Patrick was pranking you. You never pranked him, and sometimes he would prank you, but it would be the small harmless ones like a locker full of confetti. But something this big? Of course he would do it. Or would he?

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), where are you?" Patrick called out from the middle of the parking lot.

You didn't say anything and just stayed there in your car. You were parked in the lower part where nobody parked, but there were no light so how could he see your car.

There was a knocking and you looked up and saw Patrick giving you a sad, apologetic look. You rolled your eyes and went to lock your doors, only to remember that you couldn't lock your doors with the car off.

"What?!" You hissed as you rolled down the window.

"This is, um, it's a bad time, but Pete left and I need a ride home."

"Fine," you sighed, "But don't even talk to me. You can only tell directions."

"Thanks, (Y/N)," he said while getting into the passenger side.


"Turn left," he said as soon as the red light turned green. "Now a right."

It was a dirt road leading to a corn field, this couldn't be his house.

"You fuck up the directions or something?" You asked while turning to him, but when you did that, he locked the doors. "What the fuck?!"

"You need to listen to me, doing the whole prom thing was the only way I could get to talk to you."

"Congrats, it worked."

"That's not what I meant by talking. I wanted to tell you that I actually do like you."

You sighed, "This bullshit again."

"Maybe if words can't show you, maybe actions will."

Before you knew it, his lips were on your and it felt like Cloud 9. He meant it, he meant every single thing he said and you could tell by this one kiss.

"Do you believe me now?"

You nodded and looked down, "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?"

"Sure, I'd love too."

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