Joe Imagine: Wedding Day

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It was one morning, it just a normal morning, nothing special. That was until you looked over and saw the wedding dress.

"Holy shit!" You yelled while jumping out of bed, causing your fiance, Joe to fall out of the bed.

"(Y/N), why are you screaming?" Joe mumbled while rubbing the top of his head.

"You need to leave, now! It's bad luck!"

You helped Joe up and then shoved him out of the room, he had the most confused look on his face.

"I'll see you later, alright," you said before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Why are you shoving me out?"

You rolled your eyes and pointed to the dress, which caused Joe's eyes to grow. "It's wedding day. It's wedding day! Right, um, I'll text you and or call you until time."

You chuckled while he left your house to go get ready. You sighed and went to look at the elegant gown. You were finally getting married, which your family would be very pleased with, but sadly they both died when you were little.

"(Y/N), we're here!" Elisa yelled from downstairs. You remembered asking Elisa, Meredith, and Megan to come around one-thirty, an half an hour before the wedding started.

The trio appeared in your bedroom with huge grins on their faces, they were in charge of making you look pretty for this special occasion.

"There she is! Mrs. Trohman!" Meredith squealed before hugging you.

"Yeah, now let's get this over with."


It was two p.m. and the wedding song rang through the valleys.

"Ready?" Pete asked while locking arms with you. He was going to walk you down the aisle, which you gladly accepted.

"As I'll ever be," you smiled at him before he leads you outside.

It wasn't a very large wedding, it just had some friends, some family, some friend's family. Andy and Patrick were both there, Andy was the best man and Elisa was the main bridesmaid. Patrick was the one who was playing the piano, a huge grin was plastered on his face as you made eye contact with him.

Then there was Joe. He wasn't paying attention until Andy bumped his shoulder. You didn't want to look at him because if you did, you would start crying then and there, but alas, you both made eye contact and you both were starting to cry.

"You look handsome, Joe," you whispered with a little smile on your face.

"You look very, very gorgeous, Mrs. Trohman."

The priest did his thing and then it was time to say your vows. A thing that you really weren't looking forward too because of your fear of public speaking and you would completely butcher it.

"(Y/N), I am speechless because of you. You're the first person to make me feel this way and you're the only person to make me feel like this. I've been waiting for this day to come and I'm so glad it's here. I would give anything to relive this day over again, just as long as I get to spend it with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The boys can make fun of me all they want but I swear that I'll never let you go. You mean to much to me. I love you, (Y/N)."

You heard a few sniffles from the crowd and from yourself. You wiped a tear away as you sighed. "Well, my vows won't be as good as yours, but here I go. Joe Trohman, the man with the guitar. I remember watching you perform with your band, the song was Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy. It was a small club and I was in the front row. You kept on making eye contact with me during the entire show, but I'm guilty. I did it too, but I never thought that I would be marrying the exact same man I met all those years ago. Just a guitarist and a fan, who knew that opposites do attract. Joe Trohman, what a catch you are."

"I pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Trohman, you may now kiss the bride," the priest said while Joe dipped you and kissed you, which earned cheers and hollers from the crowd and your bridesmaids and groomsmen.


At the reception, there was a huge (favorite flavor) cake with beautiful designs and, of course, a dance floor.

"H-hello," Patrick said into the microphone, "I'm Patrick and I'm with the band that's supposed to be performing. Joe's in it too but for this song we need him, but that won't be right because the first dance always belongs to the bride and the groom."

"It's fine," Joe yelled, "I'm sure you'll handle it."

Patrick gave a worried look but sighed, "If you say so, Joe."

Andy, Patrick, and Pete got their instruments hooked up, with an exception for Andy, it didn't need to be hooked up. A familiar tune began to play and you gasped. "I'm Like A Lawyer Like The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off!"

"I knew this was your favorite song, well one of them. May I have this dance, Mrs. Trohman."

You grabbed his hand and took him to the middle of the dance floor, the guest was watching very carefully. You weren't so good at slow dancing but Joe was teaching you.

The song was almost over and you rested your head on Joe's shoulder and just moved back and forth. Joe was singing into your ear with the song. "Me and you, sitting in a honeymoon. If I woke up next to you if I woke up next to you."

The song ended and everyone gave their applause for you two. It felt like a dream, but it was the reality. You were now married to Joe Trohman. And you couldn't be happier. 

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