Joe Imagine: Joe Troh With The Fro

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There was this boy in your collage science class. You always knew him as Bro With The Fro because he had curly hair. You didn't know him a whole lot, but you did know that he was a gutarist for a band.

One day, the professor made up partners for an experiment.

"(Y/N) and Joe," she called out.

You stood up and went to a table and slipped the goggles on. You noticed that the Bro With The Fro was next to you.

Man, you had wished you had paid more attention. He had stunning baby blues and a nice pair of cheekbones.

"Are you (Y/N)?" He asked.

You quickly nodded while handing him his goggles.

"I'm Joe. Joe Trohman."

You didn't say a word. You were too starstruck to say anything because this sexy as fuck man was your partner.

"I don't bite," he said while chucking, "hard."

Your felt your face grow hot as he said that. 

"Come on," he whined, "I know you talk. Let me hear that beautiful voice."

"No," you said.

He let out a laugh. "I'm going to call you Mysterious (Y/N), cause sure as hell you are mysterious."

"And I'm going to call you Joe Troh With The Fro," you said while smiling at him.

"Joe Troh With The Fro, has a nice ring to it, don't you think."

"Earlier I called you Bro With The Fro because I really didn't know you very well."

"How about we go on a date Miss Mysterious," he said while giving you a sly smile. 

The bell rang as he gave you a piece of paper.

Cafe. 5:00. Saturday

You smiled to yourself and slipped the note in your pocket.

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