Pref #7: Couples Questions

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Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?


You both do. You both know each other so well that before you can order, Patrick would already order and vice versa.


When it comes to remembering orders, you're the one who always remembers what Pete wants. He's not the one to remember much.


Joe is known for remembering every little detail about you so of course, he would remember what you always order at a restaurant.


You're not forgetful, but very indecisive so if you can't choose what you want, Andy remembers your go-to food so he's a hero.

Who reaches for the other's hand while driving?


Patrick does, oddly enough. It doesn't matter who's driving, as long as he gets to hold your hand.


Pete secretly loves holding hands with you, especially if no one can see him, so one place you two are holding hands is in the car.


You do and sometimes Joe gets mad because it does distract him a bit. However, you do ask if it's alright to hold his hand while driving because at least he won't be too distracted.


You're both known to reach for the other's hand while driving. When it first happened you would've never expected Andy Hurley to reach for your hand while you were driving, but he did.

Who wakes up first?


You do because Patrick loves to sleep in and you're an early bird. Most of the time you'll lay in bed with him and play with his hair, but he's too tired to care.


Pete is the definition of an energetic little kid so he's up at the crack of dawn and it drives you insane because he's up playing his bass or doing some stupid stunts around the house.


You wake up first but mostly because Joe has a tendency to snore and it's loud and annoying. You also like to do a bit of cleaning around the house so it's nothing you can't handle.


Andy wakes up in the ungodly hour of five in the morning because he wants to get his daily exercise in. He does his best to not wake up, and it works because you're known to go to bed late at night.

Who hogs the blankets?


You both do since you both get very cold easily. At night it's a tug of war to the death to see who gets warm. If you win the blanket, then you'll feel bad and end up cuddling with Patrick to keep him warm. If Patrick wins, he'll end up sharing the blanket and the entire process will start over.


Pete is the worst with hogging the blanket. One minute you're nice and warm underneath the covers and the next, you're freezing because Pete took it. You'll try to get it back but it always ends up the same, Pete has the blanket and you're freezing.


You hog all the blankets because you're freezing 24/7. Most of the time Joe would end up giving you the blankets because unlike you he gets hot easily, but any other time you'll snatch the blanket in your sleep and turn the blanket into a little cocoon.


Andy really doesn't care over the blankets so you end up taking them. Andy would rather see you warm and cozy so he doesn't say anything and hands them all over. However, it comes with a price. Andy's smart about it and decided if he gave you a shit ton of blankets then you'll get too hot and end up taking some off, and it works.

Who sings along to the radio?


You don't sing, at all, but having a singer for a boyfriend is entertaining, especially for long road trips. If one of Patrick's favorite songs come on, he's always belting the lyrics as loud as he can. Sometimes he'll make his voice crack and sound out of tune just to make you laugh.


One of Fall Out Boy's songs is on the radio? Your favorite song is on? Of course, you would belt the lyrics like a madman. Sometimes it would drive Pete insane but he'll groan and then laugh because you really can't carry a tune worth shit.


You both yell songs in the car together, serious or not, there's the two of you, singing like nobody cares. Sometimes if you're napping, Joe will sing softly but just loud enough so you can hear.


Andy Hurley singing? Hell yeah my dude! Andy is the one that sings in the car and he's actually good at it too (it's not like he's bad at anything). Most of the time you're dozing off or not paying attention. If you do pay attention, you film him and post it on social media.

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