Joe Imagine: Night Freckles

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Based off of a tweet by IncorrectFOB. Also who's ready for more Joe and Charlie?

Joe took Charlie and a blanket and tried to sneak outside.

"Joseph Trohman what are you doing with Charlie?" You scolded him as he was almost out the back door.

"Daddy's taking me outside to catch lightning bugs!" Charlie told you excitedly. Her curly hair was up in pigtails and was in her pajamas.

You let out a sigh, "Fine, but not too late, ok?"

"Love you, (Y/N)," Joe yelled while running out the door with your daughter.

You sat back down at the kitchen table and finished your project.


When it was eleven o'clock and Joe and Charlie haven't came back in, you got worried and went outside.

"What's that?" Joe asked while pointing up to the sky.

"The moon!" Charlie cheered.

"That's right, now what are those?" Joe asked while pointing to the stars.

"Night freckles!" Charlie cheered again.

"What are you two doing?" You asked while crossing your arms. You weren't mad or annoyed. The scene was too cute.

Joe and Charlie looked at each other before both saying, "Night freckles."

"What?" You laughed while sitting down next to them.

"Those are night freckles," Charlie explained while pointing up to the sky. "They're like human freckles, but they're in the sky and only show up at night."

"Can you tell me more?" You asked and Charlie shook her head.

"That's all I know. Sorry, Mommy," she apologized.

"It's alright, sweetie. How about you head to bed, it's way past your bedtime."

Charlie nodded, gave you and Joe a kiss on the cheek, and went inside.

"Night freckles?" You laughed again.

"What?" Joe shrugged while scooting closer to you. "I like it. The kid's smart like her mother."

"Yeah, I'm a genius," you told him with a smug look on your face. "Only Charlie can come up with something like night freckles. She's gonna be a goddamn genius!"

Joe laughed and you joined him.

"Come on, let's go to bed. I'm tired and we have to pack tomorrow, remember?"

"Shit," Joe groaned. "Forgot about the tour."

"I couldn't forget! All because of that stupid video with you and Andy!" You howled with laughter as Joe glared.

"I will never do a tour video again," he hissed to himself as he stood up and got the blanket.

"Aw, cheer up," you told him while standing up and kissing his cheek. "You know Charlie loved it."

"Yeah," he sighed. "Come on, to bed we go!"

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