Pete Imagine: Runaway

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I've been reading a lot so there's book refrences in this chapter. Most likely there's gonna be two books but still. Also have this stupid gif of Pete accidentally yeeting his bass. Also the imagine is kinda based around one of the books because for some reason Pete reminds me of the boy and I based the reader off of the girl so when you see a different name besides Pete and (Y/N), don't panic!

You grabbed your bag and jumped the fence. The only thing holding you together was the flannel tied around your waist and your determination to get to the train car.

There was a small yellow boxcar, like you see in movies and stuff and you hopped into it before they came to check for runaways.

You ducked into the dark and hid as two guys came and shined a light in the car.

"It's clear," a man barked out as he left.

You let out a sigh of relief as you placed your bag down and slid down to the floor.

"I assume you didn't kill some rich snobby kid and you're going to go hide in some abandoned church, are you?" Someone asked, making you jump.

"Nah," you told them while reaching for your flashlight. "But nice reference there, outsider."

You shone your flashlight around the car and saw a boy in a hoodie. He had dark hair that covered his left eye and had a smile on his face.

"My name is Pete Wentz, runaway extrodinare, you are?"

"(Y/N) (L/N). What are you running from?"

"I have to get away from my thoughts. I usually take the train away and then I come back the same way. What are you running from?" He asked while standing up. The train blew its whistle and came to life.

"My family's driving me insane. I had to get away before I do something stupid," you lightly chuckled as Pete came to sit next to you.

"So I was about half right. You were about to kill someone and possibly live in an abandoned church for like a week."

"Sure, whatever you say," you laughed as you reached for your bag. "I brought some candy, you want some?"

"Nah, you brought that for yourself."

"Come on, Pete. The nearest town is miles away from here, it'll take us hours! Take some damn candy," you told him while throwing some Jolly Ranchers at him, causing Pete to laugh.

"You're not so bad, (Y/N)."

"Neither are you, Pete," you smiled.


"So," you sighed while sitting crisscrossed, your bag was being used as support from the steel wall, "Tell me more about yourself."

"Well, I'm 21, I play bass in a band, I have depression and it sucks ass. What about you?"

"Well I'm 19, my family treats me like shit, I'm not sure if I have mental health issues because I'm terrified to tell my doctor, and I'm not that special or important."

"Girl, I feel you," Pete laughed and you laughed with.

"Aren't your band mates worried about you?" You asked while calling down. "I mean, you're gone."

"No, they know I do this, they want me to feel better so they let me do whatever."

"That's nice of them. Is it nice having friends?" You asked while fiddling with your shoe string.

"Don't you know?" He asked while looking at you.

You shook your head, "No. I'm the outcast at school, don't know why. People just don't like me and they make fun of me even though I don't do anything to them. I feel like Eleanor from-"

"Eleanor and Park. Let me guess, they flushed your clothes in the toilet during gym? They wrote nasty things in your books?"

"About, yeah," you said silently.

"We're just two Eleanors in a world full of Parks," Pete sighed while taking his hoodie off. The moon was high in the sky and the sun was nowhere to be seen, or maybe the sun just didn't want to be seen.

"Well I wouldn't say that. I would say we're Eleanors in a world full of Tinas. We need a Park in our lives."

"Someone to treat an Eleanor with love and care. Yeah, I get you. Here, you look cold." Pete told you while handing him his hoodie.

He was right, you were cold. The night air was chilly and you were slightly shivering.

"I got a flannel, it's fine Pete."

"That flannel is going to do nothing. It's not poisoned and it hasn't been in the toilet at all."

You laughed and took it from him. You slipped it on and felt warm again.

"Pete, I don't think I want to go back," you admitted quietly.

"Why not?" He asked while turning to face you. "I mean, I can see why not but there's nothing wrong with Chicago."

"I know but, I can't take it anymore, you know? Being lonely and having your parents constantly bitch at you, it's not a fun time," you chuckled lightly. "But forget about me, tell me about your friends."

"Well, there's Patrick, he's a short dude who has sideburns. He sings and has a weird obsession with trucker hats. There's Andy, he's our drummer. He's vegan and has lots of tattoos. And then there's Joe."

"I know a Joe. He's my neighbor, he also has a band."

"Is his last name Trohman?" Pete asked.

"Yeah! Joe Trohman. We've talked on some occasions, but that's about it. I didn't know you two were in the same band!"

"Well, Joe and Patrick made the band."

You let out a yawn and fell back against the wall.

"Why don't you get some sleep? I'll wake you up at the next stop," Pete said while pulling you towards him, letting you use him as a pillow on the bumpy train.

"I'm fine," you groaned while rubbing your eyes. 

Five minutes you were out like a light, resting your head on Pete's lap.

Pete looked down at you and smiled. You did remind him of Eleanor from Eleanor and Park, being the lonely girl who had issues but wouldn't speak about them. He kinda reminded himself of Park, he talked to the lonely Eleanor and ended up falling for her.

He was exactly like Park.

He was Park in this story, and you were his Eleanor.

OwO I finished Eleanor and Park today and I cried holy smokes. Also like idk maybe this being a multiparter story. Hm I don't know kinda looks like it. Also I'll get some preferences when I think of ideas. OwO

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