Andy Imagine: Medical Attention

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I would like to thank TaraaaB for making the first request and one of the best because it's pretty lit, if I say so myself

You spent your days working as stage hand for your favorite band, Fall Out Boy. You guys spend so much time together, it wasn't even funny. The boys were your brothers and would do anything for you. But, you couldn't help but to flirt with Andy. He was innocent, not as innocent as Patrick, and clueless. But as soon as he caught on, he flirted back, twice as hard. This has happened for a few weeks, but nothing has happened.

One day, you were helping set up and change the stage lights. One job that you love, to hate. Everytime you would cut some part of your body. Last week was your leg. Last month was your arm. You always get hurt one way or another.

As you were picking up one of the coverings, you felt pain in both of your wrists.

"Son of a bitch!" You yelled out while you dropped the case.

You saw Patrick and Joe state at you with a concerned look. They started to walk over to you.

"Oh, hey Patrick, Joe," you said while hiding your, badly bleeding, wrists behind you. "Have you seen the stage manager?"

"I haven't seen her. Is everything alright?" Patrick asked.

"O-oh yeah! Everything's great," you said while giving them a nervous smile.

"(Y/N), what happened?" Andy said. You looked down and saw that there was blood splatters on the floor.

"Well, I was putting coverings on the lights and one cut me. But everything's fine. I'm ok."

"(Y/N), there's blood everywhere, I don't believe that is the definition alright."

"Andy I said I'm fine!" You said removing your hands from your back. Both of your hands were covered with blood.

"We need to get to you to the venue first aid."

"Andy I'm not going out there. There's fans," you whispered. "They can't see me like this."

"How about I go out with you?" He asked.

You hung your head and nodded. He grabbed your bloody hand and took you to the venue, where there was a bunch of screaming fans.

You kept your head down as Andy took you into the medical tent.

"It's going to be alright," he reassured you.

"Why does it look like that I tried to kill myself?" You chuckled to yourself.

The medical assistant put an alcohol pad on your cut, making you flinch and yell out in pain.

"How long should it take?" Andy asked.

"About two minutes," the assistant stated.

Andy smiled. "(Y/N), I need you to look at me."

You did what you were told. You always loved Andy's eyes.

He leaned in and kissed you. You couldn't believe what was going on. You thought he flirted back for fun. Being the woman you were, you kissed back.

"We're all done," the medical assistant said.

Andy pulled away and smiled at you.

"Maybe you should get hurt more often."

"Yeah, maybe I should," you chuckled.

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