Pref #5: First Kiss

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You and Patrick went out on your first date. The date really consisted of you two at his house playing sleepover games.

"Best memory." He asked.

"My best memory would have to be when I met Panic! At The Disco. It was great."

"Worst memory."

"When that bitch, Courtney, tripped me and decided to fight me. I won though, but I had a really bad black eye."

Patrick let out a little laugh.

"Laugh all you want, sideburns," you sneered at him. "I can easily whip yo ass because I'm a boss ass bitch."

"Alright, alright. First kiss."

"Never had one."

"What?" He asked in surprise. "You never had a first kiss?!"


"Have you even lived?" He joked.

"According to the sluts in school, I haven't," you mumbled.

"Ignore them. You probably like to play it safe."

"Safe. Yep. Totally," you said while rolling your eyes.

"You never dated anyone before?"

"Nope. First one I've dated, kinda wishing this will be the only one," you said while looking at the floor.

"We can make it happen," he said while kissing you.

You know how they say sparks fly. Boy they did. You kissed him back, not knowing what to do.

You pulled apart and let out a heavy breath.

"First kiss. Patrick Martin Stump, July 3, 2017," you said keeping a mental reminder of the day you had your first kiss and you never forgot it.


You had quite a few boyfriends, but you never ever had a kiss. Let's just say that, your relationships were, short and sweet, each lasting about a day. When you went out with the bassist for Fall Out Boy, he didn't dump you right away. Making this your longest lasting relationship of 2 weeks.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Pete said while cuddling you.

"Nothing," you lied. "Do you want to play a game?"

"Sure, what are we playing?" He asked into your neck.

"Guess what your girlfriend hasn't done. It's a great game."

"Alright," he chuckled. "Had sex?" He asked.

"Yes. But this is more important. Everyone our age has had it by now."




"Have one."

"A kiss?"

"Bingo," you said while putting up finger guns.

"You've never had a kiss?!" He yelled.

"No because everyone I dated left in a day. Never had time."

"You got time now," he said while pulling you into the so called kiss you never had. You never thought it would be good. You never thought you would have a so called first kiss until you were 40. But no. This is happening now and you were enjoying it very much.

He pulled away and you smiled at him.

"That was great," you breathed out.

"Now about that sex part," Pete said while giving you a mischievous grin.

"No, Pete. Not today," you said while giving him a resting bitch face.


You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You were going out with the hottest boy in high school, Joe Trohman. Let's face it, Joe is sexy as fuck and probably had billons of dates. You heard a knock on the door and basically fell down the stairs to get to the door. You opened it to meet a smiley Joe with a bouquet of roses.

"For me?" You asked.

"Wow, I didn't even get a hello. And yes, for you m'lady," he said while giving you the bouquet. He held out his hand and you took it. You shut the door behind you and followed Joe.

"Where are we going Joe?" You asked as you held hands with the man.

"To the park because it's the best I can do."

"That's great! It's been forever since I've been to the park!"

As you two made it to the small park, you saw a couple of kids running around. You couldn't help but to look at them in awe, which caused Joe to look at you the same way.

"Say, Joe, want to get some ice cream?" You asked while looking at him.

"If only we share," he teased.

"Deal!" You said while running up to the little ice cream cart with Joe following behind.

"What can I get the lovely couple?" The woman asked.

"Chocolate?" You asked Joe.

"Two scoops of chocolate, please," he said while pulling out his wallet.

"This one is on the house," the woman said while handing you the cone.

"Thank you," you both said at the same time.

You took a lick of the ice cream and handed him the cone. He grabbed your hand and took the cone.

Soon you were back to the bench you two started at.

"Joe this has been amazing," you said while looking at the street lamps.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said while scooting closer to you.

"Maybe we can do it again," you said while looking at him.

Then it happened. Joe pulled your head down and kissed you. It felt like absolute magic. You were stunned, but then decided to kiss back because the sexy as fuck guy that is your date is kissing you. Yolo bitches.

He pulled apart and put his forhead against yours.

"Best kiss ever," you said.

"Yeah, that was explosive," he laughed.


"Andy," you whined. "I want food."

"Let me finish this page, sweetheart," he said while reading his comic.

"But I'm hungry," you whined while falling off of the couch. "That hurt."

He looked at you and sighed.

"You're a pain in the ass sometimes."

"But I'm your pain in the ass," you giggled.

He picked you up and carried you into the kitchen.

"What do you want?"

"I don't know," you shrugged.

"You want food, but you don't know what you want?"


"(Y/N)," he sighed.

"Yes Andrew?"

He pulled you into one of the deepest kisses ever. You kissed him back. You pulled away and looked at him in the eyes.

"You know what, I'm not hungry anymore," you said while going back to the couch.

Andy let out a chuckle and followed you.

Ok, so is anybody actually reading these? Or am I? Cause I want to know because I feel like this is going nowhere ;n;

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